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Posts posted by ajarnmarc

  1. 8 hours ago, Sphere said:

    How about skipping the soapy to opt straight for a happy ending? Is that tax-free?

    Lol, nice angle.

    I usually go straight for heavens gate anyway, 

    no need to waste time in what they don't do well...

    just pay for what they are good at, 

    and leave it at that.

    Though I would be just as happy if they closed them all down, 

    then the birds would be flying everywhere, 

    and easier to see which ones are desirable?

    Now the case stands, you have to walk up to them, 

    get them to peel their eyes away from their phone screens, 

    to get a good look at what you might not want.

    Tried to score a snack off the hook up apps, 

    but the birds use the app which dresses them to look much better than in real life.

    What a shocker that turned out to be,

    never knew an app could do so much to a photo.

    Even if I had known, I wouldn't of figured the girlies would know how to use it.

    I was mistaken in both scenarios and disappointedly surprised.



  2. What gets me, is the wife tells me that if our dog; or any dogs, causes someone passing by on a motorcycle, 

    to have an accident, then the owners are responsible for the hospital and motorcycle repair.

    So I say that sounds like a great excuse to keep the dog inside our yard, 

    as it should be, and to more importantly "keep the gate closed".

    Yet everyday,

    for the past five years at this residence,

    I either have to ask the kids or wife to close the gate behind them, 

    and latch it; as the dog is smart enough to push the gate open,

    or I have to close it myself.

    Yet they think I am the doorman / bellman,

    therefore it's not their responsibility to assist with this.

    What also gets me is when the family pulls up to the house,

    they love to park their motorcycle on the curb, 

    keys inside the ignition, ready for the next trip.

    Never think to bring the ride inside,

    it's to much bother for them.

    Late at night, they want me to bring it in for them.

    Usually they never went anywhere else after their last trip.

    Keep in mind I follow what I preach,

    and bring mine in each time, 

    and maintain my own policy of keeping the gate shut.

    Moral of the story:

    Thai's act like it's our job to look after them...

    When I'm perfectly fine to look after myself, 

    just wish they would do the same.


  3. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    A multiple entry non-o visa only allows a 90 day entry which means you must leave every 90 days for a new entry.

    Only a one year extension of stay (it is not a visa) issued by immigration allows you to stay in the country and do 90 day reports. The financial requirements for an extension based upon marriage to a Thai is 400k baht in a Thai bank or proof of 40k baht. The 800k baht number your mentioned is for retirement.

    Thank you very much for that clarification UbonJoe.

    Appreciate your time in doing so.


  4. On this non o visa based on marriage, do you still need to do a boarder run every ninety days?

    Or can you just report to the local immigration every ninety days?

    I ask this because you didn't have to show proof of 800k in the bank.

    Normally when you show proof funds then you truly get set free from the boarder runs, 

    and can just report to the local immigration each ninety days, 

    which is much better than having to leave the country four times a year.

  5. After reading through these posts,

    it's pretty easy to see why the lady who reported her experience to the local Police,

    had such a hard time getting them to press charges.

    I can totally see the guy giving the massage,

    threatening the boyfriend, while he stood by his girlfriend, 

    even in front of the Police,

    as this is typically how the locals deal with accusations placed against them.

    As the Police,

    from my experiences;

    are always on the side of their own citizens;

    unless there's a chance that the press might get involved,

    or they see this as a chance to improve their image in some way,

    for doing their jobs.

    Anyone whose lived here for some time, 

    knows this to be true...

    The responses here on this site,

    seem to be completely looking at possible ways to share the responsibility onto the victim.

    My position is,

    that regardless of why the female customer wanted a male masseuse to provide her with a massage,

    is irrelevant really,

    and we can't expect the customer to know that the location she was in,

    was less than desirable for the kind of true service she may have been truly seeking i.e. thai massage.

    She appears to be a victim of what she hadn't signed up for.

    The irony of the whole thing is,

    she was probably charged for this, 

    and paid to avoid even more issues with the owner of the place.

    Then there's the issue of how when things negative do truly occur, 

    Thailand is known to come after foreigners trying to report it on social media, 

    as the country looks at these negative posts about their beloved country, 

    as simply a smear tactic, which should be censored at all cost.

    I truly hope this female is being completely forthcoming and honest about her claims, 

    and if so, feel for the female who had such a negative experience, 

    while her guard was down,

    as she was only trying to experience what little Thailand really has to offer, 

    aside from visiting it's temples.

