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  1. exactly. I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how to get FedEx to deliver my vitamins I ordered from Amazon. I have to submit a passport, give someone power of attorney, and fill in some forms. Bureaucracy here can be maddening! LOL
  2. Because "profits over people" is a constant in society. This kind of behavior obviously could be solved quickly by just refusing service to anyone that violates your policy. But that would cost money.
  3. Not the worst rule I've ever heard LOL. I think there is more to this story than "they honked so we stabbed them."
  4. Nor does he deserve one. I'm sure you are correct! He should leave this place immediately where they are nicer to people that kick doctors. TIT indeed.
  5. I think so. The salesman would beat them with a better price, the pilot wouldn't be so flighty, and the office clerk would probably just file it all away under "lessons learned."
  6. A dowry is not paid by the groom, it is paid TO the groom by the bride's family, as a thank you for taking the burden of the woman from her family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowry
  7. Is there any evidence that poor airport screening has anything to do with these bad actors? Wouldn't the rampant police corruption and bribery be a more logical place to start looking than slowing everyone down at the airport? Smells like security theatre.
  8. Maybe because of the lack of social fabric, whether it be families (decimated) or public programs (never adequate), to deal with their mental illness. They come here looking for an easy life and their problems come with them. Maybe?
  9. Something tell me this is not just a moment, but part of a pattern. You don't do this kind of thing just once in a while. As long as there is clear evidence, then let's just throw him off a fishing boat in deep water, and let the sharks have him.
  10. I think it's because it's cheap and easy to live here, and people of the type you mention (some are female btw) are unable to hold a job or get up in the morning or interact with their own cultures so they take refuge here.
  11. The seriousness to which this will be taken will be inversely proportional to the net worth of the foreigner.
  12. According to him, if you're rich he'll invite you to sit by his pool. He would only kick you if you are poor.
  13. The only reason this is getting attention is that the Thai victims were themselves upper class educated Thais. If they had been poor they also would have been ignored. It's not about race, it's about class. It's always about rich vs. poor, because the rich generally have little to no sympathy for poor people. https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/rich-less-empathetic-than-poor-study-says.html
  14. Good for you Thai people! Speak up. The police will not help you, you aren't rich enough to matter, so maybe it's time to stand up for your rights. Everywhere this guy goes he should be scorned and mocked until he learns his lesson and goes back to his own country in my opinion. What a scumbag.
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