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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. I am new to this website. I do apoligise if i am asking this in the wrong thread. I am a UK Citizen, arrived in Bangkok in Aug 2nd 2011, they've given me 30days standard, i didn't apply for any visas or anything. Now i want to extend it until September 15th. How do i go about doing that? Im currently in Bangkok right now. I am staying with a friend, so will i have to show any documents of any sorts?

    You can not extend for that amount of time - you will need to exit country and return for a 15 day visa exempt entry. There is no mention of any special requirements for that.

    And don't delay. You will be fined for "over stay". Better to spend the price of the fines on train trip to Butterworth > ferry Penang and enjoy yourself. Or transport to alternative border, .. but do it now, to depart on the day before the expirey date.

  2. "In related news, police have arrested an alleged hitman,"

    How are these two cases related?

    The first, and the subject of the headline, the murder suspect of the New Zealander, is not a Thai, and the only Thais involved in the case are the Police, who have been successful. Not good enough for the Thai bashers here? .. so quickly move on to another story about a Thai hit man?

    I take you back to this: Killer of NZ croquet chief nabbed. >> Well done!

    Conclusion: Two foreigners, neither of whom were here for the good of Thailand, are now out of circulation.


  3. Intending to repeat previous plan: (60+ on UK passport) Arrive with 30 day Permission to stay, then slip down the Penang for 60 Day Tourist visa.

    I rent a dwelling in a village 160 k from Bkk, and may well be getting an additional small place near the girlfriend in Bkk (cheaper than hotels, if I'm visiting Bkk every weekend)

    However, gathering from other posts above, the announcement only pertains to applications from Cambodia?

    If so, I would prefer the site owners be a little more diligent in checking the substance of content before posting it with such "BREAKING NEWS" sensationalism, obviously with the intention of causing alarm.

  4. Well, why should we complain?

    After all, you see monkeys running along those tangles of wires, and get away with it ... most of the time.

    (Poor barstad. It's a horrible story.)

    And just a few hours ago I posted a comment on the thread:

    "No gambling in Bangkok"

    To which I said:

    "Just being in Bangkok is more of a gamble than I ever imagined.

    I've eliminated travelling to and fro in the notorious, death defying vans, but the other hazards ... "

    One of the other hazards: "Brit tourist dies in soaked power surge."

    I have noticed a couple of those floor mounted power points, not believing what I was seeing.

    All things are connected.

  5. Hi

    Please note that the general theme of this seminar is Criminal, a seminar on wills, rights of property ownership etc will be held at a later date.

    This seminar will deal with foreigners involved in criminal proceedings, their rights to protect their property, rights if arrested and more. Entitled "Insight into the Criminal Proceedings for Adults in Thailand",

    So, I am guessing that questions regarding these issues are the ones that will be answered since it is Criminal Court Judges answering the questions.


    The questions that concern most of us here are about the laws excluding foreigners' equity in the property we pay for. I wish to bring up for discussion the law which states we have to give money to the wife to buy the house/land and relinquish rights to it, and in fact falsely declare that the money was merely a free and unencumbered gift and we claim no rights to whatever it is used for, whilst everyone knows it being used to pay for the family home.

    1. We have no option other than to make this false declaration, and by doing so commit an offence.

    2. With regret, I feel compelled to put this law forward as an act of extortion by the Government of Thailand.

    With respect I seek our distinguished guest/s' comments on this.

    For definition of extorsion I refer to http://www.thefreedi...y.com/extortion

  6. To whom it may concern:check your 30 year leases!

    To whom it may concern: check your wife !


    Check the woman before you make her your wife, and embark upon that journey over deep waters where no farang is allowed to swim.

    Never let members of her family take the helm, and keep your personal lifeboat stocked with rations.

    Besides that, "water tight" is not acid-proof. Nor are you bullet proof.

    The only security for farangs owning anything in Thailand comes from within, in the knowledge that if were you to lose everything, none of it means squat.

  7. Certainly consider enrolling in a reputable, registered school/university to study Thai, and do it properly: > Study!

    My visa requirements are different because of age, and other circumstances, but I would certainly advise a reconnaissance period before any, even semi-permanent moves are made.

    If you can safely store most of your belongings in your home land for a while, do it, and travel and live light-weight. As hinted, joked, suggested, advised in previous posts, you will learn as you go, as I have. My plan was drastically modified within a very short time, a month, then dumped on it's head 4 months after that when my fiance sent emails (whilst I was back in Europe for a few weeks working) saying it was all over, and then found her on Facebook, slobbering all over another, who had apparently promised even more money, quicker and bullshitted about giving her everything she needed, including gambling funds for her mother. (Not off-topic. It's an example of the sort of surprise upheaval one can be stumped with.)

