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Posts posted by billythefish

  1. Once the IP if the laptop is ascertained, it can be traced each time it is used.

    So a pattern can be discerned and logical repeats mapped and the culprit found.

    Your thinking of the MAC address, not the IP Address... IP addresses can change depending on providers etc, True for instance will change your IP address about once per day with an always-on ADSL connection. Its safe to assume that each time you connect to your ISP you will be given a new IP Address from a range of IP numbers they use. Typically you have to pay to use the same IP address each time (Static IP addresses)

    Think of the MAC address as the serial number on your Network card/Wireless card - its pretty much unique and is hardware orientated - it is possible to spoof MAC addresses and/or change MAC addresses, but most people dont really know anything about them, so it does take a little specialised knowledge to do this :)

    Thats in lay-man terms and may not be completely 100% correct, but gives you a basic understanding :D

    Besides the IP address and MAC address, your computer also has a CPU ID... this is what Microsoft logs and uses to license its Windows and Office software to unique computers across the globe in its WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) program. Just imagine the huge database Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, etc. have amassed on the global online community... which is available to the CIA, FBI, Interpol, etc. with merely a search warrant... Big Brother has been around a long time, he is just changing tactics from wiretapping of the 70's into internet tapping of the 90's and 00's...

    Exactly, and it won't be too long until we are all FORCED to SHUT UP!

  2. isnt that the new store?

    didnt know they had troubles

    was at the other store on the SuperHighway in Cm the other day, had everything I wanted, but theyve moved the ground coffee to who knows where, thats the 2nd time theyve done that, after i memorised the layout

    Memorized the layout? Good lord, I have gotten familiar with a number of supermarkets in my day, but never actually memorized the layout.

    Why do you find that strange?

    If you shop at some of these stores you need to memorize the layout! You pop in for a tin of beans and it has now been layed out with panty pads!

    Otherwise ou would be there all day trying to find a tin of beans!

    They (Tesco especially) practice this great annoyance regularly, apparently it makes you "notice" things!

    To me, ( who memorizes the layout and only wants to get in and out ASAP) It only pisses me off!

    I like to know where to go, I don't want to spend an hour pissing about in a maze trying to find out where they have hidden the Tuna!

  3. isnt that the new store?

    didnt know they had troubles

    was at the other store on the SuperHighway in Cm the other day, had everything I wanted, but theyve moved the ground coffee to who knows where, thats the 2nd time theyve done that, after i memorised the layout

    Yes it is the latest venture..and has become unstuck...when they opened we were able to buy anything, anything you wanted from outside of Thailand...now, they have removed all foreign produce and you have a thirty foot chiller of water bottles, no cheese, no potatoes, you cannot even buy EGGS! the place is a joke!

    If you take away the crap clothes and the shit TV stands and furniture, you have more selection in a 7/11!

    The fruit and vegetables are rotting on the shelves, you even have to check the food sell by date, which you never had to do in the city...buy a bottle of milk and you might end up with yoghurt!

    I feel sorry for the people who have invested in the stalls and the outside businesses, they are closing by the day!

    Can you imagine this place, it had about 100metres of foreign food stacked 2 metres high, now it has a 1 x 1 m shelf! it is not worth even visiting! Not for foreigners OR FOR THAIS!

  4. The flip side of "antifreeze" is it actually raises the boiling point as well........... maybe the purchasing peeps at Carrefour aint all that dumb after all.

    Then it would obviously have been better to state that on the packaging! Who in their right mind is going to buy Anti Freeze? (and I can read the labels...do you think any Thais are going to buy this?)

    Yes indeed, those people at Carreffour are "SMART" in a sort of "subliminal" way!!!

  5. I was in Carrefour (Hang dong) yes I know it is dying slowly by the day!

    Gradually, they remove everything you go there to buy, bread, potatoes, it is simply turning into a 30000 sqm cold water and Nam Plah shop, each time I visit it sells less, no eggs, no sugar, no milk...but 100 metres of fridge space taken up by bottled water. The place is a joke!

    But today, I found a really useful product in the motor accesory shelves.

    They actually used to sell 5 and 6 litre bottles of Shell and Castrol engine oil..that's gone too...but lo and behold... they were selling ANTI FREEZE! Imported American ANTIFREEZE!!!! not coolant...it was all in English on the bottle...it was ANTI FREEZE! Can you imagine the demand? Who on earth decided (someone did!) to pay to buy American Anti Freeze and IMPORT IT to Thailand?... was it a marketing strategy? Did they think that there might be a high demand out of the summer months when it gets down to about 8C????

    Someone at Carrefour needs to be looking for a new job!

  6. Same thing happened to me at Emporium a few years ago.

    I waited by my car while the shop called out his number plate. It took him an hour to turn up.

    It is my guess that he heard his plate number but didn't give two hoots.

    He made no attempt to apologize before getting in his car while I waited by mine.

    As he closed his door, I put my hand out to stop him and asked him why he couldn't even apologize for inconveniencing me for over an hour.

    All I received was a shrug... as infuriating as it was he only got called a few expletives...

