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Posts posted by greyfriarsbobby

  1. If that upsets you in Thailand need i say more

    No, you've obviously overstretched your mental capabilities with those ten carefully selected words, best you go lie down awhile.

    To the OP, I don't know the bar but I have to say I'm not a great fan of these pseudo Irish establishments. People tend to think all you need for an Irish pub is a pot of green paint and a sign to Galway. What makes Irish bars is the craic and the smiling service, in fact that is what makes any bar but is all too often missing.

    Suggest you do as I do in such instances, and in fact you did, and vote with your feet and wallet. It's not like it's the only bar in town.

    The UN Irish pub is NOT a pseudo Irish establishment. It is UN Irish and makes no claim to be Irish if you read the historical notes there. The major shareholder is an extremely friendly Oz and his staff have always been pleasant to me.

  2. if yr having difficulty finding a England one try looking for a NZ (All Whites) one

    A source of soccer shirts may be The Red Lion. They always seem to have plenty in red, anyway!

    Why? Is Kevin on the Hunt for some Red Shirts with lions. I thought the England team wore a white shirt with Red Lions and a sponsor's logo on them. Now that Beckam is to become a TV pundit (see UK press today) as he will not be playing can. we find a pub to sponser a non red lion shirt area

  3. I'd like to nominate the Loi Kroh rd bar owners: Myself (Olde Bell) , fat, but a bit of life in the old dog yet, Chris,(Marijuana Bar) 50% tonto, but can still play a straight bat, Lob (Wild boar) on the tubby side, pony tailed, but, I gather, a fine lover if called upon, Jules (The What), balding, but still able to keep the lovely Denise going! Freddie (Nr 1 bar) another virile baldie.

    So basically, the Loi Kroh Rd, bar owners knock the Nimmanahamenda crowd into a cocked hat..... of course some punters come to our places to see the girls we employ, but I'm sure us bar owners are the real attraction!!!

    Is the "cocked hat" the name of a bar in Loi Kroh, a new name for some practices or other or has KH been kicked into it?

  4. Keep in mind there are different types. If you want to future proof for gigabit internet you should go with CAT6. If that is not a concern CAT5 is cheap as chips. I've wired my house with CAT5 but I only required 20 meter lengths, which I bought in one of the non-descript shops on the second or third floor in Panthip, it was prepackaged in a clear plastic bag and very cheap.

    It has lasted me fine for over a year, for what it's worth.

    thanx Meadish and all. As it's only going to be strung across the trees I'll get the cheap stuff.

    How long will the cable last if you are serious about it being strung in the trees?

    I shall try computer plaza as it's nearer.

  5. Always good to cover all the bases, Rass.

    It certainly didn't hurt to get the IDP, or IDL.

    Just as an aside, the new Thai driver licenses that they started issuing in Jan 2008 are ASEAN compliant- meaning they are accepted in all the ASEAN countries. From Wikipedia:

    "Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.[5] Since then, membership has expanded to include Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam."

    BTW, I used my Thai 5 yr license in August last year to rent a car at Alamo at LAX, no problem.

    In the UK it is not legal to use an IDL/P backed up with a foreign licence if you hold a UK licence. The major hire companies do check. I have been cought out but only been given a warning. BTW the IDL/P and Foreign licence I held were not issued in Thailand but from another Asian Country. I also had a Thai licence and told the rules were the same. You drive in your home country on your home licence! If you have dual passports it could be interesting!

    Check with Hertz etc b4 using them


  6. All you guys saying she is desperate or stupid have no idea how much gets through. Had she not been ratted out she likely doesn't get busted. I'll bet 90%+ of shipments make it through undetected and 75%+ of people busted just lose the drugs and a bribe to the cops.

    I won't be running coke anytime soon but I can easily see the risk/reward being attractive to a personal with titanium testicles.

    Don't be so naive, you cant always bribe your way out of things in Thailand. If the police accepted bribes all the time then the prisons would not be overcrowded as they are now.

    Maybe they/she cannot afford the bribe!!

  7. Would definitely be interested, but it depends on many factors: the quality, experience and education of the members, the group's by-laws and the investing goals/strategies.

    You missed the point, Luke. There are no investing goals and strategies. According to the OP no one will be required to put up any money. It's just a way to discuss ideas.

    If there is no investment/gain what is the point of the "ideas". :)

  8. OP, why in the world, did you ever decide to start this thread and not just stick to your advertising! You have asked for customer reaction. You have kindly but publicly (a sort of advertisement) offered me a free meal. No thank you! There are too many restaurants in this town who are much, much better, in my view. Otherwise, I am glad you are friends with nearby and much better, to my taste, cooks than you are.

    From time to time, although I know they are health no-no's, I love roast beef, pork, chicken and the trimmings. I actually know how to cook them. Much better than you do, actually, but I am too lazy and it is hard economically to prepare a decent roast for just two or three people! Restaurants are supposed to be able to do that. ANd, no, I am not looking for a job in your kitchen!

    Otherwise, there is no accounting for traditional English taste for bad English cooking. You'll not find much of it in England anymore, actually, except on the really cheap! But you can unfortunately, to my taste, find ill-conceived, cooked dishes at your place. I regret to say that I think you have missed the mark by quite a long shot.

    I hope that you get better, but I haven't got much confidence in that right now. Actually (now that YOU continue the conversation), I have more than one time, as I referred to above, had bad experiences in your restaurant. Indeed, I also encountered some rather curious individuals drooling at table when I was last there, as referred to just above by another poster. You seem to attract rather mixed company. I'll bet that some don't pay well.

    Why do you accuse the OP of being "English" and of "bad English cooking". His Major Chef is Asian and he is Welsh.

    PS The Olde Belle food is very good IMHO and as others have said, if you have a problem with the OP suggest you talk direct/PM/visit etc and not SLAG off in a public forum.

  9. One of the things about Chiangmai being a foodie's haven is that it's so easy to get around from one place to another. You can easily wander around the inside of the moat checking out menus and looking through hundreds of restaurants, stalls, and cafes for the atmosphere that suits you. To get to the furthest river side BBQ joints is only a few minutes away by car/taxi/tuk tuk.

    Bangkok has plenty of good places to eat but they can be far apart from each other and it's not so easy to just stroll around looking for some place to dine.

    That is definitely one of the attractions.

    Uptheos: I fear you are in a minority. BTW the Bangers and Mash at The Olde Bell are 140 baht and if you live in Chiang Mai and are entitled to an Olde Bell Gold Card, you 10% off that price. 126 baht for Bangers & Mash. 'ow about that guvner?

    but does it come with free water and NO Riff Raff

    I willl not be Hunting for a reply

  10. Thank you "mamborobert" for your erudite response. I withdraw my hidden slight at the OP. may he find what covers his needs best, I hope he is no slouch!

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