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Posts posted by w11guy

  1. I have seen this trend for the last 2 years don't know why but last may it hit 50 to which was a yearly high then come this may it did the same hit a yearly high always seems to happen just when going into low season don't worry the trend will continue and by the time we hit high season again it will be 47-48

    Sorry but no way did it hit 50 last may at any time ,i brought over 5k and got 48.10 to the pound

    Take a look at a currency chart. It was 50 or very, very close (49.9something) in May last year. If you got 48.1 maybe you used a bank who used a dodgy conversion rate.

  2. Uk interest rates are as low as they have ever been which is one of the reasons sterling is so low. Rates will rise in the future as the economy hopefully improves which will push the pound upwards. Just when BoE raise rates is anyones guess. Popular opinion suggests towards the end of the year. Markets generally anticipate rate changes so I guess sterling to slowly rise throughout the year.

    Nope, Mervin anounced yesterday that rates would remain as is, at least through 2013.

    Maybe, maybe not, but if the economy improves the rates will have to rise to keep a lid of inflation.

    Anyway, if I knew half as much as I wish I knew then I be alot wealthier than I am now.

    After the last couple of years 50 seems bearable.

    The economy has no hope of improving this year and inflation is on a downward trend. You are deluded.

  3. Uk interest rates are as low as they have ever been which is one of the reasons sterling is so low. Rates will rise in the future as the economy hopefully improves which will push the pound upwards. Just when BoE raise rates is anyones guess. Popular opinion suggests towards the end of the year. Markets generally anticipate rate changes so I guess sterling to slowly rise throughout the year.

    Popular opinion is that UK rates will stay low for at least another two years, but probably much longer. There is no way that rates will rise this year.

  4. Actually the UK is doing very well . Unemployment is on the down , production is on the up. The government Deficit on the way down. its because of whats happening in Europe is masking the UK true economic output. The UK true out put is also masked, for example The wings for the Airbus are made in the UK , but then flown to France for assembly, Then France says we have sold x amount of Air buses, so France gets the Economical benefits.

    In fact, the UK is doing very badly. It may be back in recession soon. The deficit is down but it is still huge and because there is still a deficit the debts are still growing quickly. Debts are still increasing at an alarming rate. That there is over GBP 1 trillion in debt means there will be low or no growth for a very long time. And unemployment is expected to rise over the next 1-3 years, so you are wrong about almost everything. Oh, we make plane wings. Big deal.

  5. Hi there,

    Check out WordPress (http://www. wordpress.org ) - there is a reason why 60 mio use it to create websites.

    It comes preinstalled with most quality hosting plans through the Fantastico script collection.

    If interested, I can coach you a bit to get you off the ground quickly and inexpensively.


    Old Chinese proverb... Just because 60 million people do the wrong thing doesn't mean it's the right thing.

    WordPress has huge limitations. Many themes are so badly written that they can negatively affect ranking. I know of people who changed their WP theme and drop from top to bottom of page 1 in Google. They change the theme back and their site went back up. Changing themes can also mean losing all your data - doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Too many security issues, too much hassle choosing plugins. Updating to latest version can cause huge problems. The reason many people use it is because they think it's easy. But they don't understand what goes on behind the scenes. Only a minority of people use WP. Around 20-25% of new website use it. But many of them are spam sites.

  6. Let me put it like this... the key is getting as close as possible to top of the front page of google (for relevant key words/phrases).. there are various ways to get there; SEO consultants can certainly help

    Let me put it another way; I do the SEO for the sites that I have created so the keys are clear to me. It doesnt cost GBP400/month to do this and anyone paying out that sort of money is just lining the pockets of the SEO consultant as far as I'm concerned. Of course, it's your money and you are entitled to do what you want with it.

