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Posts posted by kurtmartens

  1. Can anyone recommend a company in Chiang Mai to come out and set up my Asus AC3100 (RT-AC88U) VPN router?  My ISP is 3BB.  And I am about to loose what little mind I have trying to setup this new router.

  2. Okay I am an idiot.  I have a VPN (Express VPN) which works great on my Mac.  But.  I went through the step by step to use it to change the DNS and IP addresses on my 4th gen Apple TV - so I could geo unlock Netflix.  I have a US account, but Netflix in their wisdom likes geo locking.  Anyhow.  Step by step directions followed.  And then I loose the internet connection on the Apple TV or have a connection, but Netflix won't connect.


    I really would prefer to watch Netflix on my TV not my computer!  The VPN works fine on my Mac and unlocks Netflix there, just cant figure it out on my Apple TV.  I'll happily pay someone in Chiangmai to come over and sort this.  LOL

  3. On 7/14/2018 at 6:21 AM, missoura said:

    Recently, I have been watching a program on Netflix called Border Security. Basically, it shows how officials deal with people trying to enter the states. Many of these airline passengers try to pull the same stunts that a few Westerns do here in Thailand.


    One couple from Africa tried to use a personal check from a friend to show that they had enough money to enter America. Passengers from a SEA country had packed raw meat in their suitcase.  One young man had $400 for a 3-week tour of America. The list goes on.


    The program is worth a watch and here is a personal hint about border security in America. Don’t bother to pack any ‘nam prik’ in your suitcase. It gets tossed every time and my wife gets aggravated.


    We expats have to jump through the hoops in order to stay in Thailand and it is a pain in the butt. I have been doing it for close to 20 years now and the hoops continue to move back and forth. And, I still get aggravated…


    Why does the nam prik get thrown out?  Just oddly curious.


  4. 12 hours ago, CMBob said:

    Agree although the Consulate is guaranteeing that the person (name and passport number) is in fact the person who signed the document.  The form itself contains no language at all that a consulate or embassy is verifying any of the substantive information in the affidavit itself.  I have no idea how most countries decided to make a signer present proof of the income they claim in the affidavit but, for whatever reason, the US has not done that.

    And, until there are repeated reports of CM Immigration requiring US citizens (who rely on the income affidavit for their annual extension based on retirement) to present such proof to CM Immigration, I remain skeptical that there has been any general change of policy at CM Immigration about this.  Time will tell. 

    This was quite a pain for my parents this month.  They have "moved" to Chiangmai for a year to stay with us (really the grandkids - LOL) and even with our fixer (who has never had a problem at Immigration before) my parents had to submit banking proof of their social security and pensions to Immigration (plus my birth certificate to prove I was their sone who they were living with, not sure why that mattered.).  Regardless of already going to the Consulate and getting the affidavit sworn to, etc. 


    TIT, but for once I found the whole process a bit silly.  Why Immigration wanted banking proof PLUS the sworn and notarized statement seems ... overkill.  But, hey ... not my country I suppose.

  5. Just a bit of info which may have been posted already in the 24 pages or helpful to someone else like that got lazy and let a non Thai license expire.  Apologies if already covered, etc.


    My US Virgina license expired a few years ago, I had been using my UAE license in its place.  I wanted to/try to convert my UAE license to a Thai license before it expired last month, but the DMV/Dept of Land Transport was quite adamant that since it was an "Arabic" license I would need to send it to the UAE Embassy in Bangkok and get it "translated" and a letter saying it was a real license (my word not theirs).  This even though the license is in Arabic AND English clearly and I have my UAE (now revoked since we moved back to Thailand) residency visa in my passport.  


    If I didn't want to send my UAE license to Bangkok, then I would have to take both the driving test and the written test and hope for the best, etc.  


    I found a driving school that for 5,000 Baht gave me both the driving test and written test with a passing mark (2 day class) and an approval license to go get my license at the DMV today.  I know some might balk at paying for a service I could have done myself, but ...my choice.


    I did just want to pass on the information about the driving school(s) for folks who might not having a license that is easily transferred to a Thai license.  Or was stupid and let one that does, expire ... like me in the first place.

  6. 4 minutes ago, suave said:

    These guys have to get them licensed with a local authority that costs about B250,000 if my memory serves me right.  They have a lot of expenses including yearly dues to pay.  The grab people pay nothing but take the business.

