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Posts posted by RIJoe

  1. The women were impressive against some fierce competition. Their performance against powerhouses like the US, Brazil and China was unbelievable.

    Question: I'd like to get one of the black shirts they wore during the tournament for my daughter. Any idea where they can be found?

  2. I lived in RI (USA) when the Station Nightclub went up in flames because of bad pyrotechnics. That scared the crap out of me and then a while back in Bangkok. I live in Pattaya now but I only visit open air bars or places where there are more than one exit. Walking Street is a disaster waiting to happen.

    Sad for the traveller and his family.

  3. I'm a US citizen who has been on a watch list for the last couple of years due to spending all my vacations in Thailand (six years). Did a project for work there and fell in love with it. Now every re-entry to the US, I get a secondary screening - dumped suitcase, linings unzipped, computer searched (all files) and all pics viewed on my camera (100+ images). I'm waiting on my re-dress since December. The Airport individual pointed me to the web site to request re-dress and that it would take 30 days. It's now July with no response. Three re-entries with secondary screenings and they've never found anything wrong, but are obviously putting something in my record to force the secondary screenings. Each one has been more intense than the last. I fear what's next. I love Thailand and I retired this year and got a student visa to try living here permanently to see if it will be different than vacation mode. I love it. But I will go back to the states to see my daughter and grandson as often as affordable.

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