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Posts posted by Dogbreath

  1. i mistakenly had a parcel sent to me in Pattaya from Penang the week before Songkran. It arrived in Thailand on April 9 by Express Mail Service. On the 4th of May, I received notice that it was available for pickup at Laem Chebang. There have been innumerable holidays since its arrival in LOS and another long weekend is underway. It took the Thai Post Office nearly a month to even acknowledge that they had the package in spite of having a tracking number. The standard response when we called was to wait or to call back tomorrow. It seems like every other day the PO is closed or there is a holiday.

  2. A fine example of the pot calling the kettle black. In Cruz's defense, he has a record of accomplishment, while the feckless Boehner has caved to the Democrats at every opportunity. His sole accomplishment as Speaker was that he maintained his tan in spite of having his face buried in the posteriors of Democrat leadership. He is the ultimate RINO.

  3. And they would all be alive today if no one had access to a gun

    Right. then maybe you can explain why violent crime by other means escalates after the gun-grabbers have their way?

    See Australia, and Britain as examples. I guess we will have to ban kitchen knives, screwdrivers, hammers, rocks and tree branches as well, then. You also may want to look at several of the USA's leading Democrat run cesspools like Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and Washington DC. They all have severe restrictions on gun ownership. Chicago celebrated its 1000th shooting victim for 2016 this week, just to serve as an example as to how cultural rot causes violent crime. Meantime, none of my guns have gone out and shot anyone in the 50 years that I have owned them.

  4. I'm sure true love can be found in even the most unlikely places.

    I'm not sure this thread is going anywhere useful though.

    If you are looking in bars and nightclubs, the odds are staggeringly against you. Like hoping for 11 straight passes at the craps table.

    On the other hand, if you look in shops, hospitals (think nurses) and other businesses there are some really wonderful women out there. I found one three years ago. I am a lot older than she, but it has made no difference. It's not a money thing. She works, and we share expenses although most are mine since my income is greater. It's a very good life if you find the right sort of lady. Good luck.

  5. it would have a 310 people capacity... so 72 is not a whole lot, considering its the starting day for songkran...


    Yes turbulence can be nasty, but what caught my eye was 14 staff for 72 passengers on a 777. I wonder how much Thai Air loses on that one. Perhaps their fares are to blame for low passenger numbers if this is any indicator.

    I've been invited to visit friends in Canada this summer, so I went to Kayak and searched for return fare prices. The range in $US was from 726 to 5459 for 1 economy seat -- BKK to Toronto return. The fare of $5449 was with Alitalia, but Thai air came up as the second highest at $4915. Now, I can understand that the Italian airline isn't too interested in flights routes including Thailand, but you'd think the Thai flagship airline -- the pride of Thai commercial aviation would make some sort of effort to price themselves competitively for flights to and from their own country. Instead, they are almost 7 TIMES HIGHER than the lowest available fare.

    I guess one could argue that 72 passengers at an average of 6 to 7 times the price of the lowest fares is a good business model, and that might be true if the heavily tax-supported airline wasn't catering to the rich and elite but instead serving the average Thai citizen.

    I was told that the reason Thai Airways is so expensive is that there are large numbers of Thai officials, hi-sos and other assorted hangers on who fly for free along with their friends. The hoi polloi and farangs are expected to pick up the slack. The company loses truckloads of money every year.

  6. Thailand one of the world highest rate gun ownership per population and highest number of firearm related murder cases.

    More here.

    In Switzerland, every homeowner is required to have a gun and ammunition. Every one. Gun crime is rare. I*t's the culture, not the prevalence of firearms that makes for Thailand's dismal statistics. Take away the guns and you might as well take away the machetes, hoes, mattocks, screwdrivers and hammers the populace will use instead of guns. See Australia and Britain for violent crime after the guns were grabbed.

    Every home owner is required to have a gun??? Including blind people, people with mental\psychiatric issues, people with criminal records???

    I call bullsh*t, and searching online reveals nothing more than Switzerland has a fairly high rate of gun ownership per head of population , but not as high as Germany, France or Austria. It would also seem that the vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 34 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training, including weapons training, meaning they are likely more fit and proper people to be in charge of a firearm.

    Go argue your point with the Swiss residents here in, several of whom have told me the same story. Your first question is ridiculous on its face. Just because you call it BS, it neither makes you Swiss nor an expert.

  7. Thailand one of the world highest rate gun ownership per population and highest number of firearm related murder cases.

    More here.