    I would love to know what makes these people tick to really teach them a lesson for their self-centeredness and deliberate ignorance.

    IDEA... If this happens, Nails on the floor in front of their car... So as they move away to clear the space, their tyre deflates !

    Ever gave a thought to "FEUDALISM" like where the Lord of the manor can do what he likes and bugger you? That is all it is, they simply think they are superior to everyone! A bullet through the skull is more of what is needed for people like these.

    They will never ever look you in the eye...they are like scared DOGS, they can only look down on Thais from a lower class, they probably barfed in their pants when they saw it was a farang...like someone with intelligence that they could not possibly argue with and hold a rational point of view....hence, get in the car, ignore the farang and get the ##ck out of here before I lose a bit of face.

    The last thing in the world that they ever want is for someone to answer back to them!

    They probably expected you to give them a Wai and kindly ask them to move their car, which they would acknowledge the wai and DO YOU A FAVOUR by moving the car.

    Personally, I couldn't live in Bangkok, not with that kind of situation.

    I would have purchased the biggest strongest motor, maybe a Humvee or something, and I would have simply "MOVED" his car for him!

  7. That is why one should have a little idea of Thai customs.

    What they are showing you is a ceremony all Thai young men undergo around age 19, they become a monk and there is a party paid by the parents to invite all family and friends.

    Their picture could be one of a couple of meanings.

    1 They were inviting you to the party,

    2 It also could be that they were asking you to drive your truck at the occasion, but that is normally the duty of the parents.

    3 As you say they were elderly and the young and middle aged people usually dance all the way to the Wat (temple) They may have been asking you if they could ride in the back of your pick-up to the Wat and back.

    I have been to many of these "monkhoods" The picture shows the young man in the pick-up ( not yours) his head is shaved as, well as the young boys in the family that were chosen to accompany him. It is tradition that he rides under the umbrella.

    They are not asking you to pay for anything, envelopes are usually given out to the invited guest, and we deposit 100 baht in it and give it to the family at the dinner after the ceremony. If it is a close family member we give more.

    It is my guess that they are asking you to drive them to the wat in the cars that follow the one taking the Monk.

    Cost to you is the gas to go to the Wat, and 100 baht if you go to the dinner. That's all.

    Cheers: :)

    Jolly good show then.

    Fortunately, they're 16 years too late. Definitely me in the back of the truck mind.

    How can you tell in your infinite wisdom, that is a picture of you in the back of the truck?

    To me it looks like Ton, a young man from the village, I live about 5 blocks from the local Wat and see these happen at least 25 times a year. If it is a local youth. everyone dances from the youths home to the Wat accompanied by all the locals that like to dance,also the ever present Thai marching band. I have danced in a few for friends and family members.If it is from an out side village all come in trucks, with a large truck to accommodate the dancers.

    I re-examined the picture and can not tell how you can definitely say that it is a picture of you in the back of the truck. It just is a picture of a stick drawing.

    Saying that is you in the back of the truck, makes one wonder of the sincerity of you post.

    Cheers: :D

    It actually looks like some scribble from someone with a severe disability and absolutely no skills at drawing! If it is supposed to represent a young boy leaving the village for the temple life, then I don't seem to see the bag of Ya Bah pills, the Lao kao, or the Karaoke machine...Dahli was often misinterpretted too! so you never know!

  8. It appears that they want you to take them to the Red Shirt Rally planned in Bangkok next month, suggest you get a red shirt or a pair of balls! (by the way, they will expect you to foot all fuel bills and food bills for the 40 or so they cram in your pick up...you might get a free red shirt though!)

  9. 1. I've always said that it is advisable to rent from one of the international companies because they do have some standards and are simply more reliable...plus I usually ended up getting a discount even when not asked for. And if something does go badly wrong, you will still be able to deal with the parent company when you get back to the States (or wherever). Franchises of western companies in Thailand do have to abide by most standards of the company internationally because if they don't, the parent company's reputation is harmed and they suffer. Certainly some laws about business and consumerism are far different, but bad business will not be tolerated (BY A LEGITIMATE CLAIM) by the parent company.

    2. Not worth suing. Just get out of it the easiest and cleanest way possible.

    3. It's sad seeing those who rant and rave against the Thai penchant for revenge, recommending the same attitude here. One doesn't right things done by a "hia" by becoming a "hia" himself.

    You are obviously a Thai! ...not worth suing, perish the thought anyone dared to question your morals and unscrupulous behaviour!

    You lot would just love that, love for the spenders to just walk away!

    Leave you with the cash, no questions asked!

    Get a lawyer on a no win no fee basis, it would be worth it just to see these rip off merchants shit themselves!

    Do we have to accept a second or third rate service from Thailand? Is our money not good enough? or is it only good enough when it benefits the Thais?

    They offer a service, the service is crap, they try to extort money...sue em! They will eventually learn, it is a learning curve, one they have never been through before, the only thing they understand is Kren Jai and class/caste...they need to be taught that all money is equal when it pays for a service, no need to grovel like a dog to mister somchai because he works for the government and drop a turd on the farang...both of their monies hold the same value!

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