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Posts posted by ajarnmarc

  1. Sounds like a typical over pass overtake, where the thai just assumed the other car would get out of the way.

    Happens all the time in Koh Samui, and it's a daily scare if you don't keep your eye on the road,

    and move out of the way quickly. Since thai's hate to face responsibilty for their mistakes, it's not to surprising that the driver fled. All the passanger were young and had a whole life ahead of them, it really is a shame for their families, and if this was a local thai accident, all hell would break loose for their loss.

    Very sad indeed for the tourist.

    Sorry, what do you mean by "over pass overtake"?

    Another car trying to pass are a car going slower,

    or safely due to the conditions. That is over pass overtake.

  2. If it's reported as being a head on collision what more details do you want or need?

    Who got in the wrong lane and who was passing another car. Just look who fleed,

    and the fact that it was reported as a head on collision, and there aren't any other witnesses coming forward to dispute what has already been reported. If you've ever been in this situation you would know that it's a matter of timing, to get the hell out of the way. The passangers at least appear to have had a driver, that was local people.

  3. The Thai's think or like to say that Foreigners can't hold their liquor, well it looks like the same goes across the board. It is true that they think they are above the law, and do very little to uphold the law here. Just interested in how much they can get off of the Foreigners trying to have a good time and enjoy their holiday, never mind upholding the law equally across the regions they serve. I have had several dealing with the Police and they have never been helpful, no matter what the time is you seek their service, it's always best to deal with the matter on our own. So a few got taken out by their own. If it had been at the hands of a foreigner, for sure this would of made front page news.

  4. Bankoklight excellent post, your post indicates you "get it" many do not and will never do so.

    "The TAT government official is at the top of scam so wouldn't do anything about it. Please understand this."

    Difficult, if not impossible for most to understand that things are this screwed up in Thailand.

    I've lived here for 11 years, and just when I think I have figured things out,

    especially how to avoid getting tripped up, there seems to be something new that comes along;

    like this blockade for the cruise ship, who would of ever guessed that the locals would of showed so blatantly their jealously

    for another company just providing service for their customers, yes taking business from another, who really made the customers choice easy.

    It's just important to stay informed as the Thai officials love to do when tourist do something wrong, then they are so proud to say how bad we are.

    I have just heard so much noise lately about how bad Samui is and how much better Phuket is, and though Samui has it share of problems it can't even play in the same field as Phuket. We have also heard a lot about Pattaya as well, and yet it is nothing compared to Phuket. But we heard mostly about Pattaya because it was the foreigners that were causing the trouble. We all understand that this is not our country, and in comparison that's a good thing, and why most of us are here. But it doesn't mean that we need to turn a blind eye to being scammed, when it can be avoided. Though the Thai government won't do anything about fixing the problems their own people make, we can at least effect the result of their actions by avoiding the area where the problems are high, as I did, and just moved out of Katu. Thailand as a whole is better than my country, and I'm grateful for that, but it's not paradise either, it's just the stop inbetween, to wherever paradise lies???

  5. Would those who don't like being in Thailand kindly leave and go somewhere else and bitch

    If you don't like the thread, you don't have to read it!

    We see only one posting sharing your thoughts,

    but the majority of the people are sharing their frustrations,

    and opinions and that's what this thread is for.

    If we make any difference by doing so....

    well the jury is out on the issue.

    The point is, it's our right to express, share, and be informed,

    so hopefully it doesn't happen to others.

    Your probably one of those guys that when you ask how do you get this done in Thailand,

    or prevent this from happening,

    and you tell them they must learn for themselves,

    you're not interested in them learning from your experiences, yeah?

  6. LOS .. Land of Stupidity .. yes. Taxi drivers mafia fighting for the spoils .. yes. The police job was to break them up and restore the order in which the tourists should be free to go as they are pleased .. yes. Taxi mafia, jet-ski mafia connected with police (mafia) and the politicians .. yes. The latest is due to the voting might that these large groups of people yield on whoever is in power or wants to be elected locally.