    But of course I'm just a Dreamweaver user. wink.png

    It depends how big your site is. Some companies have large teams doing SEO work, so that's not something one person can do. Also, SEO is grunt-work and it's easier to pay someone to do it than do it yourself. You may save some money by not doing it yourself, but how much do you lose by not spending that time doing more productive work. Personally I don't see the point of doing things myself that others can do cheaply. I can cook but that doesn't mean that I don't eat out just to save money. It all comes down to how much time it saves you, how much money it makes you, etc. I'd rather pay $400 than work a 40-60 hour week doing SEO.

  7. I'd rather say the overcrowded stressful capital of Thailand suits better than a backstabbing lie to attract clueless tourists to the city...

    This place is going down in the future...

    Obviously you don't like Bangkok, but millions of people do. It's a very vibrant city. It's not stressful to everyone, so take a look at what you do and cut out the stressful activities. I feel very relaxed living in Bangkok. Yes, everyone gets stressed from time to time, but I wouldn't say the city itself is a stressful place. Quite the opposite.

  8. Look at free options/templates before you hire one of these so called experts-I've never met one with a marketing degree. They'll ask you to host with a certain company because they get comission, they'll use fonts you cannot replicate, they'll charge you for minor changes after publishing, they'll listen to your vision but simply copy one of their other sites. Don't be fooled thinking you need a farang, hire local and save 80%. Dreamweaver and others are user friendly, start with godaddy free templates and see if that satisfies your needs, look at fotolia for images.

    LOL. Why would you need a marketing degree to design websites? You don't even need a degree. I've used some fantastic web designers that are self-taught. You sound like someone who made the wrong choice and now think all web designers are the same. If you pay for a website to be designed that's what you get. Can can host wherever you like But there's nothing at all wrong with your designer suggesting a hosting company where they get commission. If you're no happy with it then choose your own.

    Free templates don't work for most people because they don't have enough design skills to make them work. It's much better to pay a designer and get teh job done properly. If the website id being used for a business then it is foolish to try to do the design work yourself if you don't have the skills. A designer will do a better job and do it more quickly. That's why you pay them.

  9. Any falang orientated bar will have a falang web-designer/expert cheesy.gif

    Most people looking for their own website DONT actually need one, they need some online presence, which could be a twitter account or a facebook fan page will suffice, you can register a domain and most registrar will provide url forwarding so you can point it at your facebook/tumblr/twitter.

    As a rule of thumb unless you have at least 50k baht to spend per year on a dedicated website, then don't bother, you'll end up with a shitty wordpress or joomla based site, with a crap theme, security ridden within several months on a dog slow cPanel server somewhere in the states..

    Completely untrue. You can get fantastic websites that are fast and very secure for well under 50K. Unless you have a major business there's no need whatsoever to spend 50K. If you're spending that much then you're most likely being ripped off.

    I've no idea why you think you'd get a crappy WP theme. Some of the very top themes are under $100. cpanel servers in the US are very fast. No idea why you think they are slow.

  10. Does anyone use their real name on the internet??

    Very foolish, IMHO

    Most people use their real names on facebook, linkedin, etc. The sites wouldn't work very well without them. Nothing foolish about it, as it allows you to find people and allows people to find you. What is foolish about it? Even if you use a false name you are pretty easy to trace via ISP, mac address, etc. thi has been proven many times. Yes, it's possible to hide you identity, but are you doing something so bad that you are frightened of people finding out who you are?

    Only the ISP can identify their customers using a given IP at a given time.

    There are enough ways to hide that IP - tunnelling through other machines, gaining access to other networks, etc.

    MAC addresses are exclusively available on the LAN - they aren't transmitted outside LANs.

    Forcing everyone to use his real identity on internet would be a major hindrance to freedom of speech.

    The tyranny of mainstream over shunned or taboo special interests.


    Mr. Example Forexample, 41, from Exampletown writes:


    Dear Doc, some red points have appeared on my glans - I had unprotected sex with a hooker 3 days ago, can this be an STD? what should I do?


    Today, anonymity on the internet provides a medium where useful information can be found - if the internet gets un-anonymized, it will be as interesting and as useful as your average TV set.

