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Posts posted by FalangBaa

  1. You should NOT even be thinking about looking at online pornography from within Thailand. The ISPs block it for a reason: because most of it is highly illegal under Thai morality laws. If your ISP reported your IP address, you could be facing a lengthy jail term. I know of one Thai man living near me who went to jail for having porn on his computer, and we're not talking about pedophilia here. Most if not all of the hardcore porn made in the USA, for example, would be illegal in Thailand, which is why the Government blocks it. Although I have sometimes looked at porn myself in other countries including Europe and the USA, i would NEVER consider doing so in Thailand precisely because of the illegality and the fact that I'm not keen on spending any time inside a Thai jail.

  2. Quite easy in Thailand to find an unscrupulous veterinary surgeon who, for a small fee and no questions asked, will open up your dog's abdomen and insert a 2 or 3 kg sealed package of anything into the visceral cavity between the vital organs. Quite easy to do too with an average-sized dog. With a large one, you could probably squeeze in 5 kg of something. Airport police probably wouldn't be alerted by a drug-sniffing dog sniffing another dog. After all, dogs sniff dogs all the time. Beware of the hazards of being an involuntary drug mule.

  3. Does this mean that Suvarnabhumi is going to close and they're finally going to build the really good airport that Thailand needs to secure the future of its tourism and international trading? I hope so. That airport is unfit for purpose, and don't even mention Don Muang, which should be closed immediately and the land sold for upscale condominiums.

  4. When your Thai wife wants to buy 2.5 million baht of land and you only have 1 million to your name, that's when you should start to question whether she really is only with you for your handsome looks as she says a dozen times every day... I'd say if your assets only amount to 1 million baht, you're a poor man who's in no position to buy land costing 2.5 million, meaning you have to borrow two and a half times the total money you have saved. Doesn't make sense. Are you sure "your wife and you" want to buy it or does "she" want to buy it? It's never really a good idea to buy something you can't afford to buy. And why is land such a good investment? I'd say 2.5 million baht of gold is much more likely to increase in value to, say, 3 or 3.5 million within the next year rather than land. Why not buy gold instead? I'm sure your wife will like that too... :rolleyes:

  5. Sadly you are inciting a member to break the law, maximum allowed is 1 Litre of alcoholic beverage, the strength matters not.

    If you can split it between two members then no problem.

    Despite the dodgy legality, I'll leave this open, I like the odd vino collapso too :P

    Ah, bring 2, bring 5, just declare and pay the duty on the excess. Not at all illegal, me thinks.


    Unfortunately there is no mechanism in place to pay duty on the excess, anything over the 2L allowance is confiscated :(

    Probably best if any negotiations are carried out by PM.

    Do you honestly think the PM has time for this? After her daily manicures, pedicures, massages, hairstyling and shopping trips, is there really time for the PM to negotiate the import of wines too? Overtaxin' a PM in Thailand is not recommended.

  6. I almost want to sue a well known University in the US, since everything they taught me about economics does not apply in the bubble that is Thailand

    The government announces that they are going to have to borrow millions (billions) of Baht for reconstruction yet the value of the Baht goes UP :annoyed:


    (An investor is a person who would pimp his daughter...but only for a good rate of return on his investment... better than market rate.)


    There are a lot of very savvy investors in the villages of Issan...

  7. I believe the contradiction is this:

    From Article 1

    "The Chao Phraya River's water level in Bangkok will likely rise to 2.6 metres [above normal sea level] over the coming weekend. It's going to be higher than the embankment," Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra said yesterday.

    From Article 2

    The level of the sea is expected to rise to about 2.45 metres from Thursday to Monday, though the embankments along Chao Phraya are 2.5m high.

    That extra 1.5 meters might make a big difference, I should think. BTW, elsewhere I've read articles on this board that claim the embankment is on average 2.5 meters high. It sure would be nice to know whether that latter number is indeed an average or a minimum.

    Check your maths... Not much difference, since it's 0.15 metres, not 1.5 metres. It's 15 cm, the height of a small wave made by a passing boat with up to 3 people in it, not to mention a large riverboat taxi which could make a wave up to 0.5 metres.