    Which is what the officials are claiming the tourist come here for in the first place, 

    not the seeding side, which they also claim they are trying to clean up, 

    to protect their image as a whole.

    The male posters on this site should at the very least, 

    try to look at it as what it would feel like if this had happened to your girl friend?

    The male posters wouldn't likely be spending their efforts on how to share the blame, 

    but more on how it needs to be sorted out, yes?

    As well as how to sort through the ordeal with their partner?

    Hopefully the boyfriend is standing by his lady, 

    the alleged victim here, and not second guessing her as well.

    It's going to be a long flight home...





  6. 2 hours ago, Anthony Loh said:

    Mine, need to certified by the embassy first and translated into Thai ( translation cost is 500 batt). For the yellow house book I need to pay 150 batt to the government official and this was done one year ago in Chiangmai.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    We didn't have to get a translation for the Hungarians we brought to the office.

    I personally never got far enough into it for them to state if they wanted a translation of my PP.

    But I'm sure the Hungarians got their Yellow book without the translation.

    Guess the seed money went towards something...

    Yet for our location, the fee completely out weighs the benefits.

    I'm in for the ID card, can see the benefits of having one, 

    but won't be able to get that without the Yellow book, 

    since I'm unable to get one processed for the base fee.

  7. 46 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    My wife & I went through a few weeks ago. We noticed that a 1/2 European, 1/2 Thai Immigration officer was seated in a booth absolutely adjacent to a booth staffed by a full Thai person.    It was significant that we timed the Thai person took well over twice as long as the 1/2 Falang for each and every person he vetted.  People adjacent to us in a much longer queue passed us and were through and gone long before we got served.  If we had noticed we would have changed earlier but by the time we worked it out it seemed no point in changing.  We were wrong actually, it was that different!!!  We watched several other officers working and they all had a similar throughput time except this one guy who seemed far from in a hurry and dawdled his way along.  It honestly looked like he was listening to music on his ear piece.  If he was, it was not the Bavarian marching music his neighbour must have been listening to.  Coming back into Thailand 3-4 weeks later, all the officers were going like the clappers.  They even had runners going through all the rows making sure everyone had a form and helping some of them to fill it in, and swapping people into different queues if necessary.

    Thanks for sharing this story. 

    I have actually never given it any thought, 

    with concerns to which I/O I get.

    I have just worked hard to get off the plane as fast as possible, 

    carry my bags with me, and try to find the shortest line.

    I've been doing this for 18 years straight, 

    concerning Thailand.

    So what your wrote, for me, is a great observation.


  8. 6 minutes ago, sinbin said:

    My local office is asking for a 'Yellow Book' and ones 'passport'. No payment, free issue.

    Thank you for the reply.

    In Samui the yellow book is far from free, is the issue.

    Has anyone tried getting the yellow book in Samui lately?

    If so, how much were they trying to charge for it?

    And when did you apply for it?

    I tried last year, and was flat turned down the first time, 

    for my children weren't declared mine by the courts, 

    even though I'm on a non O visa as visiting my children, 

    for the past four years straight, the local office just stated no!

    Bring in some clients of ours from Hungary, who have bought a house, 

    and the government office says can do, pay 30,000 bht, yes 30,000 bht.

    I tried to get one for myself included.

    They stated that would be 60,000 bht for two yellow books.

    I just laughed and let my wife take care of the Hungarians who were willing to pay that crazy fee...

    While other here post it was free or 30 bht, and just took a few hours or a day or two, 

    it took this office 10 days to process the magic book, 

    even with the cash in the special envelope.

  9. 6 hours ago, cnx355 said:

    First they should get rid of the TM6 card. like Vietnam and Malaysia.


    This would save a lot of time to process arrival and departure.

    No need to fill a form


    .All information needed is scanned from the passport.


    The Government  want to start Thailand 4.0 ,,,This would be a good start


    Hotel and guest house and landlords are by law required to report where you stay ,not the tourist  or  tenants.


    Have and online web site to do the reporting for Hotels, guest house and landlords.  Another Thailand 4,0 improvement.

    Sorry,,,just dreaming....


    Yeah, unfortunately it's always the fault of the foreigners when things go south.

    It should be the responsibility of the hotel/guests house/ landlords to do the reporting, 

    and I think by law it might be, but from my experience, the landlord informed me, "up to you", 

    "you want to report, not report".

    So I've just decided to go with the 90 days non O visa, and then get an extension @ the local office for another sixty days, therefore I'm reporting, and if they still need more reporting than this, well...

    I've never understood what's with all the paperwork, 

    and damed if you lose that little TM6 form, the I/O get all bent out of shape.

