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Posts posted by 101734

  1. wow, what happened to you to make you so bitter?

    Another Lemon either blew all his money himself or someone helped him, we've all met or seen them staring into a Chang bottle wondering where it all went wrong, some make it some don't.

    Lovely and sunny today wasn't it?

  2. The problem we have with the English language that is spoken worldwide is "misunderstandings" with the language. What one countries population would understand as one thing another could take it completely the wrong way.

    Take this lovely old couple from the good ole U.S of A on a trip to the UK. Their favourite football team is the Torpedoes and causes quite a stir in an English cafe with its patrons... :)

  3. I forgot to suggest the the OP change his FTP and CP password to something really strong.

    This is more then likely the issue, change your FTP password to something really secure as suggested. Also check permissions as you build your site.

    .htaccess is extremely useful, some sites can't function without it especially if your thinking of using a CMS.

    Before googlebot comes visiting the first thing I do once I register a new domain is upload a robots.txt file then edit my .htaccess from non www to www in mod_rewrite.

    Critical SEO, first thing everyone should do. Don't just delete things, learn what they are for and how they can benefit your website.

  4. ^^ They say Thailand has it's fair share of social misfits, this clown is the spokesperson. :) Your like a cross between Roy Slater and Charlie Chisholm two right horrible bast@$ds, no doubt your two favourite characters. :D

    Let me round off with a quote from BlackAdder, I think even you can work out where I'm coming from...

    Baldrick, I would like to say how much I will miss your honest and friendly companionship.

    Baldrick: Aaahh, thank you Mr. B.

    Blackadder: But as we both know, it'll be an utter lie. I will therefore confine myself to saying simply, "Sod off," and if I ever meet you again, it'll be twenty billion years too soon.

  5. Here's a checklist if you still get rejected.

    Again check your content is unique.

    Does it boarder line a MFA website (made for AdSense)

    Do you have enough content on each page?

    Is your content spammy?

    (I was going to suggest check content for words like sex, drugs, firearms but as it's about cars i doubt there's any need to!)

    Is the domain newly registered or had previous owner(s)

    Do you have any other contextual advertising on your site for instance YPN (Yahoo! Publisher Network)

    Adsense is very very hard work, it's a full time job writing unique content, finding links, gaining good SERPS and getting lots of targeted traffic.

    It is also good to note that some content will pay less then others for example money terms will pay more then a site about fishing for example.

    If you want some inspiration take a look at this, but don't get to excited this guy (Shoemoney) is a pro.

    Good Luck.

  6. Jesus, nothing sums up the naffness of expat thailand quite so succinctly as Only bloody Fools and bloody Horses - with the possible exception of Hotel California.

    Anyone who's been to Crazy Dave's in Pattaya will understand. How I pity the staff.

    Some utter gash in that list...

    I wouldn't expect anything less of an answer from someone like yourself who spent years in the "UK justice system".

    I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that your type are as about as dull as watching paint dry.

    OFAH was and still is a national treasure, many many years of laughter and entertainment for all the family.

    I pity you, honestly I do.

  7. "I hope that this business idea will yield a healthy financial return in the long run."

    Your kidding right?

    Anyway how do you think shes going to feel when she sees her friends and shes pushing a cart about town selling towels, shame and humiliation I would of thought.

    Back to the drawing board I'm afraid.

  8. I took my mum and dad down that way for a day out when they was over on holiday. We was also turned around for being foreigners at the Naval base. My mum said "I respect that, it's a blimming shame our country isn't the same" she's British born and bred.

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