    But I disagree that taxis are rip-off in Thailand and on the islands in particular. I'd not like people to think that I'm on the side of scummy tuk-tuk drivers that deserve to be despised but as far as taxi prices go Thailand is not overpriced at all.

    Taxis are particularly inexpensive in Bangkok where there are many people, mostly Thai customers who use them daily. That usually means that the drivers can scrape a living if they get one fare after another and manage that in a cleaver way. But in less congested places like Phuket or Samui that a taxi is usually hired for a longer trip with little hope for the driver of getting a following customer one cannot expect the fares to be as low as in Bangkok. This is something most tourists don't understand. This is why most taxi fares are "set" between the places and taxis don't want to use meters outside of Bangkok. Please compare those "high" fares outside of Bangkok to the fares in your country. Compare the costs to be fair. The cost of cars in Thailand is often higher than in Europe and the cost of petrol is comparable to prices in Australia and higher than in USA. The taxi charges 500 THB ($16.50) for the trip from Chaweng to Nathon in Samui that is 24km. And it may need to go back empty! How much will the taxi fare be in your country for that? One of the reasons that some drivers try to ask for higher than set prices is that people coming from "1st world" destinations are accustomed to their own rip-offs and willing to pay that.

    I could be mistaken but the trick of taxi drivers is to get a fare to one destination and then find a fare to another destination, yes?

    Not be paid for a fare to a customers destination and a return to the starting point. If you was lucky enough to get a taxi fare from Chaweng to Nathon for only 500 baht, as you claim, that really isn't what people have been stating on this forum as an unfair price, however looking at the cost of propane (15.99 baht of less on Samui) as is the case of fuel these tuk tuk and taxi are running on, and even if they were running on 95 gasohol @ 36 baht a liter, your 24km would of cost the taxi no more than 72 baht for a round trip, so that 500 baht fare would of given the driver a profit of 428 baht, even if we don't consider it's the taxi driver job to find a fare at the destination not for the customer to pay for the return, as the taxi would like us to think. Now if we consider the cost of what it would be in our home country, then there would be no reason to pay the airfare to travel somewhere cheaper to enjoy our holiday/ vacation would there? The cost of living is cheaper in Thailand than in our home country, so the huge profit the taxi drivers and the like make on our visit goes much farther than it would if they was looking after a local.

    I think that most on this forum were really talking about how they try to get over on the tourist, by treating us as if we are stupid, and don't know what is a fair price to get from one point to another. The locals act like they don't really care about the tourist coming to Thailand, as they treat us like we must pay, pay, pay if we want to visit, and this is before we get into the language barrier which again they don't see any reason to learn how to communicate, this is Thailand and tourist must take a crash course in Thai language if they wish to be understood, Thai's are special they don't need to speak English. If the focus was on service, friendliness, and not hard sell, and pay what I tell you to pay, then most probably wouldn't complain about the cost for the trip. I never see the taxi/tuk tuk drivers asking a local if they want a taxi, and ask is putting it kindly. As I read previously one guy was asked 50 times within 30 meters, by different drivers. We know they are there,

    we can't miss their presence, and they are there for more than to just offer a ride. See what happens if you have a falling out with someone fluffing your bar tab, or restaurant bill, all the taxi/ tuk tuk drivers will appear to help the business owner collect the money again that they tell the customer you must pay, and even after you have calmed down and excepted the terms, the taxi tuk tuk drivers will be the ones kicking your ass all the back to your hotel. You have no rights and no say about anything, and really need to pay as you go, meaning order a drink, pay for it right away, or you will get subjected to getting ripped off, or beaten down by at least 50 of these less than friendly, certainly not helpful taxi tuk tuk drivers. This posting has gathered so much attention because so many have been ripped off, or worse, and I for one have seen it all, and luckily been able to avoid it first hand, but only because I kept my eyes open and paid attention while I was out. Just stand on a balcony some time and watch how they treat the tourist, and you'll won't have to watch long to see what you will need to avoid to stay out of harms way. I seen how they treat our fellow service men, during their port visit, it's hard for the men to just relax, and the military police are working double time just to keep trouble from starting, the taxi drivers would love to trip one or three of our men up so the 50/100 plus men standing by their cars can pound on the group of guys trying to enjoy their evening, it's a joke that they want to visit Patong. Pattaya they at least stand a chance of having a relaxing evening, and be on their way the next day or two, but for sure that isn't the case in Patong, unless you do everything you can to stay invisible, and that's hard to do when you're in uniform.