    Nothing wrong with being anonymous for situations like the ones you mentioned. But for things like facebook it's pretty essential if you want to connect with people you know. And for websites that want to cut down on nonsense comments and spam it's also useful. It doesn't affect freedom of speech because you're free to set up your own website if you like. But it's up to the owner of the website what he wants to allow. Why should they put in extra work just because trolls want to spoil everything. trolls don't deserve freedom of speech.

  11. With that list I can see how you didn't make any money last time. This is the most hopeless list of domains names I've ever seen. Why are you even wasting your time making a list of domains that you have no intention of buying? If these were valuable then someone would have already bought them. It takes more than a domain to make a great business. A good domain helps, but there are loads of successful businesses so not so good domains. But it doesn't matter. You sound like one of those people thinks that all you need is a domain name and you'll make loads of money. Sounds like you've fallen for those marketing ads about getting rich without doing any actual work. You'd have better luck with a lottery ticket.

    you sound like a jolly fellow to hang out with.

    Just telling it like it is. And some people really do need telling because they seem to think that they can make a million by spending a tenner.

    You'd make more flipping burgers for a living.

  12. particularly the dyke construction, which is aimed at helping upstream floodwater flow more naturally towards the sea.

    The natural flow for flood waters is to use flood plains. The dyke construction is STOPPING the natural flow.

    It's too late for that because Bangkok is built on the flood plain? What do you suggest, that they leave Bangkok flood? Lucky you're not in charge.

  13. The aim isn't too make money from every single person. Even if you don't click on an ad you may see ad for a certain brand and end up buying it because it has become familiar to you. You might do this completely subconsciously. It's not all about clicks and it's not all about getting every single person to click. You can earn a great income with 1% clicks. This is what many people do. That the other 99% don't click is irrelevant. This is a very valid business model. It works for small businesses as well as big businesses.

    In fact, you have just contributed to ThaiVisa profits by working for them for free. You have written a free article that has attract other users who have also written free articles. Some people will click on the ads and ThaiVisa will make money. ThaiVisa seems to be based on lots of free workers like you and me. LOL.

  14. Does anyone use their real name on the internet??

    Very foolish, IMHO

    Most people use their real names on facebook, linkedin, etc. The sites wouldn't work very well without them. Nothing foolish about it, as it allows you to find people and allows people to find you. What is foolish about it? Even if you use a false name you are pretty easy to trace via ISP, mac address, etc. thi has been proven many times. Yes, it's possible to hide you identity, but are you doing something so bad that you are frightened of people finding out who you are?

  15. They should introduce this for ThaiVisa, as it would help stop the stupid anonymous comments. When people have to use their real names they are more careful and considerate about what they post. But of course, you could set up a fake fb page.

    To the OP - the government has no need to bail out companies like fb if they are in trouble. So stop whinging. fb makes good money and it's likely to get much bigger. The money-making has only just started. But I think it's overvalued. But that's for the buyers to decide not you. Just short the shares if you think they are very overvalued and you could make a fortune.

  16. With that list I can see how you didn't make any money last time. This is the most hopeless list of domains names I've ever seen. Why are you even wasting your time making a list of domains that you have no intention of buying? If these were valuable then someone would have already bought them. It takes more than a domain to make a great business. A good domain helps, but there are loads of successful businesses so not so good domains. But it doesn't matter. You sound like one of those people thinks that all you need is a domain name and you'll make loads of money. Sounds like you've fallen for those marketing ads about getting rich without doing any actual work. You'd have better luck with a lottery ticket.

  17. You are completely barmy of you think that will ever happen. Just look at some countries where the currency has been completely destroyed (Zimbabwe, Germany) and you'll see that they didn't start using cold to buy food. What do you think's going to happen - that one day Obama is going to say... sorry guys, no more money, start using gold.

    Have a think about what you're saying. It's so ridiculous that the luny bin beckons for you.

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