    A tip re the above: If you ever approach the idea of a steady relationship with a Thai woman, check first to see if she worships the Chinese goddess of wealth, money etc. Then no matter how beautiful she is, extricate yourself, quickly, before you really fall in love. You will never be able to trust her. And you will regret it. Unless of course you are really capable of viewing the relationship as a business transaction, one which you can securely bankroll forever, and see the pretence of love as nothing more than a fringe benefit. Never let her know the extent of your wealth, nor her friends, including and especially anyone related to her. Her security for the future is also the family's meal ticket. You will be discussed and reviewed by her family throughout your time with her, You of course will be unaware of this. Then one day when you spit the dummy, and say that you have paid for enough of the extended family's medical and education expenses, ... Whammo !! Punch! Bang BOOM! "What happened?" ...

    I now live on 5000 Baht a month, including rent for a 100 sqr meter, 2-story concrete shop building with dwelling above, 160 km from Bkk. I will double this budget soon to include a small apartment/room (3500 Baht) close to the current girlfriend, who does live and work in Bkk. It is not in a tourist area, and like my village abode, there are very few farangs ever seen. However, being close to a University, my transport and social requirements are well met. No doubt you seek a different lifestyle, and your money concerns read as 'luxury issues' to me. However, if you take care, watch your back, and don't splash money, you could well have a very enjoyable and rewarding few years ahead of you. The future is yours. Go for it.

    Be prepared for the unexpected. It always happens when you least expect it. :D

    • Like 1
  8. I took my two boys (7 & 11 years old at the time) to Thailand for two months a couple years back, and they loved it. In addition to the family fun like elephant treks etc., we all got massages every day (no happy endings for the boys obviously), played pool in many a beer bar and hung out with lots of friendly professional ladies. Without exception, the ladies loved the boys as if they were their own, buying them food and drinks etc. One of the best aspects of the LOS in my view is the lack of differentiation between what is "adult" and what is "family." Within certain common-sense boundaries, of course, (I would no more want my kids exposed to pornography or violence than any other father), one of the nicest things about Thailand is its tolerant, accepting attitude to the realities of sexuality and not labeling it as "bad." It would be a shame to see that actually threatened.

    Yep ... a good post with which I happily concur.

  9. Sadly naive he must be, or it's an insurance scam... nothing more to say, except that this has nothing to do with nationality.

    Please learn to read an article thoroughly before assuming nonsense ..... as it seems that quite a few people think its an insurance scam read again before jumping to conclusion Sherlock :rolleyes: :::

    they just bought the house and didn't even get the time to get an insurance yet .....

    "Mr Lindgren said he had not had time to take out home and contents insurance."

    Please read through the thread to see where I have already acknowledged the error. You have come in late, and assumed the position of Speaker of the House on a debate that has pretty much closed. You're welcome to it, for what it's worth.

  10. final score thailand 1 sweden 0

    Don't you mean final score: Thai: B11 million (= house + 1 million in jewelry)

    Swede: Zero

    There is no "final score" until the game is over. For long as there is a population of Thais in Thailand, and a steady flow of farang, and there remains gross inequity between the Thais and all those who come to exploit, or simply 'take advantage' of this, the game goes on.

    It is rather naive to expect all Thais to play by the rules, 'rules' as perceived by most Westerners. I know of one 'Westerner' who is cheating Thai artists, and using the wealth he generates in a non-EU Scandinavian country, (wealth he denies having in order to evade taxes), to expand his property empire in Thailand, displacing Thais and shoving $millions off shore, to the benefit of no one except himself. The day I hear of him being tied between two buffalo, stretched, drawn and quartered, and whatever assets stolen, I will celebrate with the locals. And you can all have fun speculating, as to whether it was his Thai wife, a neighbour, or his almost Swedish name, that was the cause of his demise.

    Some say, let the law take its course. The Thai police are better than some think. It is their country, after all.

    And I agree with you thaigold, but until there is sufficient support, quality, trust etc in the police and justice system, there will be an alarming number of both bandits and lynch mobs. Eventually the law will take a stronger hold and I welcome the day. But vengeance will always lurk in the shadows. It can only be minimised by a diminishing of the abovementioned inequitiy. Then, and only then will there be a predominance of tourists coming to see what is displayed in the tourist brochures. In my village, there is a guy openly pushing drugs. He did so to me as a welcome to the neighbourhood, and I see him stopping kids walking past to offer the same. I mentioned it my ex, and she adamantly insisted that I NOT tell the police. I will not repeat her reasons, but it was my welfare for which she was concerned.

