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Posts posted by rametindallas

  1. This is so wrong on all counts. I doubt many of the participants truly understand just what they are getting involved in right now. The organisers, ring leaders need to be jailed, what's going to be next? persuading 1000 people to commit mass suicide on the steps of government house? The red leaders are doing this for shock tactics, and I feel when the international press get hold of this (as they already have), the knock on effect to the Thai tourist industry will be far more devastating than closing an airport down.

    I believe they could get 1,000 to commit mass suicide on the steps of government house. Once you have 'lost face', what else is left? It seems they are painting themselves into a tighter and tighter corner with no way out.

  2. AGREED. These people are behaving like wild animals, absolutely disgusting and very disrespectul. :)

    This is the very line of thinking that has many of these Red Shirts angry. Yes, they are not as educated as many of the patrons of this forum, as well as the majority of the white collar workers typically residing in the cities. But that doesn't give the so-called "educated" the right to relegate them to a less-than-civil level of humanity, or categorize them as "wild animals".

    This elitist attitude is just as big a problem that needs to be addressed as the lack of education of the huge segment of Thailand's population that make up much of the Red Shirt movement. To these predominantly rural poor, it is this attitude that they find "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :D "

    He's right. We should separate the 'used' from the 'users'. The 'used' are there for many reasons; some noble and some self-interest. It's the 'users' we should condemn. Alas, the leadership has "Jumped the shark" with this blood idea. I think they really have no master plan but thinking is up as they go. They have to keep this going as they are on the payroll of Dr. T and when they stop, the money stops. Please feel sadness for the downtrodden and also for those who would lower themselves to be bought/ brought into this terrible situation. I'm hoping for a little common sense and people will start slipping away when they come around for the blood donation. 300, 500, or even 2,000 baht is not enough to convince anyone with a brain to allow their blood to be drawn in less than hospital conditions. All in all, this whole thing is becoming pitiful; so poorly planned, so poorly played. It seems to me that a great many proud Thais are moderated in their behavior because of worry they may 'lose face'. These protestors and protest leaders have lost so much 'face'. How will people behave when there is no more 'face' left to be saved?


  3. There are too many threads on this topic. Every time a Red Shirt throws a feces*, or each time Thaksin tells another lie (numerous times per day; where he's flying to, where he has not been kicked out of, etc. ad infinitum), there's a new thread. Too much monkey business.

    * what's the singular for feces? ....fece?

    What is a pant, is that one leg of a pair of pants?

    ....or a trouser or a dungaree, or a short?

    Why are all things men wear between their waists and their ankles plural?

    because we have three legs :)

  4. The National Peacekeeping Command sets up seven steps in preparation for the red shirt protest in front of the 11th Infantry Regiment. They include soldiersand shields, water trucks, broadcasted vocal warning, tear gas, clubs , and rubber bullets.

    (Tan Network)

    Hmmm...the reds better be careful where there swarm leads them, otherwise, they might end up getting stung by the unnamed 7th Step...hmmm wonder what comes after rubber bullets? Bags of s*it maybe, or maybe a well deserved spanking? Hopefully, they will never have to find out.

    I read the army is unarmed. Is that what you have heard? If so, they are being REALLY careful. But whoever shoots first, it's going to be a mess....

    As much as I like this to end peacefully, being unarmed to defend an Army barracks full or weapons and your National Leader, in my eyes, would be stupidity. A strong defense is the best deterent.

    (Sorry about my spelling sometimes, English is not my first language)

    Just read this...TAN Network: PM to address the country before noon deadline

    I sure hope that PM Abhisit doesn't give in to these thugs. Thaksin is no Che Guevara. Thaksin is a ruthless, murderous, captialist egomaniac and his attempts to take back power must be twarted.

    Your English is better than many Americans I live around. I read that last night they reinforced the barracks with 7,500 troops in full anti-riot gear. As I understand it, only the frontline (possible contact with demonstrators) soldiers are unarmed. There, also, have been 'flying squads' of SWAT teams scattered around strategically since the beginning. And, just to be extra safe, there are three helicopters, including a Blackhawk, at the ready in case of need of hasty departure. Heads of State have all the resources they need to stay safe.

    Personally, if the demonstrators march on the barracks, I think he should just fly away. No reason to protest there anymore. My sympathies are with the undereducated, underserved, unappreciated working poor of this beautiful country. I am sorry they are exploited by those who claim to be their champions. By staying regional, i.e. North and Northeast, the redshirts will always be a powerless minority. Would that some charismatic one-of-their-own could unite all downtrodden in this country into a political force. What I know about power structure in the villages across all regions is that they will never be allowed to progress because the local 'pu yai' need cheap labor to continue to live the high life. These 'pu yai' are not political as in the West but MONEY is their only reason for being in and chosing political parties. I hope I haven't offended anyone; these are my viewpoints.

  5. Funny rabbit story, a friend and I were talking about the various game we'd eaten and I said I hadn't ever tried rabbit (just a normal middle class suburban American girl Naam) and my friend said he had eaten it when he was young. My husband looked at us with a horrified look on his face and said, "You eat BUNNIES?" :D


    having been exposed many years to the dos and don'ts of the Greatest Nation on Earth™i am well aware that its citizens don't eat "bunnies" or "bambis". the list is actually much longer and includes (amongst others) pigeon and eel. when my son sent me years ago smoked eel (an expensive delicacy in Europe and Japan) as a Christmas present by courier to Florida one of my neighbours was horrified when i wanted to share with him. but the other batch of my american friends wouldn't have minded as they enjoy to eat squirrel, turtle, gator, copper heads and raw deer liver after we gone huntin' and similar out of range goodies. they 'is' all down to earth rednecks (northern Florida, Georgia and Ahlabahmah). i always look forward to enjoy their company once a year for a couple of weeks and my favourite pasttime is the proverbial count how many cars on cement blocks in front/backyard and how many white goods on their porches. :)

    I grew up in S. Louisiana and we had rabbit frequently during the winter rabbit season. My Thai GF was shocked when I pointed to some rabbits for sale on Sukhumvit 77 as if I would eat someone's pet. Same as Isaan, protein is protein; and tasty at that. Cheers.