    Acting like it's more important than the visa itself.

    So I would be very grateful if they could do away with that card, 

    and stop putting staples in my passports. 

    I had a Thai I/O rip the TM6 card out of the PP page once, 

    and tore the page in the process.

    Of course the officer couldn't be bothered to tape it up, 

    he was too busy looking through each page for some missing treasure, 

    so after the magic three pass through, it was just handed back to me, 

    wrong stamp date posted, so I had to spend more time going to another I/O to show that there was a date stamped incorrectly. Then she says, " why you not tell the officer who stamped you?"

    I'm like yeah, in Thailand...save face always, remember?


    Now I remove the precious card myself, 

    and stick it in my cover case, 

    which I/O also don't like for us to have.

    Have to take that PP out of the case.

    Malaysia don't have any issue with it, 

    Singapore smile when they see the case.

    Guess they like to see people looking after things.

    Thailand seems to be all about power...

    Anything we do, has to be wrong way, 

    need to change that / it.

    Many times I don't think the locals know what they want us to change to, 

    but we must change from what we are or about to do, 

    for it has to be the wrong way, 

    as they know the best way to do everything; 

    even if it doesn't make any sense at all...

  10. 3 hours ago, Anthony Loh said:

    Hi Michael, you are the best! Hehe, totally agree with your comment.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    I can certainly imagine all the benefits from having it.

    Just wish it was so corrupt where I am in getting one.

    Though in all fairness, I haven't tried to actually get the id card, 

    I had such a bad experience trying to get the yellow book.

    It appears that we need the yellow book in order to get the id card though, 

    or at least that's what the ampur / Anthong office is stating.

    Has anyone else been told this?

    As I know I can't trust the group that man the office here, 

    or at least I couldn't. 

    I read there's new staff in Samui, 

    which I hope is true, for the old staff were so full of themselves...

  11. 1 minute ago, Gerard052 said:

    Makes two of us.

    I had thought I was the only one this happened too.

    After the passport gets more stamps in it, 

    you'll see the I/O start to go through each page, 

    and then do it again, and again, just to see everything.

    A few more years pass by,

    and the I/O will asks why the pages are falling out?

    Informing you, that you MUST look after your passport better.

    I feel touched knowing that they care about the pages falling out, 

    after they have worn through it; usually three times is a charm for each inspection, 

    and that they are clever enough to speak in English about looking after our PP better...

    Always helps me to look forward to the next time I visit them in 90 days.

  12. 1 hour ago, chillimuncher said:

    Agree. I've never been evicted after 3 hours. And YES, for frequent travellers with economy class tickets Priority Pass is a good deal. At Swampy airport there are several lounges that can be accessed, some better than others. There is the Priority Pass phone app to look up lounges, nearest lounge, facilities etc.

    Good to know, as I wasn't aware there was an app for this.


  13. 7 hours ago, shows said:

    Compared to many other countries I've visited the Thai officials take twice as long (if not longer) to process each passenger.

    This could be perhaps because they have to constantly check their phones.

    As the citizens can't miss a single message, 

    and have an urgent need to respond to all who might take the time to text them.

    Take away their phones while they work or at least while they are at their post,

    and problem solved.

  14. 6 minutes ago, nongsangcity said:

    you can fly on a thai driving license on internal flights


    I think what you mean is...you can use your Thai Drivers license to fly domestically.

    This is true, yet it still depends on the lady or man @ the ticket counter.

    I've checked in without issue, only to have a friend be asked by the same lady, 

    on the same day, for the same flight, for a return ticket to the foreigners home country, 

    as a form of guarantee of sorts; is what was explained to us, when we tried to question the return ticket issue.

    My friend had to charge a flight to his home country via credit card,

    at the counter, in order to checkin for the flight he was about to board;

    which he could later refund or change dates of departure.

    I've had several instances where I pulled out my driver license, 

    when asked for a passport, only to have the personnel look at the drivers license, 

    and then still ask for my passport. When I point out that my passport # is on my drivers license, 

    the personal just look at me crazy, and stated passport please.


    People have stated you can have a copy of your passport for most things.

    I went to get a residence letter from Immigration.

    The I/O know me as a long term residence,

    so I thought I could simply get by with a copy of the front page,

    and a copy of my current non O visa...

    and if any issues came up, I could show them a copy I have on my phone.

    Nope sent home to get the actual passport to return and present.

    Paid the 1000 bht for the process of the residence letter, 

    which some also say, can be had for free.

