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Posts posted by Dogbreath

  1. If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

    There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

    If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

    All relationships have a financial component. To deny this is a departure from reality. I have been married for three years to a lovely, giving and loyal Thai lady less than half my age. She has a full-time job and does not ask for much. I give her money (not much) for her son's schooling and that's it. She has been so good to me that I look for ways to make her life better and easier, and I love doing it for her. I am of modest means so there is no pot of gold and she is well aware. Your sweeping generalization of "no exception" is a fallacy. From the bitter tone of your post I can only surmise that you have run afoul of the wrong kind of woman. Try looking outside the bars, go-gos, massage joints and nightclubs the freelancers hunt in. You might be surprised at what you find.

  2. When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

    As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

    Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

    Police to strictly enforce the laws.

    Do you live in Thailand or Nannytown?

    I think he's probably a government bureaucrat or related by ideology to the Great Nanny, Michael "Big Gulp"Bloomberg.

  3. And this is why all foreigners should read the writing on the wall that in this country when it comes

    to dealing with the loco locals, one is advised to tread lightly, very lightly, one never knows the

    popper looking guy next to you carrying a gun, as it was already established that those hot headed

    idiots act first, and never think or care of the consequences....

    Good advice, apply this when driving also as a bit of rage might get you shot,

    maybe thats why Thais black out their cars windows, which also makes the cars dangerous as you can,t see much at all in the rear view mirrors.

    Shooting sounds very similar to one a friend saw in a karaoke bar, 2 tables of Thais slinging it at each other , became louder over a bit of time, then one idiot pulled a gun and shot one of the Thai mens dead from his table.

    Maybe the brother supplied him the gun, maybe he will get off with a plea of self defence as he thought the other guy was going to pull a gun and shoot him.

    This country needs to introduce gun laws and make guns illegal , Thais should not be allowed to carry guns.

    The gun did not kill the victim all by itself. It takes someone to operate it. It's all about the culture and the ridiculous concept of face. There are very strict gun laws in Thailand and they do not do much to enforce them.

    Gun control is just a politicians wet dream. The only people that follow the laws are the law abiding citizens and the criminals just don't care. Australia and Great Britain both outlawed and confiscated guns only to have violent crime increase on both countries.

    Gun grabbers hate it, but the evidence shows that violent crime decreases everywhere concealed carry permitted in the US. FBI statistics.

  4. Mix emotional immaturity, the concept of face and loss of same, and possibly alcohol with a gun present. It's like a powder keg waiting to go off.

    It's one of the reasons I try to be polite to Thais at all times no matter their rude or obnoxious behavior. Nobody wears a sign around their neck that says "I wanna kill somebody" , but it happens every day in LOS. The slightest offense to the wrong person and you may end up on the wrong end of a gun.

    So-called gun control only takes weapons from law-abiding citizens. The criminals don't care about the law and will always find guns when needed for their nefarious activities, including taking advantage of the newly unarmed citizen. Violent crime rates shot up in the UK and Australia after gun control was initiated.

  5. We married in our 30s, are university educated and have similar outlooks on life as I think it should be a relationship based on societal norms in your own countries to prove robust, meaningful and long lasting.

    What I've seen here would rather suggest it is what the fat, old farang can afford to pay for sex / what she will subject herself to for his momey.

    A pitiable comment on. ageing, male sexual impotency and the exploitation of relative poverty institutionalising prostititution.


    I find your smug, sanctimonius post AGEIST and IGNORANT. The university education that you are so proud of was obviously a waste of yours and your parent's money.

  6. There is no "appropriate" age difference but those who choose to be part of large age-gap relationships should be aware that they'll often be subjected to ridicule.

    If they can deal with that, I say all power to them - no one's got any right to tell you what to do or who to be with

    If they can't, though, tough . . . keep it behind closed doors

    My wife is 32, I am 72. We have known each other four years and lived together for three. We get along fine despite the age difference and language, culture differences. Neither of us cares much what others think. We are happy and that's all that matters to us.

    I was not looking for someone that much younger, in fact, was looking for a lady between 40 and 50, but that's not what I ended up with. I did not think of her as a g/f at first but we liked each other from the start and finally decided to "split the blanket". Glad we did.

  7. I wonder which environmental group funded the research. Certainly no chance of bias here./s

    Its the same old game profit at any price. People vote no they do not want fracking and the government does it anyways. This took place I think in Texas Google would have the answers. People its time to realize you have NO rights left. Its like COMMUNISM you vote and the government does what it wants anyways for profit people profit not for the common good.

    Nice avatar. Is that you or are you channeling Bernie Sanders? Your assertion, like that of most Progressives lacks in veracity. There are a number of state and county governments that have banned fracking. Check your facts. Profit at any price is an oxymoronic statement that reveals your lack of business acumen. Meanwhile, market forces have dropped your gas and fuel prices so low that they have suspended fracking operations in many locales since the cost of production is in excess of the market price, but they are still drilling new wells to frack when the price of oil and gas rises again. It's supply and demand. Thanks to fracking, the Middle Eastern dictatorships are starting to run low on money to finance jihad. Another bonus as far as I'm concerned. And all this, near independence from OPEC for oil, Money squeeze on OPEC members, and low prices for fuel and heating gas in America. All in spite of Obama's efforts to torpedo new exploration for and transportation of oil and gas. That's because the free market works when it is allowed to without a bunch of DC pinheads interfering 24/7/365.

  8. The 'checkers' are so highly trained they can glance at the receipt, then the contents of the shopping and know instantly alls well. But get a bit Nancy if I ignore them and walk straight.

