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  1. I have lived in Bangkok for 3 years and seen two fatal motorcycle accidents right in front of my condo. Neither person was wearing a helmet and brain matter was scattered all over the road. However, these accidents are not due to poor road conditions, driving like idiots is the number one cause. Motorcycle riders think they own the road (and the footpath mind you) and think everyone else is in "their" way. What's even worse is they ride on the footpath right in front of the police station next door to me and nothing is done about that either. So serves them right, nature has its way of weeding out the genetically unfit species.
  2. It never ceases to amaze me how this government is so worried about the foreigner when only 36%-37% of the population in Thailand is fully vaccinated. The government should be more protective of anyone that comes here and what those people might catch and be asymptomatic and take home with them. But not their problem, right?
  3. As they say "knowledge is power" and power is something that the government doesn't want the people to have.
  4. This is exactly why I have always stayed single. I live by the philosophy of "either put out or get out".
  5. Perhaps they upped it to 46 because no-one (very few) from the original 10 was coming? The rest of the world has become tired of Thailand's ???????? and discovered much more friendlier and nicer places to go ????
  6. I have always used the 800k option and the only thing CW requires is the bank letter the morning of and a quick look in the bank book for the running balance and the FTT deposit code.
  7. I follow the same rule of thumb as you and use cash back credit cards to pay for everything (shopping, utilities, etc). Love those monthly rewards! I always pay the balance in full every month and never paid 1 penny of interest. I use the banks money to get a little extra back each month ????
  8. My cell phone has internet connection, GPS and facial recognition. Is it a high-tech gizmo too? I love how these people like to portray themselves and boast about being so high-tech making the illiterate local population think they are being kept safe from the evil foreigners. If only they would keep all of us (evil foreigners) safe and do something about the monkeys on motorbikes riding on the footpath ????
  9. I can see that escalating to violence immediately without any prior warning ????
  10. Will it be with the same utmost care as the bars and pubs where the third wave started? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall reading in the "Thailand news media" the third wave was started by government officials mingling with prostitutes in the Thong lo (spelling?) area.
  11. Please add "Social construct of monkeys" to the negatives section.
  12. That's hilarious!!! I love how these people here speak with so little to no intelligence what-so-ever. So many countries including the US use these offshore resources to reduced labor costs. Speaking from my own personal experience in the US and working in the IT industry for over 40 years, we could hire 4 to 5 offshore resources for the same salary as we paid 1 onshore resource.
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