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Posts posted by mrjon

  1. 20 hours ago, HeijoshinCool said:




    The very purpose of this forum is to answer questions from folks seeking accurate information. It is not to foist our personal opinions on them without their solicitation, or tell them how wrong are selfish they are.


    I simply answered his question with a positive attitude, something this forum lacks at times. What he does with it is his business, not mine, not yours.


    There must be some morbid underlying psychological pathology that causes certain people to feel their opinions have more value than other.








    losers never win and winners never lose, thanks for your 2 cents HeijoshinCool

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, mok199 said:

    Black smoke, why not just get serious about emission testing every vehicle,with no bribes and no money under the table..you either pass or fail ...PERIOD

    good point, but at least the majority of cars are newer and i would hope fitted  with cat convertors. If they are not equiped with cat's from the factory, shame on every f' en one of them.

  3. 9 hours ago, joeyg said:

    Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one oif your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


    Oh such pious people we have in here, remember when we point a finger at someone we have 3 more pointing back at us. 

  4. We are in need of a short term rental of 3-4 months starting approximately the third week of Sept

    Type of property desired: detached home, town house, condo (min 50 sq), apt, in that order of preference.

    Gated community would be nice but not necessary, no baan living with the chickens and dogs

    The location should be roughly 30 min drive time or less of Pasicharoen

    Some locations that come to mind are; Thawi Watthana, Bang Khun Thian, Bang Khae, Bang Yai, Nonthaburi, Bang Phlat, Bang Wa, Taling Chan, Bang Bon, Nonthaburi Pier to Ratchapreuk area

    The unit will need to be;

    furnished, 2 bathrooms would be ideal, it should have air conditioning, a kitchen and refrigerator, internet

    availability, car parking, screening on the windows

    I will pay around 5000-10000 BHT per month/ negotiable depending on the property


  5. The "drunk" Thai guy was walking straight into him, I would have done the same. It seems that you would be saying that you would have let the gutless wonder walk into yourselfif it were you. What these spineless b.......s did to this family, especially to the woman and mom is over the line, Period!

    Scottish not Welsh, but Brits anyway.

    The "brush" by the son which was described as the "catalyst" by the Daily Mail.


    Edit - Gif Not working? Open in new tab.

    if you look at the video you can see there were plenty of other people brushing by other people in the very crowded and drunken atmosphere.

    The drunk Thai man ( clutching a bottle of alcohol ) that shoved the Son was all pumped up and being aggressive anyhow, as you can clearly see him arguing and physically getting aggressive with another person ( a Thai person ) just before the son "brushed" past him.

    You could say with a 99 % degree of certainty that drunk Thai guy was "Cruising for a Bruising"


  6. Great to see 'argument' on TV not about Thailand/Thais smile.png

    My 2c worth is that Trump is doing a fantastic service - to both USA and the World. While he probably wont be elected President, he is moving the political pendulum. The USA has in the last 20 years become far too 'accomodating' of the views of other Nations (especially the EU), and it has involved itself in problems that it should not have. Both the Republicans and the Democrats have got it very very wrong - both parties Presidents have been elected on the promise to make things better and to change things ('Yes we can' - etc etc etc). Meaning - everything is pharrked and I am going to fix it - it is an oldy, but it is a goody: if it aint broke dont fix it.

    Obama stated that he would withdraw American troops from Iraq and elsewhere around the world, and he made several left-wing 'pollyanna' promises that the US public bought - particularly universal health care, and illegal immigration and racial 'changes' to improve the life of minorities. GeorgeW said he would win the war on terrorism - he had the right idea about responding to the 9/11 event, but he got it very very wrong. Both of them have failed both internationally and domestically - their meddling in overseas issues has resulted in ISIS and so many other problems.

    The reality of that approach is that the USA has become 'watered down' by a myriad of economic and social changes that suit the vested interests and minorities, but they have not made it a better place to live economically or socially, for the majority of US citizens. The involvement of the USA in the world's affairs has by and large been an expensive disaster. Meanwhile the EU has gone so far 'left' that the Pollies there opended their own people's homes to millions of illegal immigrants - and the UK is probably going to vote to leave just for that reason alone. Many countries in the EU are now starting to swing the political pendulum to the right - hopefully not too far. The world's politics are undergoing a change - something well overdue - the UN experiment has failed.

    Because of the popularity of Trump, and his refusal to accept the neo-liberal views of the current political elite and his refusal to be 'owned' by any of them, he is forcing the entire political 'system' in the USA to change. They are beginning to see that making promises that reflect what they see as the way to be elected, but never being held accountable for not delivering them, has created a political climate where the people are sick of all the bulldust. They are responding positively to a direct no-bulldust approach that is offering what is obviously needed to be done - issue by issue. What Trump is saying is not 'politically correct', but it is mainly (IMO) exactly what needs to be done. Trump says - if it benefits USA and the people, then I will do it - but if it does not, then I will stop it. If that means building a wall - he will do it, if that means withdrawing UISA troops/money from 'solving' all the world problems, then he will do it.

    So far he hasn't fallen flat on his face with that approach, because he has not said he will nuke Mecca - but time will tell. Hopefully he stays in the race long enough that he makes the whole system change. The USA needs to be changed so that anything and everything the USA President/Govt does, are ONLY for the benefit of USA and its people. Trying to do what is best for every other Nation who needs help, as if they are the policeforce/nanny for the world, is sucking the life and drive out of what was once the greatest country on earth. Trump's politics (if not himself) will hopefully take the USA back to where it should be. The USA needs to take the approach of 'leading' the free world - that is what they have always done best. The USA does not work well when trying to 'influence and manage' by imposing their military might to solve problems (from Vietnam onwards). Trump basically takes that approach - either come with us or stay where you are - up to you.

  7. Hey Nick,

    i used to try to get a "simple answer to a simple question" on here, I found it impossible to do. To many sarcastic, have no life, nothing else to do , dudes waiting at the keyboard waiting to pounce. Hey, go check it out, never know what you might find. Keep the shiny side up brother.

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