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  1. Sorry my mistake, it’s these guys you linked (pistc.com) that are currently undergoing the recertification process so not available at this time,, MOGIT only offer some STCW modules but not the full basic course as they used to when I did it a few years back yep, updated my FOET a couple times at Falck in Bangkok but they don’t seem to offer the STCW apparently. Looks like the only valid option is a trip to Phuket
  2. Decided to start a new post since last info in the searches about 3 years old Anyone recently done it or know where I can have it done, I understand Phuket still do it and next date there is next month but prefer somewhere closer around Pattaya or Bangkok I last did it about 5 years back at MOGIT banglamung but they’re currently under recertification process and can’t really wait as I need this within the next month, I don’t see it amongst available courses at Falck Nutec Bangkok, any confirmed options where I can have it done preferably without having to hop on a flight. edited to add in checking my old certs, it was actually 7 years since I last did it at MOGIT banglamung
  3. Wow, thanks for all the replies, hadn't really checked back till now as I already had the required info from a poster, appreciated from both those respondents who advised on specifically what I was looking for, and also to those with other suggestions, finished up buying her an AIO as planned, and to answer some questions that I don’t really need to answer, yes she certainly could’ve bought one by herself, however I bought it as a bit of a Christmas present, she was quite delighted with it, although it was to help her in her work setup and not really as an irrelevant gift. Quite interesting and humorous to read some of the counter replies, thanks for those too,
  4. Thanks, I’ll check out Pattaya2u next time in town
  5. Any recommendations where to look in and around pattaya, Chon Buri, sriracha etc,, without having to travel to Bangkok, I would even consider a decent used one, I’ve checked tukcom and see little choice there, not sure about the online (invadeit or advice) as I’d rather see the product, I understand better options available and better for upgrading if avoiding All in One PC but it’s what the mrs wants for her works set up. thanks
  6. Jeez, didn’t realize it was so long ago I last used the service, but checking back on my emails I see it was in 2018, time flies. great I’ll check out that other option on return from my next assignment thanks
  7. Returned from an assignment in Middle East last week, immigration queues back to pre covid levels, as title suggests Bangkok Flight Services no longer offer options to use the immigration fast track as part of their package for arriving customers flying on economy, any other options other than the obvious “business or first class travel” to pass through the lengthy queues?.
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