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  1. So from one couple being tested negative using T&G and allowed to roam infecting others, we now have over 100 new cases and all schools and educational institutions to close. Scary how quick the impact and damage one couple has caused when you consider the number arriving using the same method from countries like UK and USA, especially when you see photos at the airport such as the one posted above.
  2. Indeed, great effort from all involved despite the usual negative predictable Thai bashing.
  3. Bit like shutting the door after the Omicron has bolted. Potentially 6 days of infecting others, as in this case.
  4. Indeed, it was useful to see that photo to reinforce the message of how many will be entering in large uncontrolled groups such as that and go on to T&G where, if like the Kalasin couple, go on to be undetected and re infect.
  5. No it’s not, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right and the current situation in Kalasin shows the potential impact that could occur.
  6. “Most have probably had a booster”. Who are you, Mystic Meg? The risk to health may be smaller but the impact of one couple already slipping through T&G, in Kalasin, shutting down schools, bars, restaurants may be nothing to you. It may mean something to those affected with kids and/or trying to earn a living, so maybe think of others people that matter before posting your own selfish diatribe.
  7. Yes, I see from the other thread that they are now shutting re opened schools in Kalasin as a precaution as well as bars and restaurants so it’s already starting to affect the local community. Shutting schools again with more disruption to children’s education, the very thing people were trying to avoid. One couple slipping through the T&G process is already wreaking chaos in that province. Can you imagine what it will be like when another 90,000 exploit the loophole and visit from the covid hotspots. The potential is more schools shut and lockdowns re introduced if it gets out of control which using the Kalasin example wouldn’t take much to do. The very thing the Thai people dont need at this very time. This is not just about the health of Thai people, it’s about the further potential impact it will have on them. Yes, it’s already been shown how easily it is to catch covid while transferring through airports and flying irrespective of how careful you are or what class you claim to travel. Seems this couple may have been infected during this process.
  8. Yes, strange coincidence eh for them not to be the original source, and now schools shut as a precaution. Doesn’t bode well for the future 90,000 visitors to Thailand under T&G
  9. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-booster-omicron-protection-wanes-within-10-weeks/
  10. ……and now they are saying the boosters wane after 10 weeks so it’s a never ending cycle of jabs.
  11. Going by this report and the impact caused by having just one couple slip though the T&G undetected, I would be surprised if they continue leaving open the loophole for another 90,000 grandfathered arrivals from omicron hotspots to exploit. If they do and their policy remains the same then there will be further lockdowns in no time.
  12. Going by this example where one couple coming through T&G undetected has now infected so many and resulted in shutting down venues, it’s hard to understand how they are still leaving open the loophole for another 90,000 people arriving through the omicron hotspots to exploit the grandfathering loophole. They either need to reverse the decision and stop more potential clusters/lockdowns or stop playing lip service and open up for all and stop over reacting to every outbreak.
  13. “Thailand’s health authorities confirmed that all of the cases have been linked to international travelers.” Now that has been confirmed I would be surprised if they continue to allow another 90,000 to arrive and return from Omicron hotspots under the T&G grandfathering loophole, if they are genuinely concerned about the spread.
  14. Don’t worry too much. It’s pretty obvious where you are coming from for anyone who is capable of thinking for themselves.
  15. If that’s the case then open up for all and let the tourists in so the Thai people can get their lives back and stop the half hearted measures currently in place which only benefit those already applied through T&G using the loophole.
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