  8. Thais cannot get together on the spelling of a location.

    Imagine their thought process for disasters!

    I know for a FACT that ALL THAIS have known this was coming. For the last ten years farang have heard that Bangkok would be under water in ten years.

    Nothing but laughs whenever I asked what preventive measures were being taken.

    Sand bags DO NOT STOP MAJOR FLOODS I told them...and they laughed again.

    i posted in another topic, but if you read the wikileak cables from the US embassey, they predicted this lst year !

    Eventually we may be able read about this flood and get some better insight into what's really going on behind the scenes now .... if the (diplomatic) leaks continue. Maybe we will all look like fools then. :sick:

  9. "Researchers agree flood crisis to hit economy hard

    Seetalayajit Sabayjai

    The Nation

    Both local and international research houses predict that the floods will cause substantial damage to the Thai economy this year."

    Presumably all these folks have graduate degrees in stating the bleeding obvious?

    Yeah, like so much "news" these days. Close you eyes and make something up vague and general then present it in pompous or somber tones with good inflection and you've got modern TV news.

    It's so bad it is beyond insulting to everyone's intelligence. Probably more in the ludicrous but maybe almost into the insipid category.

    Your avatar is extremely annoying and is hypnotizing me. Change it na krap!

  10. "My dad has to walk with a walking stick. I still have to go to work because now I am the only breadwinner," she added.

    You work to support your father because your country can't get its act together and offer a decent social security system. So what do Thai parents do? Lean on their children, of course. Totally unfair when the government could easily enact a social program to ease such burdens. But you go ahead and keep supporting your aging father. You'll have kids someday and if by miracle your Thai man actually sticks around to bear some of the financial burden of your offspring, you too can burden your children with taking care of you. And so on...and so on.

    Oh, and the floods are an embarrassment to Thailand as well. Way to go Yingluck. You're over your head...perhaps literally by now.

    Patronizing and moralizing rubbish. I bet you think you're superior to the Thai people who surround you. And I bet this illusion gives you a fake sense of self-esteem that you never had in your own country. Western countries NEED a welfare state system because individual children are too self-centred to want to support their parents in old age. Anyway, now the Western countries are in serious financial trouble, the notion of a welfare state is going to fall by the wayside. Pensions will have to be cut, and people will have to work longer. The Western economies, the USA included, are struggling to grow at 0 - 1 % per annum whereas China is still growing at over 9% and Thailand at 4% (possibly revised down to 3% this year due to this disaster), i.e. 4 times faster growth than the West. The gap is narrowing.

  11. I can sell you methi seeds,which I or you can grind yourself.Not come across much powder here.

    Pm me if you want more info

    In Phuket they drop the "i" from the end of the name. And there are thousands of kids who go through a lot more than 20 grams a day... Go to Tesco Lotus car park in the evening and a guy there can probably hook you up with some. ph34r.gif

  12. Tens of Thousands of Bangkok citizens will die, when they are now going flood Bangkok! The PM is obviously totally in sane!

    How will she supply food and water to the 15-20 million people in Bangkok. The shelves of water has been almost empty for weeks already, so not possible to keep a stock in the home! And financiallyThailand will go bankrupt.

    To late for "State of Emergency". Only a coup will be able to save Thailand and Bangkok now.

    But look on the bright side. At least it will be great for the baht/dollar exchange rate...

  13. Has a city the size of Bangkok ever been flooded before? I hope the powers that be know what they're doing.

    Bangkok has been flooded by much smaller amounts of water before .... I've seen a meter of water on Silom and Rama IV roads. But that was a flash flood situation that drained in a couple of days. This is a deluge that will last too long.

    Bangkok is a BIG city with .. 15 -20 million people. There isn't enough food and (potable) water.

    From Wikipedia:

    Bangkok has an official population of 9,100,000 residents, while the greater Bangkok area contains some 11,971,000 (January 2008).[4]

    Certainly at least 8 million short of the 20 million you are estimating. Only about the 50th biggest city in the world.

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