    What was the real kicker though, was when I went to the land transport office, 

    to renew my drivers license with the residence letter.

    I asked to make the drivers license, took the test, 

    and asked if I could also renew my motorcycle license as I had forgot I had to do as well, 

    when I checked in. 

    Guy @ the counter states 

    1. Not say first time I want to make license for car & motorcycle

    2. Need to have two Dr. notes 

    3. Need to have two residence letters

    I tried to explain I was just renewing the licenses, which I already have, 

    and why the need for the additional documents, when everything is being made on the same day, 

    same time?

    No response forthcoming. 

    So much for trying to cover my ass with both forms of documentation, 

    so I may travel with either auto or motorcycle.

    Never mind that the Transport office just had a chance to increase the fee's they were about to receive from one person.

    Or the idea that one person was simply trying to abide by the law in all the required ways possible.

    Meanwhile a friend of mind, travels to BKK, never had a drivers license in Thailand, 

    been here for 20 years, but can't be bothered with the formality; 

    gets pulled over in BKK. 

    Police issue him a 500 bht ticket for driving without a license and send him on his way.







  15. 4 hours ago, renevanb7 said:

    The lady who asked for the 30000 thb is not there anymore. Also there is no need anymore of your passport translated.  So things getting better on Samui.

    That's great news.

    Thank you for the update.

    I felt that all my paperwork was in order, and had tried in 2015, 

    at which time I was denied, due to not being married, 

    and not having my children declared by the government as being from me, 

    even though I'm on both of the birth certificates.

    Though it does make since that anyone could be written in on the birth certificates, 

    as long as your around when the children are born.


    Then when it was requested by the Hungarians that they wanted to make one, 

    my wife went through the motions to see what the clerks would say?

    Only to be slapped with the 30,000 bht fee request.


    Only when my wife inform the couple of the fee requirement, 

    were we informed that the builder to their new home, 

    had stated the fee was 60,000 bht,

    so the couple felt this was a deal, 

    in some way, and proceeded with the documents.

    Even then it took 10 working days to have the book issued.

    I also couldn't believe the clerk wouldn't make a book for myself, 

    since we had brought these clerks some over the top fee's in the first place.

    They were certainly less than grateful for the business.


    I will try again in the following week to see if things have improved...

    as I'd really like to get the ID card.

    My drivers license rarely helps for checkin,

    the clerks always ask for PP.

    In 17 years, no improvement with excepting alternative forms of ID, 

    without some sort of issue, and management approval required.

    Hopefully an ID card (pink) would help to simplify things some.


    I also have an e-passport card issued from the Embassy, 

    which turns out to be totally useless within Thailand.

    When i went to the passport agency to get passports made for our children in Surat, 

    they asked for my passport. I flashed my e-passport card, and it was denied without even a glance.

    Backed up with my driver license...nah

    Copy of my passport was within the submitted documents; of course.

    Yet still not good enough, needed to return to Samui, 

    get the passport, and bring it to the office in person.



  16. 4 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Yellow books cost around 60 baht and if you need a Thai. village head man as a witness maybe a bottle of whisky as a thank you.30,000 u cant be serious

    I wish I was wrong about the charge, but we had a couple from Hungary, that wanted to make their yellow book, and they were quoted 60,000 bht by the builder, to make it. We of course know it's supposed to be only 30 bht. So my wife went to the government office in person, and inquired what was needed. The lady in the office @ Nathon stated it would take 30,000 bht, which I wasn't ok with, but the misses went to the Hungarians and informed them of the cost and they approved it. I went with the misses to present all the paper work, since now the ridiculous price had already been stated, my presence wasn't going to increase it at this point. One week later we went to pick it up, and had to place the 30,000 bht in an envelope, for they wouldn't take the cash hand to hand. 

    It might seem over the top for Thailand, but apparently it's not for this area.

    I asked the misses to ask the clerk if we could make one for me as well, 

    since the price was already so high, and the clerk stated sure, 

    but it will be an additional 30,000 bht. 

    I respectfully declined at that point, 

    and wish I could of stated more to the clerk, 

    for that is just sure greed at it's finest...

  17. I'm surprised they are not out in front of a sign pointing a finger, 

    to illustrate what could or will happen to an owners precious billboard sign, 

    if they don't take them down themselves.


    After all, isn't getting media coverage what it's all about?


    So as to make it appear they are doing their jobs, 

    and making improvements to Thailand, 

    in any small way they can think of.


    While forgetting about the bigger, 

    arguably more important matters.


