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    Hang Dong

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  1. The great Robert Helein predicted this in 1940: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"If_This_Goes_On—" a Christian populist becomes a US dkctator and spookingly enough its only twelve years out.. ((292 not 2024)
  2. As my mother (in her 70s/80s) was told by her doctor there was no point in giving up smoking as the effects would take too long to wear off - she was on five a day
  3. I'm fairly certain you can - certainly I've got a tube of Daivobet that I'm fairly sure I got here OTC
  4. I thought my eyes were getting worse - I thought 'surely that "d" is a "cl"' - maybe the AI writer needs glasses too.....
  5. It's not a federal offence so he can't be pardoned by a president (for this anyway)
  6. She got paid this while living OUTSIDE Thailand for her teaching work in a Thai temple in Europe.
  7. My wife has got a (miniscule) government pension for some years now living outside Thailand. What do you base this on? The pension she gets will buy a bowl of noodles I think.
  8. A sad story but I must confess this is not a new situtation. Since OAPs were introduced in 1947-ish it was always clear when leaving the UK the pension will be frozen (although this got changed with the EU and also Swiss residents, and for some unknown reason the Philippines). BUT: Us old fogies were ignored as we lose our vote so nobody cared what we thought after 15 years of non-residence, This law has changed - I've got my vote back! Whether I will receive my voting papers and return them in time is wishful thinking at best.
  9. Not like the British ones - how embarassing was that? Fire off a test missle of your "nuclear deterrent" and see it fall into the sea?
  10. Now let's try him for a) trying to influence an election result (can't remember where) by asking to find some extra votes b) stealing confidential documents and hiding them in his toilet and c) let's not forget encouraging a mob to take over Congress which may I say it is TREASON?
  11. You're right there is a chance he might actually not die in jail.
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