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Posts posted by 92302

  1. Vs Kerry post

    Today I wear

    Jeans 200bht

    T-shirt 150bht

    Underwear 40bht

    Flip flops 90bht

    Total 480bht, same as any trendy young Thai guy.

    Tonight add Nike Trainers 1,200 bht, cotton shirt 300bht, about 1,800bht.

    Big booze night out, might spend 300bht if have coyote dancers on table.

    If you have style and good looks, don't need spend much money on clothes.

    About us much style as a Primark shopper. :rolleyes:

  2. Its similar to not stepping on a crack on the footpath. Baby cannot go out for the first month, head shaving will come next, it goes on and on. The most disgusting is when the adult chews the food to feed to the baby. Just be glad your not directly involved.

    Someone was telling me he was in one of the villages visiting and grandad of the family would put his mouth over one of the child's noses if it was blocked and suck the flem into his own mouth then spit it out, nice,

  3. This topic should have a poll...

    Thai food, I love it........ The OP needs to move on. If he has been in the north east for 5 years and hates Thai food then it's time to leave.

    Yeah while we are at it lets tell the Chinese community in China Town London to "jog on" living there year in year out and only eating Chinese food, disgraceful. :rolleyes:

  4. The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

    Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

    Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:

    Ironic when sexpats feel the need to take the higher moral ground on the way someone lives their life.

    Are you referring to me? I'm not a sexpat. Are you?

    Did you see no humour in the video. It was very well done and a lot more interesting to watch than the royal kiss.

    I watched it but couldn't for the life of me see anything in the slightest comical about it. To most mature adults with the slightest bit of intelligence it would of come across as something that an immature adolescent had knocked together in their free school time.

    It rushed back some memories of a real nasty kid at my school many moons ago. He thrived on making nasty comments relentlessly about anything and anyone that wasn't, in his eyes, the same as him.

    Sure enough, he grew into a self opinionated, unhappy, nasty piece of work that you wouldn't want to spend 1 minute with but unfortunately, with the internet, people like him one will unfortunately come across from time to time.

    Best wishes to William and Kate.

  5. I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

    They should (and I repeat 'should') by now be aware of these so called scams, given that jet skis are 'illegal', believe the word 'scam' inappropriate. How can one be scammed by someone conducting an illegal business in the first place, rather like a john complaining to a brothel keeper about having been ripped off by one his sex workers, given all the publicity this particular aspect of Thai tourism has been given worldwide. Or do they not have access to international news in India and Iran?


  6. What makes you think it's the guys paying the girls?

    It could be the other way round!

    One will find that the middle aged, deluded, toothless, overweight, balding, half witted drunk that staggers around the likes of Pattaya at night with a girl in her 20's will always have one liners like this to hand...

    "she pays me" :rolleyes:

  7. It is quite a simple process that has been mastered here by many of this forums members.

    You find yourself a BG then pay for her to leave the bar for good and take her home and clean her up. You then take her out and by her ridiculously looking clothes that look odd, out of place and uncomfortable but in your mind make her look hiso. You then clue her up what to say to your friends and family where you met.

    I meet you in restaurant OK?

    You went to university OK?

    Your family rich and half Chinese OK?

    Once you have brain washed her and deluded yourself come back and join in the threads where "countless others" will claim their misses is not a BG but a gift from god that only us less mortals could dream about. ;)

  8. i was thinking of having a t-shirt or vest printed up , with BEWARE JETSKI SCAMMERS OPERATE THIS BEACH , printed on them in english and hindu/punjab , and do the usual daily walking up and down,

    my question is do you think any of the lowlife scammers would be able to read english or punjab

    Why not have a sandwich board made that you can slip into and carry down beach road with the same slogan on the front and back....if your up for it let me know when your going to do it so i can come down with my camera and watch the outcome, cheers.

  9. It can sometimes be a little demeaning when one has a rich Thai girlfriend, for example when we eat daily in only the top restaurants in Bangkok when it comes to paying the bill she will spin her platinum card on to the waiters silver tray then at the same time mover her hair from left to right erratically like a shampoo advert of a Thai /Chinese woman who's family own gold shops in china town.

    This woman has never asked me for anything but just keeps on spending her extreme wealth on me. She did ask once for a 5 baht coin so she could use a public toilet, i said go screw yourself what do you think i am your walking ATM? sheesh the cheek!!!!

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