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  1. It's not "Thailand", which want to have casinos but tycoons with influence, power and money. Money laundering is then much easier and profits astronomical. πŸ‘Ž. That at present the govt try to raise money wherever they can (farangs) is another thing.
  2. It's Gibberish, because you never met young women about 16 years old. They are not playing with dolls and are not into cooking. They are very much the same as any of those girls in London. Don't tell such nonsense they wouldn't know what they do/did. (In some countries you could vote recently with the age of 16. You think these young ones don't know what they're doing. How old are you? Beyond 100? Or blind?πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  3. I hope he mentioned Palestine and Israel as a pure Evil as wellπŸ™
  4. It's Putin's war. Not every Russian is a Putin's supporter. And most of the Russians who left Russia are not war participants.πŸ™
  5. Well, all result of stupid Western politics lead by the drowning hegemon.πŸ™
  6. Obviously in Buddhism as well in Thailand. Who that could be? Who's the Voldemort?πŸ€—
  7. Yes, they believe in democrazy.....you said it ...as crazy. A good leadership is more effective. (see Singapore, or China, India??) Democracy is on the downturn worldwide.πŸ™
  8. I read it once, I read it twice.....but what do you want to say or express? That monkeys are more intelligent when it comes to solving puzzles? But you were beating them in other disciplines? Have you already passed a gene's test? Just in case😳
  9. Wait untill it will be clear and sorted. Don't marter your brain this yearπŸ™
  10. You don't have any "right" to enter another country.. The officers can deny even without reasons. So, in this case.....bad luck.πŸ™
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