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Posts posted by saakura

  1. Could someone kindly explain the exact meaning of the word อภิปราย, thanks. Also what is the thai word you would use for 'OPINION'. If possible, pls include two simple sentences in thai using both words. Thanks in advance.

  2. I am working in a public listed company and there are several expats here with BOI approved work permits on basis of which we have received a 1 year non-immigration visa. We have been here for over 15yrs in the same organisation and the work permit & visa has been extended each year without any problems. The families have been issued with visa on the basis of being 'dependents'. The dependent visa for a child is given only upto 20yrs of age. One colleague whose daughter has just crossed 20yrs has joined a local university and hence, is now on a 'student visa' which will expire next year (complete her education). My question is that if in case she chooses not to work or study further, is there a way that she can still live here with her parents? What kind of visa to apply? All replies appreciated.

  3. You can try at any of the Fitness First Platinum clubs. All of them have Kinesis equipment with local personal trainers and as far as i know, they are not specifically certified for or hold a degree in Kine..ology. Maybe with your degree, you could score a hit and train these 'trainers'.

  4. Both California and Fitness First are good health clubs and have the whole range of machines and free weights suitable for most people unless you are a very serious bodybuilder type and need special machines. California will sell you a life membership for about 12-15,000Baht depending upon your bargaining skills. FF is more exclusive, costs about 2300Baht per month at their platinum clubs, maybe a little lesser in normal club (they do not offer life membership and the 2300Baht mentioned is if you sign up for 2yrs). Due to this higher cost, the crowd is lesser and facilities are better maintained at FF though machines/free weights are mostly similar.

    FF has steam and electric sauna, reading section, free coffee/soft drinks, free towels, workout shorts/t-shirt at their platinum clubs, i do not have this information for California. Both FF and California have group exercises, biking, yoga classes which is free to join. You can take a qualified personal trainer in both of them. Cost for 1hr is approx 800B at FF and 1200B at California.

    In my experience, all fitness clubs, both above included, are never straight in dealing with customers, prices are not standard for everybody. As a foreigner, you will most certainly be overcharged and they will not tell you about special promotions, discounts etc

    Disclaimer : I am a member of FF for several years and information about California is from friends.

  5. This from Ask Aladdin


    Las. Colinas Building 42nd Floor 6 Sukhumvit 21 Bangkok 10110

    City -Bangkok

    Tel. (062)6617184- 2620236

    Fax (062) 2620235

    Telex 82544 Boustan Th

    Which is different from the info on the MFA website. Give that number a try.

    Indeed it is at the address mentioned above. I have applied for and got visas from this embassy without any problem. Many of our thai employees also visit this embassy for visas.

  6. Each to their own on this point but me, I couldn't find it in myself to pay a domestic employee only 200 Baht a day, it's just not fair and reasonable in my book.

    So what would be your recommendation for a daily wage for household help, gardener, Nannie, etc? How about a husband/wife team (maid/gardener)? Our live in maid/nanny was paid 3000 baht/month and she stayed for 3 years. She had meals and sleeping accommodations and a day off/month. She saved half and sent half salary home each month and after 3 years she went home to start a business???

    i think that is way below any decent standard. We have a live in nanny who works 7am to 6pm, she has her own room with aircon/tv/ensuite and is off 5pm saturday to 7am mondau each week and we pay her 11000Baht per month. 3000 per month with one single day off each month is unreasonable.

  7. 10 long years addicted to cocaine???? And now 26yrs free.......wow that is a real acheivement. I too quit smoking 10 months ago when my son was conceived.....i hope i will be able to publish a similar post 25yrs hence. My son is now 2 months old and i am so happy..

  8. Hi domperidone is widely available as Motilium-M is all pharmacies. A strip of 10 costs 36-40Baht depending upon the pharmacy. It is indeed prescribed by leading hospitals here as an aid to lactation. It is also used by women who have not given birth physically but are desirous of producing breast milk. But it is not some kind of wonder drug that upon eating it, the breast milk starts flowing!! Emotions and hormones also play a large role and domperidone is an aid.

    Regarding the other question, breast pumps are widely available in most department stores. Try the childrens section in any Central Dept Store. Various models and makes costing from 4000Bhat for a single breast hand-held mechanically operated pump upto 40,000 Baht for a heavy duty electric operated twin pump. Alternately, they can be rented at a much cheaper price (you rent the machine and buy the disposable parts so there is no hygeine issue).

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