    I think back to last week of that horrible site of those dogs loaded in cages, destined for Vietnam or wherever. Today I envisage a similar picture. The same truck and cages, but filled with paedophiles, being sent to an abattoir for conversion to fertiliser. There is work to be done.

  11. final score thailand 1 sweden 0

    Don't you mean final score: Thai: B11 million (= house + 1 million in jewelry)

    Swede: Zero

    There is no "final score" until the game is over. For long as there is a population of Thais in Thailand, and a steady flow of farang, and there remains gross inequity between the Thais and all those who come to exploit, or simply 'take advantage' of this, the game goes on.

    It is rather naive to expect all Thais to play by the rules, 'rules' as perceived by most Westerners. I know of one 'Westerner' who is cheating Thai artists, and using the wealth he generates in a non-EU Scandinavian country, (wealth he denies having in order to evade taxes), to expand his property empire in Thailand, displacing Thais and shoving $millions off shore, to the benefit of no one except himself. The day I hear of him being tied between two buffalo, stretched, drawn and quartered, and whatever assets stolen, I will celebrate with the locals. And you can all have fun speculating, as to whether it was his Thai wife, a neighbour, or his almost Swedish name, that was the cause of his demise.

  12. Sadly naive he must be, or it's an insurance scam... nothing more to say, except that this has nothing to do with nationality.

    Did you actually read it? He has no insurance

    You're right of course. I blew it off with my comment only having read 90% and bored with it. Noticed it later but couldn't be bothered, the whole thing so spurious.

    What is more telling is the way posters here like to jump on the reference to a particular Nationality if and whenever mentioned. One week it's the Germans, next the Swedes and so on. Such a load of shit-for-brains pub talk. It's a pity one has to wade through it to find anything worth reading. Enjoy yourself.

  13. Ugg...again with the misuse of the word "robbed." A robbery is though force or fear, as in a mugging or home invasion where victims get tied up. A burglary is simply a theft from a home, which is what this is. How is it that writers and editors, whose job it is to know the definition of words, not know this?

    It's Thailand. English isn't their first language. How many English speaking people would know the slight difference in definition?

    But many readers do know the difference. Dumbing things down for ignorant people should not be the goal of any respectable news outlet, which I am sure is how they see themselves. If their job is to write in English about things like burglaries and robberies, they should know the difference no matter what country they are in. Ah, but "robbery" is a headline grabber. I came looking for a story of a robbery. Instead it's just another burglary which happens several times a day in Phuket. If it's due to ignorance, then that's sloppy journalism. If intentional then that shows a lack of journalistic integrity. Maybe a bit of both. Pedantic, yes, but it's a pet peeve of mine. Judging by your signature I would bet you noticed it too.


    Kindly remove the "Buddha" component of your screen name, and replace it with something more befitting your personality, such as Pooper, and then perhaps swap things around, so that ScubaBuddha becomes not ScubaPooper, but PooperScuba, or go the whole hog, and just make it PooperScooper, and be done with it. Yes, that's much better. PooperScooper kind of flows, and we all know what it's about, but most importantly, your name ceases to be a pretentious parasite on the sanctity of the Buddha. Might I remind you that this is Thailand.

  14. Interesting that only the Nation is reporting this. If it were a story with substance it would be all over national and international press.

    Well, there is no oil in Thailand, and all other natural resources pillaged. There's only the sex industry which the world would rather leave in tact. So there are no arms worth twisting. I'm waiting for a Thai Polititian to deny that these are even the bodies of Thais, and not imported. I mean, .. is there evidence that any of them were smiling?

  15. Well, if it is proven that these are people killed during riots, and smuggled away under the Democrats watch, the implications for some very important people are very serious indeed. I wouldn't really matter if people deny that they knew this had happened, they will be guilty be association. From the army leadership down to Suthep, and probably further, they will be in extremely hot water.

    It isn't as though the police can't act on a find like this. The outcry (if true) will be deafening.

    I wonder if the UK is willing to take a few political refugees because they claim they can't get a fair trial in Thailand?

    "I wonder if the UK is willing to take a few political refugees because they claim they can't get a fair trial in Thailand?"

    If not, there is always Norway ... with it's pussy politics.Anyone noticed how the bomber/gunman is in the media all the time? He has celebrity status now! Admits to the actions, but denies criminality. He was taken on a day tour recently to show everyone how he did what and where, and shot who when. He gets 3 meals a day and is protected. So the Thais responsible for various actions relating to the deaths and cover ups of these the 169, could do the same.

    I'd rather a crowd of Thai muderers and body snatchers come to Norway, as long as they bring their wives, providing they are wives who are still alive and who can cook. Norwegian food is tasteless... almost as tasteless as my comments, but please don't delete this. It is not entirely off topic, just off tropic.

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