    In Switzerland, every homeowner is required to have a gun and ammunition. Every one. Gun crime is rare. I*t's the culture, not the prevalence of firearms that makes for Thailand's dismal statistics. Take away the guns and you might as well take away the machetes, hoes, mattocks, screwdrivers and hammers the populace will use instead of guns. See Australia and Britain for violent crime after the guns were grabbed.

  8. Didn't take long for the ignorant comments from the ill informed to arrive!

    This absurd financial requirement applies to everyone applying to enter or remain in the UK via the family settlement rules; regardless of their nationality, race, religion or fashion sense.

    Yes, but wouldn't it be nice if the bureaucrats used a little common sense one in a while ? Nah, can't have that; the need to be rigid, uncompromising and stupid is just too great for one to overcome.

  9. I live in Pattaya and really detest the long, drawn out excesses of Songkran. My options are to hunker down at home until it has passed, go visit friends upcountry and participate in traditional Songkran celebration, or just quit Thailand for a week. Seems a lot of the Thais are fed up with getting soaked and powdered and otherwise assaulted by the Songkran hooligans and are getting out of their own country as well.

  10. My Thai wife understands a fair amount of English, but refuses to speak it. I speak Thai at a pre-school level and only understand if the Thai speaker speaks at a moderate pace. Oddly enough, we get along fine and are very happy together. Sometimes I think the language barrier works in our favor, since we don't have a lot of heavy discussions about our "issues" and whatnot. I was married before to a very articulate farang woman who never shut up about all the things she felt we should discuss, especially when she was hell bent on making me change in some fashion. Communication is sometimes overrated. My non-English speaking Thai wife is a treasure.

  11. Good for her. What good is having a powerful family in a currupt country if you can't do shady things like this?

    Her name is nobel with relation to royalty. She can do whatever she wants.

    It may be unfair, but that's life. This is what power can give you. May as well use it. Her punishment will not bring back the dead and there is no such thing as true justice here, especially not for people like her, so she may as well make a mockery of the system and do what powerful people do.

    My view is in the minority, I know. But there is no sense in dreaming about a justice that will never happen.

    Nothing would ever be improved anywhere if you were in charge.

  12. It's look like to be a "French paper" citizen.

    A large number of foreign french origin come to Phuket for party and way of life. But they come with their traditionnal violence and provocative behavior

    Nice one Inspector Clouseau or perhaps that should be Inspector Clueless! 'A French paper citizen' How do you know if he was born in France or not, because he has a muslim name it must be the victims fault as 'they' are 'traditionally violent and provocative'. Nice racist stereotyping Than!

    When did Islam become a race ?

  13. Gee, you would think they would cover this during the planning stage, if there was one. Considering the extensive removal of trees, which helped stop erosion, and also provided shade of those who happen to like doing a nice walk, was done without discussion by "affected parties" aka tourists, residents... well... I reckon they will do whatever they please & generates "income". Who gets that income is another subject.

    I think their park planning department is next to the traffic engineers and their band of geniuses. Forget it Jake, It's Thailand.

  14. Bad luck I hear this kind of story all the time about the Ivans - It will get worse when the Chinese start to occupy condos - Move - it will drive you mad. I live in a condo and will move if it makes me feel uncomfortable - in future rent do not buy - Whenever I view a potential condo I make it clear no kids, dogs, Russians or Arabs in the place. I say in this in Thai and am always understood and never judged. No doubt I will be on this forum.

    I judge you to be an intelligent pragmatist.

  15. You have two choices, maybe three. First and least risk to you is to move, assuming you are a renter and not the owner. Next, you can go see the police and be sure you are carrying a brown envelope with the appropriate amount in order to get someone to assist you with your situation. Last, try to make friends with the Russian, but it will be difficult. I moved twice in the last five years because of noise from neighbors. One of them happened to be a Russian couple who went out nights and returned home in the wee hours. The wife would "heel walk" around their condo while loudly berating her drunk husband. Damned near every night. The condo was great with a beautiful sea view, but the noise was more than I could take. Even with ear plugs. Most condos built in the last ten years have paper thin walls and ceilings and no effort was made to soundproof or insulate any of it except in the very high end developments. In retrospect, it was easier to move than to expect civility from some of Thailand's "quality tourists" and expats or to find any help from condo managers or police. Thailand is a noisy country and we need to get used to it unless we have enough money to insulate ourselves from the auditory assault. While the Russians were trying to destroy their floor tramping around on the tiles in the middle of the night, my GF slept through the whole thing. Her advice ? Jai yen yen, mai bpen rai.

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