  7. Please, no offence to the many good people(thai&expat) living in Phuket.

    But why on earth any one would want to live in a place with such over inflated prices

    and losey service is beyond me.

    I agree and ask people that question all the time, when they say Phuket is growing,

    and the preferred spot to be over say Chiang Mai. My location isn't much better in Samui,

    where like Phuket if you rent or have a car, it's also almost impossible to find a place to part it close to your venue.

    All the taxi's and tuk tuk claim the roads side curbs as their reserved place to park.

    In Phuket where I lived for two years, I used to get followed from where I had to park my car, walking back to the location I wanted to visit,

    being asked repetitively if I wanted a ride? Like no one is allowed to walk in Phuket? Not to mention this issue wouldn't of been able to take place,

    if I had been able to park closer to say the video store... I would show my car keys, but the taxi's or tuk tuk would just follow me anyway,

    all the way to the door entrance. I was strong sell everywhere you went! You would think that since they are like to local landscape, with their vehicles parked

    in front of every poplular area, that if someone wanted a taxi, they would just jump in, and wouldn't need to be pressured into taking a ride to their next location.

    In Phuket it's not enough that taxi want to been seen everywhere but they also want to be heard!

    In Samui they either try to push you down the road, if your on a motorcycle or in a car looking at something on the side of the road, or they run you off the road,

    because they can't wait to pass the car in front of them, and just pass cars at will. You literally have to keep your eye straight on both sides, for what's coming in front of you maybe from the oncoming traffic. Ideally it appears the taxi would want us not to drive at all, or be provided transfers from the hotels, tour groups ect.

    It's really becoming an impossible situation. One thing that Pattaya has seemed to master to some extent is the song tail that will get you just about anywhere you want to go for 20 baht flat fee, and almost everyone takes it at night, just to avoid having to find someplace to park.

    Tourism in my eye since 2000, has gone down hill, due mostly to hospitality, that being lack of. Prices continue to climb, though quality remains the same and friendliness is only there if your spending money, and they can see the money being spent with one of their own. It's impossible to just walk around or drive around and be left alone, to enjoy Thailand how you wish. You must spend money if you venture out on your own. Amazing Thailand has grown to be Greedy Thailand.

  8. it's pissing down right now in ban tai samui

    Where's Ban Tai?

    I asked the misses and she doesn't know either.

    According to http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/48550.html?MR=1

    we are supposed to receive some rain today, but not much.

    Lets hope the forecast is accurate???

    I'm still trying to pick up damaged material from the last rain,

    so I can repair it for my customers.

    post-100580-0-92454500-1301982692_thumb.But I need it to dry out first.

  9. This from Accuweather for next week. It is showing an awful lot of rain again.I just wish it would stop :(


    same here. steady rain coming down in bang por now and i'm supposed to be driving to malaysia tomorrow.

    Accuweather is everything except accurate... See today!

    Just saying...

    Using the map of http://www.windfinde...st_asia_akt.htm



    is the way to go, according to me :)

    There seems to be a lot of people spreading rumors about us getting hit again and it being worse or last for the whole month of April.

    I've personally checked with intellicast. com and http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/48550.html?MR=1,'>http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/48550.html?MR=1,

    and yeah I see we might get rain each day leading up to the 10th, but nothing like what we just got.

