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Posts posted by jmccarty

  1. Lots of Asian guys are interested in White gals. Not sure what Molly's really looking for in a guy or what she has to offer. Normally it takes chemistry and don't know what a 3 day rule really is. Putting a timer on a relationship, if that's what she really wants is like not putting a timer on roast in the oven and using your psychic powers to determine when it's done.

    If Molly only really had 1 relationship before coming to Bkk. Could be she is happy being alone?

    • Like 2
  2. Cheers to all above. I know they can be a risk, but as I said, must be a good butcher that takes pride in making a decent dog. I will look up SS Sausage. I'll leave Big C for now. Sabrett's or Nathan's - Where! Would like to track them down in Thailand but google does not reveal them here in Pattaya.

  3. It is not possible to import 2nd hand cars at all at the moment. Not sure when or if it ever will be again. That is unless you are a Thai national student returning from overseas and you owned it for over 18 months. Then you may import it duty free.

  4. Take a look at item 14 in the link below that refers to Russian organised crime in Thailand.


    Er, that's the same intelligence apparatus that reported weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!

    Very easy for US intel people to point at Pattaya and equate Russians living and holidaying here with anything they want to.

    Somebody mentioned the Brits and what some of them are up to. No doubt, same goes for Americans, Aussies, Germans, French, Chinese, etc.

    I really doubt that the Russians as foreigners have a monopoly on crime in Thailand.

  5. Appeared to be intoxicated..Bladdered, Mr. Vincent suddenly realizes nobody is sitting next to him anymore. Gets the check bin, picks up his phone and puts it in his pocket. Staggers to the next pub for a roady and sits down for a chat, Mr. Vincent speaks Thai quite well so easily starts a new conversation with little Noi. Suddenly, an angry Kai is standing in front of him demanding her phone! Mr. Vincent has no idea what she is on about. Kai's voice raises 50 decibels and others thinking she is having a problem with a drunken falang rush to her rescue. By this time, Mr. Vincent starts thinking, "<deleted>" stands up and calls for his check bin here.."This is getting to be too much" he thinks. Suddenly, Kai has her hands in his pocket and pulls out the Samsung phone. Mr. Vincent starts thinking through the haze "<deleted>" again. Then realizes "my phone is in the hotel room, isn't it?" He then goes on to explain, I didn't steal your phone...but it's too late. The mob of bar workers and their supporters have made up their mind. Get the cops, get rid of this thieving falang!

    I'm often amazed at how many times I remember to pick up my phone from the bar or restaurant and seem to have it on me when I get home or the next morning if out on a prowl. But thank f I have never picked someone elses up.

    But, if he really did steal it, what a plonker!

  6. Russian mafia in tourism? That would be the infamous and brutal English to Russian language translation syndicate and the viscous Borshch and pirozhki cooks underground and dont forget the most dangerous of them all, the Russian speaking tour guides gang that extort 100s of baht per day from the most lucrative high end tourists here on budget package tours.

    I do know, because I have seen that the BIB come to check on the welfare of several of my falang friends bars and restaurants to ensure these ruthless Russian mafia are not holding the defenceless publicans families hostage or forcing them to pay protection money or money just to keep business as usual.

    But that is another issue.

    • Like 1
  7. I shouldn't be surprised.. I know this is Thailand but can anyone tell me why PTT does not have a disaster response plan in place for such events.

    Why does a huge corporate like PTT not have the ability to cognitively think about this .

    OK we have an offshore crude oil feed line

    The feed line at x pressure and y viscosity of product and z diameter of line is capable of delivery X litres of oil per minute.

    If the line was breached at any point in the undersea section then we can turn off land based valves within A minutes.

    This then would mean that maximum potential oil spill would be X litres/ min x A minutes = Y litres

    For purpose of good environmental practice and corporate stewardship inflate this figure by 50% = 1.5Y litres

    To contain 1.5Y litres we would need T metres of deployable boom. ( T metres of boom also configured on the nature of the oil being moved and its relative viscosity and surface film thickness on salt water)

    Part of this deployment process is linked to National Meteorology site so we can interface with prevailing winds and tide action so as to be able to place boom in front of oil slick.

    Land based valve is tested twice monthly to ensure it is operable within given time allocation.

    Complete disaster handling plan 101 in place, signed and checked off and operators at site are cognisant of plan and of actions required.

    Additional Plan 101A in place to cope with oil slick once PLan 101 of suitable boom deployment has been satisfactorily achieved.

    To not have suitable boom capability when they know potential size of any oil leak is environmental negligence in its extreme.

    So why does PTT not have this.... because they don't have to thats why.... PTT is about profits and in particular one particular shareholders interest. Oil companies around the world are now required to have sustainable and meaningful disaster response plans in place... for PTT to not have enough boom controls when its sooo easy to work out just what is needed is just criminal. I d hope the affected folks in Koh Samui start a joint class action against these environmental hoodlums and I hope the current government has enough balls to take PTT through the wringer

    Alas however it is Thailand and my obvious western views on this are just that.... PTT will claim it wasn't their fault and prevailing weather conditions attributed to the disaster, that they did have a disaster plan in place but it wasn't able to cope with this particular disaster. Folks on Koh Samui whose livelihood will be offered a monthly subscription to the local som tam cart as compensation and the government will launch a vigorous probe into the disaster which will find nothing more than what PTT has said which shouldn't surprise anyone as the same large investor in PTT also has a similarly large investment in how the government operates.

    Mostly agree, but geography is a ways off!

  8. I am often amused by the Bht figures reported as either needed for something or lost in goverment revenue such as the luxury car importing scandal.

    This one esentailly calls for equiv. of US$9,853 to purchase 1 of the 140 cameras, wire it up, build a command centre and man that plus maintain it for an indefinite period.. Ok, just call it for a year. That's $821/month budget per camera or $27/day each. That will get a very high standard of camera, cable system and command centre plus manpower to support it in 1960!

  9. Bkk, no comparison to Singapore either if you like trendy modern night clubs.

    Not sure there is enough falang people in the 20-30 age range to support that living in Bkk. In Singapore and even KL and Jakarta, the locals are just as interested in the latest international house music as they are in same but native tongue equivalent. Turn the radio dial here in Thailand and don't hear much equivalent so to be expected it aint here in the clubs either!

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