    Those will be saved for the day, 

    far into the future; if ever...?


    When they have nothing petty to improve upon.

  18. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Only a dumbass gets into a street altercation like that! LOL

    Altercations take place wherever they occur.

    What were they to do?

    Say man, can we take this off to the side of the road?


    What you really mean is you would of just drove off to live another day, yes?

    That's the normal statements that are flung around here, 

    and the problem with that is, it just encourages such behavior, 

    as they see foreigners as being weak and scared.

    Not realizing we normally deal with this sort of issues each day, 

    in our home countries,

    so this type of thing would just be a walk in the park for most of us to sort out properly.


  19. Completing projects on time, falls under Thai time, 

    which easily translate to slow & slower, 

    if the customer complains.


    Nothing can be done, so all we can do is learn to live & let live, 

    as they were...


    I was viewing the article hoping to see some designs of the new building, 

    to support the subject title...guess there isn't one?

  20. 2 hours ago, fruitman said:

    And except some canals/pumps for the heart of BKK nothing has been done for many years to stop floodings/droughts.


    A real masterplan is needed and some foreign experts should help with that.


    If nothing is done it will cost billions of bath every year again plus all the inconveniance from it.

    Masterplans are what the Thai's need to come up with,

    after all it's their country, remember?


    Thai's don't need nor want our input,

    that has been stated several times over, 

    so it's heard & respected.


    Now they just need to stop complaining about their issues and proceed on how to fix or address them...


    As is so often stated here;

    if we don't like it,

    we can return to our own countries.

    Heard & respected.

  21. 28 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Considering the attacker is a previous offender, with proven violent and drug taking tendencies. He isn't wealthy, or seemingly well connected. So all the normal routes to advantage wouldn't apply.

    Must be some reason he was treated so leniently - or was it simply because the victim, who did absolutely nothing wrong, was a farang?

    Without any doubt, it's all down to being a farang.

    As an example, I was recently rear ended on my motorcycle, 

    by another motorcyclist with three passengers on their bike.

    No head lights on, and no license plate on the bike either.

    It was in Maenam, 

    near the traffic light, 

    when I pulled out of 7-11 I was struck from behind.

    Smashed the motorcycle up good, 

    and I had to be transferred to the hospital.

    I asked to be taken to Koh Samui Hospital, 

    since I have a social security card for my health insurance, 

    but the truck / ambulance took me to Thai International Hospital instead.

    I couldn't see where we were going since I was laying down in the back.

    Once we arrived, and I realized where I was, they ambulance wasn't interested in carting me to Nathon.

    So while I asked the nurse to call my wife, to come pick me up, so I could be transferred off to Nathon, 

    the Ambulance took off with my helmet inside their vehicle. 

    Two days later I'm asked to come to the police station to sort the accident out.

    Apparently the two days were given, because the other motorcyclist was injured badly, 

    and of course he was taken directly to Koh Samui hospital.

    Once I arrived @ the Police station, at the time I was provided to be there.

    I was left to wait for 4 hrs for the others to arrive, which had hit me on their motorcycle.

    When I asked the police if these guys had a license?

    I was asked to produce mine, which I did.

    The other driver didn't have one, 

    so the Police stated he would have to keep mine until the matter was resolved.

    I was like what matter?

    I was struck from behind, which is clear to see from the damage to the motorcycle.

    I have three eye witnesses statements written out in Thai, from Thai's; describing the accident.

    What's the matter which justifies my license being held for?

    The other party can't afford to pay for any damage or hospital bills, 

    is the matter, the police stated.

    Of course only after going through the documents I had to provide, 

    and at least a 45 minute discussion with the other party, 

    which was 4 hrs late to show up.

    Then the police finally explain to my wife, 

    both parties are badly hurt, 

    and the motorcycle that hit me, 

    is still @ the police station in Maenam, 

    not repairable, so it's best to just write this accident off


    I'm like if it had been my fault, the police wouldn't be willing to just write it off, 

    nor would the Thai's which are claiming they are injured.

    I'm the one with a broken leg and my motorcycle in the shop, 

    waiting to get put back together, at a cost of more than 10,000 bht.

    Go to court you might ask...?

    Tried to get the case forwarded to the courts,

    Police wouldn't provide the police report to us.

    So in the end nothing happened to them, 

    who are not even from Koh Samui, 

    just labor working @ one of the hotels on the island, 

    but their rights are far more important than mine.

    Police stated as some might here on TV, 

    don't like it...go back to your country.

    I would have, but I have children, 

    and a business here in Samui.


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