    All due respect to them but this dude looked like he'd slept under a hedge after a night on the gear, woke up late and missed the customer care orientation seminar.

    As for the haters, English people couldn't give a monkeys chuff if they've irritated someone. That's what they do best.

    In case you have forgotten, you are a guest here. Come to my house and start acting like a dick, don't be surprised of you're asked to leave and not invited back.

    You obviously enjoy your dickishness, so why not live where it's a true art form instead of treating your hosts here to yet another irritating display of farang incivility..

    I have done the Makro dance with the checkers every time. Takes no time (5-10 sec) and you're on your way. No need to be a dick about it. I suspect you like to because it makes you feel superior in some way. Too bad, the Thais see you as just another PIA farang.

  9. Your dog and your family need some training. Go to You Tube and watch Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer videos about how to understand dogs and people together. Excellent if you will take the time, PM me if you would like some help. I was a dog trainer in the US for a number of years. Or, you can go on and let your dog think he runs your household.

    He's very obedient with me, but unfortunately the missus treats him like a baby. He loves her, follows her everywhere, but she spoils him too much, and no matter how many videos she watches, she'll still do it her (the Thai) way.

    Your dilemma is not uncommon. It is difficult to get the Thai partner to change their way of thinking about how to deal with dogs. That being said, I worked with a Brit and his Thai girlfriend over the same issue last week, There are three dogs in the household. One is quite mellow and laid back and the other two are small toy dogs with (formerly) bad attitudes. Feeding time used to be bedlam. No longer. The wife does the feeding now and everyone is very well behaved and stays back until she allows them near the food. She was skeptical at first, but now she loves the way they behave. If you allow it, a chihuahua will take over your house and keep you prisoner while you pay for everything. It's all about communication and you never have to be physical with the dog.

  10. Your dog and your family need some training. Go to You Tube and watch Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer videos about how to understand dogs and people together. Excellent if you will take the time, PM me if you would like some help. I was a dog trainer in the US for a number of years. Or, you can go on and let your dog think he runs your household.

  11. You could start by complaining to TrueVisions.

    Waste of time, went to True Vision in October last and asked for service to be cancelled, 12 month contract had expired. Paid what was owed at that time and

    nothing else said. Two months later, got an account for 1200bht. Went back and asked them to explain. Need modem' was reply, took modem to them, still wanted another 1200bht. as I had never been asked for the modem and was told that I had paid for it by the True Technician on installation.

    Gave them the modem but stilll demanded the money.

    I had prepared a letter and supplied it with the modem, to their dismay, turned and walked out. They do not listen, nor will they admit they made a mistake.

    Just use another server, at best you will be blacklisted with True - so what?

    If they decide to get nasty, they can complain to Immigration who will flag you if you try to leave the country. they can take your passport until the matter is settled. I hate being taken advantage of by stupid and criminal businesses, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Assuming you are a farang, you will probably not get fair treatment vs a Thai business in a dispute. Go ahead and file your own complaint, so there is a record of it, but don't expect justice.

  12. This happened on the main road just before you turn onto Beach Rd in Jomtien. The reporting is getting more and more sanitized by the day. All to save face. Don't the ThaiVisa readers have a right to know where unhinged bar girls are stabbing each other so they can avoid the place ? Nothing to see here folks, just move along. Basics of reporting. Who what why when and where.

  13. This will probably get worse before things get better. This kind of censorship hardly ever ends well no matter where in the world it happens. I don't care about Thai politics and have no opinion as long as I don't get caught in a crossfire in Nakorn Nowhere. If that kind of stuff begins to happen, I and thousands of other farangs who pour money into Thailand will be taking our business elsewhere.

  14. I want peace and I want revenge! I know nothing about this guy, rich or poor. I know he's never been incentivized to obtain a drivers licence and driving a commercial vehicle with-out insurance seems normal. I guess.

    No death, no injury, the police will do nothing.

    Pay a lawyer and I might get something back just to have him disappear again.

    Look, this was an old car that cost me nothing... a gift from family. Never-the-less It had a value. I actually got more back from the salvage guy than I had invested in it. I had the standard government insurance.

    My inclination and my probable course will be to let it go for 20,000 baht.

    But man that chaffes me.

    Walk away. Not only did this useless knob total your car, he is now living in your head rent-free. Sounds like you were made whole financially by the salvage people. Go help some desperately poor people and get your mind off the irresponsible and inconsiderate trucker. Remember, you are a guest here in Thailand and the prevailing attitude is that the accident never would have happened had you stayed in your own country.

  15. " the first motorbike who hit the pedestrian was driving in the wrong lane, triggering the double crash."

    I think that answers the question as to who is to blame.

    The driver of the first motorbike was also wearing a purple shirt like the man he hit. Is it possible a fellow worker was trying to exact a little revenge for a perceived slight when the opportunity presented itself? The driver looked like he was aiming for the pedestrian rather than taking evasive action. On the other hand, he may have been texting or on drugs or both. Who knows? In any case, his victim walked away while the driver was still hugging the pavement. Maybe an illustration of som nam naa.

  16. Must be the same guy who designed Jomtien 2nd road. If you're going Sattahip way, you have to exit onto Suk, head north for a kilo and then do a u-turn to go in a southerly direction.

    It appears the geniuses who designed Jomtien 2nd Rd and who eliminated the turns around the Rompho Market must have been promoted to work their magic on Sukhumvit as well. I believe their chief aim is not to impede the passage of tour buses travelling at 100kph through congested areas with lots of foot traffic and to increase the rate of Darwinian selection.

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