    In fact on the 9th is the heavyest currently rated at being water equivalent of 1.57 mm,

    but other than that everyday rates in at less than water equivalent of 0.36 mm.

    I've asked some of these people to tell me where they saw this other storm coming in on us this coming week,

    and no one has been able to produce a site for me to view, as I'm now doing for all of you.

    It's nice to have a heads up on what's coming as long as it can be backed up with some sort of real intel,

    and I have yet to see it anywhere from the various sites I've viewed.


    may or mayn't be the best form of information, but it was and has been accurate as far as weather forecast go,

    thus far, so I have no reason to not believe what they have posted going forward.

  10. Just heard from one of my security guards listening to Samui Radio that they have been blowing up the boulders in the road on way to Lamai- any updates please as i really dont fancy an island tour to get back to Lamai from Chaweng.

    Many Thanks

    The rocks are indeed being jackhammered apart,

    but it will probably take a couple of days before they are gone completely.

    I was by there today, and they had just started working on it.

    There was some people taking photos so there should be some posted soon,

    for you to see, though it's not progressing very fast.

    Police were there this evening directing traffic to some degree.

    Hope this was helpful.

  11. Thinking I might be wasting my time, going to Tesco Chawang today, I was more than surprised to find that they actually had everything I needed.... Milk, bread, cornflakes, veggies (fairly good selection) .... cheese etc.... :DBut still no Tesco Dark chocolate, which they've been out of for months :realangry:

    Staff busily restocking shelves.... amazingly too, no line up at the tils .... :)

    As for the ring road between Maenam & Chawang, not too bad, a few foot washing puddles, but tons of sand, which crews were starting to clear.... Several signs along the road saying to "Slow Down" .... Saw one Bob Cat with bucket scooping up sand...

    Garbage pick up obviously behind, but they were working on that... lots of sodden mattresses... out with the general rubbish bags... those would fill the trucks quickly...

    Well at least a dryer day, let's hope it lasts!

    Yeah me too. We've had enough rain this year. It wasn't fun going through the two months of drought, without a drop of water coming from the tap, but this is so much more damaging and hard to work around.

    Great update concerning everything most of care to know about, very helpful indeed.

    I'll make the journey tomorrow for sure.

    Thanks for your insight, and feedback.

    Travel safely all, and lets hope the worst is behind us,

    which I believe from everything I've reviewed, it is.

    All the best,


  12. Car now full of diesel and fridge now stocked with fresh produce.


    Congratulations you done well. Did you happen to shop at Big C or Lotus Chaweng?

    I understand Lotus Lamai is still closed.

    I got the fuel, now I need the food...

    Anyone know how the supermarkets are fairing?

    7-11 near Namuang waterfall 2 has a few items,

    and I was lucky to get milk, but it was the last one.

    Diesel at Caltex Chaweng yesterday evening and produce at Big C.

    Great, so Big C has restocked?

    I'm glad to hear it, we are down to milk and rice,

    and some vegetables from the local market.

    I didn't want to make the venture all the way over to Big C area if the Lotus & Big C are dry,

    what a waste of time. I have mold growing in my truck already,

    and it hasn't left the house except to the gas station once.

    I figure I'll have to get it treated at Carrcare Big C,

    while I stock up on the food.

  13. Car now full of diesel and fridge now stocked with fresh produce.


    Congratulations you done well. Did you happen to shop at Big C or Lotus Chaweng?

    I understand Lotus Lamai is still closed.

    I got the fuel, now I need the food...

    Anyone know how the supermarkets are fairing?

    7-11 near Namuang waterfall 2 has a few items,

    and I was lucky to get milk, but it was the last one.

    Well the power just went out in Namuang and Lipa Noi,

    down the street from Nikki Beach.

    Could be a good time to go grocery shopping,

    but where?

    Lotus Lamai is still closed.