    And that is the fault of the Grab people?  You cannot blame them that they don't have to pay anything (not sure, but I'll take your word about that).  You cannot blame them that the Songtaew drivers invested a large sum and a potentially bad "investment"; there are no guarantees in business after all.  I live in Chiangmai, but since we have our own truck I have never had to take Grab or a Songtaew here.  However, when I am in Phuket I do take Grab because the taxi "mafi" there is outrageous with refusing to turn on meters and trying to charge 200/400 Baht for a 1-2km quick ride, etc.


    I am not unfeeling towards the Songtaew guys for trying to make a living, but this all seems very much like how the US airlines are up in arms against the GCC airlines.  Afraid of competition.  I really do believe more choices lead to better service and experience for the customers.


    Is the solution makes the Grab folks pay the same licensing fees?  I don't know.  But ... again and again competition in the market places always proves to be the best way.

  7. On 7/6/2018 at 5:35 PM, suave said:


    I can see most of you dont know your butt from your head and just want to scream out how much you hate Thailand.  These guys are not taxi mafia.  They run simi routes but will detour to get you close to your end stop.  The first klic or two is only B20 then it is B40, you ask the guy before getting in and then pay when you get off.  I have waved them down and asked how much to make a special run to the airport with no stops or picking up of other riders and got quoted less than a B100 and when I said I would pay B200 they were very happy to get me there.  these are not taxies - these are hop on hop off mass transit.

    Sorry ... then what are they all getting pissy about with Grab?  What is wrong with competition and a bit of free market?  

  8. 33 minutes ago, canopy said:


    No different than any other thread. Just ignore the garbage people that become miserable when they see a good thing happen.


    What has the government done since the kids were found? Pump water day after day praying for no rains in the rainy season, get  an expert diver killed doing what they expect of the kids to do to exit the cave, move in 4 months of food, hog all the oxygen with hoards of helpers creating an almost catastrophe, and praise the monks saying the outcome is not in doubt and pray to the mountain spirits.This is simply appalling to watch. It's Elon who has emerged as the first rational person that really cares about the kids and understands they desperately need to get out of there immediately with safety being the highest priority.


    I very much agree with you ref Musk.  But, felt the need to point out that even during a crisis the Thavisa community (or some) prove once again ... everyone knows better.

  9. Not that this will win me many more Thaivisa friends. 


    I clicked on the article link from my email to read about the latest from Musk and the struggle to get these kids out of the cave .... and out of 8 pages almost all of it is the typical Thaivisa bickering, second guessing and knowing better attitude.  ?  Bit sad really that even during this emergency situation the usual Thaivisa posts keep ... posting.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/7/2018 at 10:50 AM, agudbuk said:
    On 1/18/2018 at 10:16 AM, kurtmartens said:
    So you willingly broke the law?  

    50mph adequate on busy urban road.

    Adequate or not isn't the point.  If the speed limit is posted and someone decides for himself what he will drive and breaks the law ... then getting on a soapbox about it (not you) .... no sympathy.

  11. 37 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

    I apologize for my misinformation. It is a queue number. I always assumed it was a matching system for passport, but I'm wrong. 

    I've just never heard them calling out numbers.

    Savaankhet is the same way.  Its not a queue number, its just how the staff easily match you to the paperwork when you pickup.  Last time I was ticket #1, but when I went back the next day I still had to wait in line as I was 3rd or 4th.  Its not a queue/line number.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I’m not sure which is worse... 


    The Guys who complain about Songkran or the guys who complain about the guys who complain about Songkran... 


    Or, the guys who start a thread complaining about the guys who complain about Songkran!!!! 

    Well played sir, well played.  LOL

    • Haha 1
  13. Can't wait to start reading the postings from our fellow curmudgeon expats moaning about Songkron and how they got squirted and/or cannot leave the house for days for fear of the locals and the water guys.  :-P

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, agudbuk said:
    On 1/18/2018 at 10:16 AM, kurtmartens said:
    So you willingly broke the law?  

    50mph adequate on busy urban road.

    Yes.  50mph/80kph is what the posted speed was.  If the driver was doing 100 and not 80 then he happily broke the law and really doesn't have much to moan about when he is pulled over by the Highway Patrol or local BiB.  Breaking the law, no matter what we think of it, is still breaking the law.

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