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Bkk Brian

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  1. If you say so. Or if you are so interested in that then perhaps research to see what the questions actually were.
  2. I think it's more accurate to say that the majority of Ukrainians want someone to fight. I don't think the polls asked that. How is it more accurate?
  3. Facts are facts. They are not wrong. Good to see you have faith in the Kyiv data. Noted.
  4. This is not about points, its about facts which are: "The majority of Ukrainians also want to keep on fighting the illegal invasion."
  5. It certainly was funny that you thought it was from the Times of India when they sourced it from RT who in turn sourced it from Reuters after they had in fact sourced it from The Kyiv International Institute ........🤣
  6. Like I said in my first response to your original post: "The majority of Ukrainians also want to keep on fighting the illegal invasion."
  7. I know what channel the video is. Thats not the point. As for data from RT perhaps a handfull of the 7000 Ukraine civilians they have in prison?
  8. I didn't say you claimed it was more reliable, you did say............... Yet you still have avoided who actually did the poll in that vid you posted.
  9. So what poll was it and from where from? What makes it more reliable than other polls such as this one carried out last month and all the others that it quotes? When it comes to war outcomes, 73 percent of Ukrainians believed that Ukraine will eventually liberate all of its territories. A sizeable percentage also believed that Ukraine will regain some or all of its territories within the next year (56 percent) and that the war will end within two years (59 percent). While other polls have found less optimism about the current situation, the general belief in eventual victory is consistent across recent polls. https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/06/ukraine-public-opinion-russia-war?lang=en
  10. Says the apologist who posts a video quoting a poll............ Yes really
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