    Anyone know about Nathon Lotus,

    though I hate the express mart,

    or Chaweng Lotus or Big C?

    I'm running off of my power supply,

    so hopefully the power won't be out for long...

  14. Car now full of diesel and fridge now stocked with fresh produce.


    Congratulations you done well. Did you happen to shop at Big C or Lotus Chaweng?

    I understand Lotus Lamai is still closed.

    I got the fuel, now I need the food...

    Anyone know how the supermarkets are fairing?

    7-11 near Namuang waterfall 2 has a few items,

    and I was lucky to get milk, but it was the last one.

  15. Blackwolf what area you see the gas trucks you sure they were not the water trucks

    I ask since they are both similar in size

    I live between Lamai and Chaweng Noi and I surely know the differens between water and gasoline-trucks. So now you can fill up your care/motorbike.

    I'm sure you do, they really don't look anything alike other than perhaps shape, but gas are larger than the water trucks typically running around...

    None the less, thanks for the great news, I certainly didn't want the resellers to profit from this situation, and that's what I saw the people doing at the station near me, buying for resale, even diesel. Hopefully the government will step in and subsidize the diesel again to help ease our losses in the south for a few months anyway....

  16. Just got back from Lamai...no problems getting there at all. There was a bit of water on the roads 1-2 inches at most and a lot of sand but they are shovelling that to the sides in great mounds. The worst bit was on the bend near Hinta Hin Yai, still a big puddle of water but it is only blocking one side of the road, so no problem. You can even get through with a bike or a small car. Tesco Lami is closed. They have blocked off the road into the complex so you can't even get into the carpark but no point anyway.

    Lamai beach road is pretty much business as usual with most shops open. The "Friendly" supermarket is open, as were many other mom and pop supermarket type shops. Didn't go in but from the road it looked like they still had stock. . All the 711's and Family marts on the way were open. Lamai has power. Most ATM's seem to have power...

    Lamai Fresh market is open but not much produce, a friend of mine said she managed to get a few vegetables. McDonalds is open on the beach road if you dare eat that food!

    Not much else to report...still need to know about the road from Lamai to Chaweng and the airport road...anyone?

    Great update, lots of important info for all of us locals that are interested in knowing before we stuff the roads with even more traffic.

    Thank you for you time and effort to help keep the rest of us informed. Water is still off in Namuang, but at least we still have electric,

    and of course the phone lines are still up, so all is well.

  17. You can check all weather predictions :

    Click here for the Thai Meteorological Department's forecast for Koh Samui.

    Click here to see the Accuweather 15-day forecast for Samui.

    Click here or Click here to see the most recent radar image.

    Click here for the TMD's general forecast for Thailand.

    Click here for Windguru Koh samui.

    Click here for Thaivisa Koh Samui weather.

    click here for Wunderground.

    Click here for Wolframalpha.

    Great info, Thank you for your time and effort.

  18. We are venturing out in a while to Tesco Lamai...will let you know if it is open and the road conditions...

    Lotus Lamai is reported to be closed. Lotus Nathon is out of food and Big C has photos of there being nearly out as well.

    Hope this saved you a trip?

    Can anyone keep the rest of us posted when things start to get better?

    Food and fuel supplies will take time to return,

    so hopefully we can get together and keep eachother informed to save what little we all have left....

    It would also be great if the ones that do venture out can get photos of the road conditions.

    I saw that 7-11 has there lights back on and are doing business again, so the good news at least.

  19. Just been informed by Seatran that they have 3 boats running this morning. 9am - 10am -11am after that the wind is due to pick up again so a bit iffy ? :o

    Great news, thank you this is really what people will hopefully start to focus on, info like this that can be useful for travel, and supplies.

    Does anyone know if those ferries made the trips scheduled?

    This will be most helpful to get supplies badly needed to the island. From the photos I saw of Big C,

    it looks like the store is all out of food, and if that's the case it could take days to restock the store.