  6. The reds today are entirely too intertwined with Dr. Taksin and PT party. Better for them to choose their own leaders, who are untainted, and take over the government through the ballot box (democratic means). They claim they have a majority so it should be easy to organize and field candidates in the next scheduled election.

    This is a parlimentary government. Why wait 2 years for an election? Schedule and internationally supervised election in 90 days! Problem solved.

    Maybe you missed the part where I said 'of their own' and 'untainted'. 90 days is hardly time for the true democracy seekers to organize without using Dr. Takxin's corrupting influence. Give this current government a chance to show if it can lead Thais to a better life, also. Thailand will get nowhere changing governments at the drop of a hat. Please don't be so impatient and short-sighted; it shows immaturity.

  7. Of course, there are reasons other than cheap sex that one would want to live here;

    The way that you are made to feel welcome, the ease of obtaining a visa and staying long term, the stability of the Government.

    Thailand is virtually corruption free the police and Immigration are helpful and polite, you are treated as an equal everything that is 'open' to a Thai national is also 'open' to you at the same price.

    The infrastructure is the best, excellent roads, abundant cheap fresh water, and guaranteed electricity 24/7 this coupled with a pollution free atmosphere ensures a stress free environment.

    Driving in Thailand is a pleasure, the people are so courteous when driving, the taxi's and tuk-tuk's are safe and offer a cheap and reliable way to get around, fatal accidents are almost unheard of; if you are unfortunately involved in an accident, you can rest assured that you will receive the best available treatment at one of the many State hospitals, of course at the same price as a Thai national.

    A visit to one of the numerous bars where you can engage in an intellectual conversation with one of the girls is a must. When you get fed up with the bar scene, you can take a massage, visit a temple or you can visit one of the many museums and art galleries scattered around major cities. Of course, you can simply walk around and take in the abundant amazing architecture.

    Shopping is an experience not to be missed, you can rest assured that you will be given the fairest price; the local products are first class and all come with a 'no quibble' money back guarantee.

    When it is time to eat there is so much to choose from, there is rice, noodles, frogs, insects all prepared personally for you in a hygienic environment, there are also plenty of cheap International restaurants.

    If you decide to invest in Thailand, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a property this is a safe easy fuss free operation, and offers a great return on your investment.

    You will soon make many friends in the land of smiles many of whom will at some time ask to borrow money have no fear these requests are genuine and prompt repayment is guaranteed.

    Once you have 'settled into' your trouble free dream home and you have children there will come a time when you will have to start thinking about education, this is not an issue there are many affordable English Programme schools with highly qualified teaching staff. You always have the option of sending your children to a State School these offer some of the best facilities in Asia, then onto one of the many cheap internationally recognised Universities.

    Oh, did I mention the cheap sex industry?


    Seriously, OP, I've been coming here two months a year since '99 and just seem to have an afinity for everything here including all the warts. I am originally from S. Louisiana (home of hot, humid weather, mafia, govt. corruption, welcoming, friendly, people. 24 hours party, etc.) so I really feel at home here. I have many friend from all strata of society and believe I am treated as 'special' here more than in my own country. BTW, OP, you may say anything negative about Thailand that you want to and it just rolls off like water on a duck's back. I wish you luck finding your place in this big, varied world.

  8. For all those claiming double standards and, 'why did this government allow the yellow shirts to do what they want, and why can't the poor red shirts have their turn at paralysing the city, blah blah boo hoo'!. It is a completely different government cabinet to the one that allowed the yellow shirt disaster.

    The thing is ...there was really no government in place anymore. Surely, Thaksin's brother-in-law was PM after Samak, but the police and army didn't follow their orders anymore. Instead doing their jobs, the army and police decided to sit back and do nothing. Well, eventually they did something, but it was a coup, which served their personal interests, not the country's.

    Still beating a dead horse...

    I think your mother dropped you on your head when you were small as you seem unable to keep a historic timeline in your mind e.g. the army did a coup d'etat on Somchai? Since you are on this forum you obviously have internet capabilities. I earnestly suggest you go to Wikipedia with a pad and pen and draw a timeline of events and keep it in front of you when posting here. People might take you seriously if you at least got your facts right. Opinions backed up by ignorance are a waste of my time. Thank you, no offence.

  9. Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

    Exactly correct!

    And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

    The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

    The rich=VS=poor

    Cant anyone see this?

    Only delusional people can see this.

  10. The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

    'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.

    :) Sorry to be so pedantic but language only accounts for about 30% of communication, the rest is to be found in body language.....well from the linguistic research I have read, that is the problem with ecommunication, no nuances, no body language, no intonation etc......hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow....Dukkha

    Thank you for the carificaton and I, also hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow

  11. It's not going to work as planned.

    Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

    The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

    I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

    The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

    "The Abhisit government is legit and decent"? Legit? By who's standards? A government that gained power by military coup while the democratically elected PM was overseas is legit?

    the Abhisit government was put in place by the PPP because the PPP got caught cheating

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