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Posts posted by roquefort

  1. 46 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Careful! I have frequently commented negatively on the standard of reporting presented to us, and was recently threatened with permanent removal as what I write might hurt the feeling of the writers. God forbid they be pulled up for their unprofessionalism. The excuse given for AN's stance is that the site is free and they can't afford anything better, so we must shut up and put up. The mod had a point.

    Fair enough. If you're scraping the barrel I suppose you can't expect much in the way of professional journalism. Not that the Western media is much better. Most of it is written by robots now anyway.

    • Sad 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

    Yeah.. once again they add "this incident highlights" something that is really irrelevant to facts. This is something new they have been doing or perhaps their writers or AI generated article have been instructed to find something to use this way. Usually, it is B.S. though.

    It's definitely AI. And since AI is mostly trained on BS, that's what you get. GIGO.

  3. 1 hour ago, Purdey said:

    They cannot ask if the vaccine was effective. They can ask about Wuhan. He was America’s top infectious disease expert and testified that, contrary to allegations made by Republicans on the panel, he never sought to suppress the theory that COVID-19 came from a laboratory — and has always kept an open mind about the virus’s origins.

    You have of course seen the infamous emails between Fauci, Collins, Daszak, Farrar et al trying desperately to find a way to suppress any opinion but theirs on the origin of the virus. But you choose to ignore them.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    He is not an expert on vaccines, which is why he wouldn't know a lie if it fell on him.

    So by your logic only members of congress who are vaccine 'experts' are entitled to an opinion on whether Fauci lied to congress. That would surely rule out 99.9% of members, so the enquiry should be held by one person (assuming there is one). Bizarre.

    • Agree 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    Cool - refer to a gated website so everyone is locked out except you. I was hoping to read a real scientific research paper but never mind... Fraud or faked results are common but the difference is that if said research cannot be replicated, it is ignored. You should not think scientists accept it without replication.

    For some mysterious reason it won't allow me to upload the pdf. PM me if you're interested.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    I have looked at professional analyses of scientific data that would count as fake but the amount is not 50% -

    Martinson et al. (2005), which is one of the largest and most frequently cited surveys on misconduct published to date. This study appears to be rather conservative, because without it the pooled average frequency with which scientists admit they have committed misconduct would jump to nearly 3%. 



    Moreover, no one appears to agree with you about Covid vaccine being the problem created using fake information. Scientific research shows it is misinformation on Facebook and Twitter that causes people to believe "they are out to get us." It is just not proven by the scientific community.


    https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk3451  (2024)


    Perhaps you should provide a link to the research proving the vaccine data was faked (NOT Facebook) so I and others can see for ourselves.


    If you read my post I said up to 50% was fake or non-replicable. I didn't mention the vaccine data, I was referring to scientific research generally.


    Here's the link.


  7. 17 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    You are quoting an entertainment channel that lost a lot of money when it was proven in court that they lie?

    P.S. Rand Paul is an eye doctor.

    Rand Paul is an eye doctor so his opinion on whether Fauci lied to congress doesn't count? That's a strange kind of logic. What about other congressmen who aren't doctors at all?

  8. 8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



    This Dr. McCormick, before he became a member of Congress:

    Physician running for congress in GA comes under fire for spreading misinformation

    Updated: 6:42 PM EDT September 29, 2021


    ATLANTA — Critics say a physician running for congress in Georgia has spread misinformation on masks and for some COVID vaccines. Dr. Rich McCormick is a physician who came close to winning the 7th district congressional race last year, and he's running for it again next year.


    Recently, McCormick has become somewhat regular on NewsMax, a cable channel that surged in popularity among conservatives in 2020.


    "I think the delta variant is being blown out of proportion. We're not seeing the mortality rate spike. We're not seeing people hospitalized en masse. We're not seeing them go to the ICU," McCormick told NewsMax on July 8, just weeks before hospitalizations and mortality started to surge.


    During the same NewsMax interview, he also falsely claimed that children are not at risk.







    I think you've just proved the point of his speech. Did you listen to it?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, impulse said:

    As fun as it is to rag on everything Thai, I wonder if this is just a race for the cheapest labor, with Thailand's GDP per capita being 170% of Vietnam's?


    The cost of labour is certainly a key factor in any investment decision. As you say, the cheapest country benefits for a period of time until its labour costs become higher than its neighbours, at which point new investment goes elsewhere.


    But comparing Thailand and Vietnam from my own experience I would say the Vietnamese are generally (there are always exceptions) better educated, more resourceful, more industrious, and more open to foreigners, so cost is not the only reason Thailand is losing out.

  10. I would agree with you that politicians love to present easy solutions to complex problems. It's almost the only way they can get elected. But it's not a prerogative of the far right, they're all at it.


    And yes, certain extreme elements can pose a threat to freedom, democracy and liberty. But that's true at both ends of the spectrum. The communist regimes in the Soviet Union and China in the 20th century killed far more of their own citizens than the Nazis. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 5/27/2024 at 4:31 AM, Mike Lister said:

    What is fascinating is that copper has an inverse relationship to USD, when USD weakens, copper strengthens. The price of copper has been strengthening for the past three months, but so has USD! The price driver of copper is therefore not currency based and the real value increase is much higher than the chart shows. Either demand has increased substantially because of economic improvement and increased demand, or, stockpiling and the threat and the threat of supply disruptions is center stage.  My guess is the latter.


    Definitely the latter. Net Zero (EV charging etc) will require massive new supply of copper to reconfigure power supply networks. Not to mention AI, which consumes unimaginable amounts of energy.


    This is a good analysis of what is required in terms of commodities to get anywhere the current renewable energy targets.



    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Advertisers don’t want to be associated with rightwing biased rant channel.


    More evidence of why GB News is losing money hand over fist.

    Keep repeating your mantra, it doesn't fool anybody. You'll be telling us next the BBC and Channel 4 are perfectly impartial.


    I notice you haven't read the second link, which explains WHY media that don't follow the officially approved narrative are being starved of advertising.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    plenty of the reporting on the facts without the conspiracy nonsense you are wedded to: 







    'The facts' (from your link):


    GB News has been the subject of a partial advertiser boycott since it launched in August 2021. In September former Sky News editor John Ryley called for that boycott to end, saying it was "an insult to the British people" and that it “represents a threat to free speech".


    Suggest you take your blinkers off before reading this one: https://unherd.com/2024/04/inside-the-disinformation-industry/


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