    I can imagine the roads to Donsak are probably difficult to get through, once the ferries start back up again.

    Also anyone know the conditions for traveling from Lamai to Chaweng? I read that it's impassible as of yesterday,

    how about today?

  20. We are venturing out in a while to Tesco Lamai...will let you know if it is open and the road conditions...

    Great thank you so much. I have a family of six and haven't been to the store since Sunday,

    so our supplies are very low. We could do much after monday, since the ATM machines were all down over on this side, and I traveled as far as Rummania Boutique looking for an Atm machine that was on, before returning back to Namuang. My wife was able to find an atm machine working today, and friends informed me that Nikki beach has power going to the atm machine there, but the conditions to travel that way were just to dangerous for retrieving money, so I avoided that trip.

    I can imagine the food supplies will be very low if there is any food on the shelfs at all? I have seen trucks stocking the 7-11 stores somehow, but the lights are all out at 7-11 and they were just letting one person in the store at a time, as of yesterday; if this info helps anyone?

    We still don't have water on this side either, but I'm grateful to just have electricity for the time being, it's a blessing for sure.

  21. 7:30am in Baan Taling Ngam. We essentially are on an island between the ocean and the vastly overflowed pond behind us. Amazingly, still have power, water (in the pipes), and internet! Landlord said that while I might be able to get my high clearance 4W drive truck through the water to get to work I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SEE IF THE ROAD WAS STILL THERE UNDER ME. Very good advice, I expect there are multiple areas with collapsed sections of roads from the force of the water and poorly constructed drainage. And remember that moving water can easily push a car or truck that has been lifted up (floating) off of the road into dangerous situations. This is one of the most common causes of fatalities during floods. Also just heard of a tree down across the road in my neighborhood.

    Here is a list of places to be wary of that I saw on my drive yesterday.

    Saket to Baan Thale: going up big hill where they have cut away the hillside for fill dirt the road is filled with rocks and road wearing away at side

    Entering Lamai from Hua Thanon side same big pond at curve of road where turn off to Grandfather Rock is...Row of shop houses behind (uphill) that curve are all flooded from water down the hill

    Back road to Lipa Noi from Taling Ngam before the Raja ferry the windy section has strong water flowing over the road, can't see road. Very dangerous place, stay away.

    How was the party at the Barracuda Bar? And where exactly is it?

    Good luck all......


    Well about the time you wrote this post my Thai wife and her family were in a situation exactly as your wise landlord described. The road in this case literally gave way under our SUV and the car ended up half submeged in the strong flowing flood water.The torrent was at shoulder height and as you say one could see that but for the grace of God(or Buddah in their case) the car could quite easily of flipped and gone belly up with tragic consequences.BTW this was just up the road from Taling Ngam on the Laem Sor Pagoda/Cheddi Soi

    Great update, thank you! So from what I can gather the Laem Sor area is not passable yes? Does anyone know how the food supply conditions are? Like is Lotus Lamai open? I heard it was completely flooded. Can anyone verify this? I see the photos of Big C and the the store is empty, which is just terrible news since it will be days for the stores to get restocked. I'm in Namuang and food supplies are scarce over here anyway. The rain and wind has picked up a lot again on this side, so it's not good. Gas stations over here are out of fuel, as many have purchased gas for resale, not good that people should think to profit from this situation at a time like this, I would at least hope everyone would care to take only what they need, but that doesn't appear to be the case.... SAD!

  22. Any update on flooded area's and road conditions around the island?? Most of the post's now are not relevant just ranting about Bkk airline there is already a thread post there.

    I agree, we all new updates, not ranting about Bangkok airways.

    Like how is the food supply at Big C and Lotus Chaweng?

    I understand Lamai Lotus is shut down, is this true?

    I can see that Nathon Lotus has been hit with flood waters,

    but my big concern is how to best go about getting food for the family,

    and where is the best or safest location to purchase food?

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