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About Yellowtail

  • Birthday 11/25/1957

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  1. So, like I said, no quote. You know what a quote is, yes?
  2. Do you have a quote? No? I thought not, you guys never do.
  3. I have Thai and a few US cards, for over twenty years and I only remember one fraudulent charge, and that was on a US card I used in Mexico. The reversed the charge, canceled the card and mailed out a new one overnight to my hotel. Only issue I had in Thailand was when I bought something, it was broken, and the vendor would not take it back. Citi reversed the charge.
  4. Hard to carry a cup of coffee riding a bike.
  5. Not a fan of RFKJ at all, but he would insist on trying to do the job, and they can't have that.
  6. Wow, you can cut and paste, and without credit, I'm impressed! But yeah, I know about all the allegations from the left, so? Your "source" seems to be an organizarion dedicated to ruining a great American's life. He has a rich friend. No one seems to mind when the others get gifts, only when it is strong, intelligent black man with a white wife that does not vote the way they like do the knives come out. Which of his rulings can be shown to have benefited Harlan Crow directly?
  7. The left does not care who they get in. Do you think Biden is doing anything? Notice how disposable he was. The same people that are running things now, will be running things when Kamala gets in.
  8. Oh, you believe in the same fairy in the sky as Biden and Obama, nice. We'll start to see clips of Kamala in church now too...
  9. Once I see it's from xylophone I know that any comments are are are are are a farce. LOL
  10. Yes, Biden supporters are all really smart and Trump supporters are all really stupid.
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