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Posts posted by roquefort

  1. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    It doesn't even say they were expelled due to Brexit. It could have been due to criminal activity rather than residency rules.


    The Guardian still appears angry at losing the vote ????

    The Guardian, most of the MSM and the entire civil service in the UK are extremely angry at losing the vote and doing their best to sabotage Brexit. Three years on and we're still struggling to get masses of unnecessary EU laws off the statute book. Rishi need to get a grip, particularly on illegal immigration.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, garrya said:

    This doesn't explain why so many young people have developed cancer in the past year.

    Nurse friend claims that there have been a never seen number of young people diagnosed with cancer during the past year. What has changed? 


    There may be other reasons for younger people developing cancer (possibly the v-word?). But there's no doubt  the major factor in the huge increase in cancer across the board is the lack of early screening and diagnosis. My wife got caught in this paranoia and is now suffering the consequences.

  3. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Before 1972, you could not live together if you where not married in Norway, so it have changed little by little for the better. The Hippie culture changed the world, but did everyone welcome the protests or was it seen as the protesters wecsee today? I also enclose another historic photo of Jesse Owens. 


    »Cohabitation (formerly concubinage or undocumented marriage) was not permitted in Norway until 1972, when the so-called concubinage clause, Section 379 of the Criminal Code, was repealed. Cohabitation was therefore relatively uncommon in Norway until approx. 1970 and was only practiced by very liberal people, preferably in artistic circles. Those who lived in cohabitation did this throughout their lives. They were also often in outspoken rebellion against the church and conservative values. During and after the youth uprisings in 1968 (also, among other things, the hippie culture) there was an increase in cohabitation among young people. The most common term was "paperless marriage" (oldest hit in Aftensposten's archive in 1971), while "cohabitation" became a more common term later (oldest hit in the same archive in 1983). In the beginning it was perceived (and was probably often intended) as a rebellion against conservative values. The argument was often that the love between two people only concerned the two of them and did not concern the church, public authorities and other institutions (hence "paperless"). Cohabitation was also often referred to as "trial marriage", which was relatively descriptive as most cohabitants, unlike in the past, chose to marry after a few years or if they had children»


    source wikipedia norewgian translated by google. Keywords Hippie, liberal and conservative





    Your photo is of Tommy Smith and John Carlos, not Jesse Owens. Although his success at the 1936 Olympics was a more powerful statement at the time.  

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  4. 4 hours ago, riverhigh said:

    "Retired Working for You" did an excellent YouTube video on this Long Term Visa. For certain retirees it may make business sense. Personally, I am only interested in Permanent Residencey in order to get away from the Thai immigration and their BS.  Under current regulations I will never qualify for permanent residency as a retiree. To qualify I need to have a work permit and paying taxes for 3 years to be even considered. 





    Great video, thanks for posting. Is that guy Jack Nicholson's younger brother?

  5. 47 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

     A reserve currency backed by half the world's population, including the two largest energy exporters by far, along with the current (China) and likely next (India) global manufacturing hubs, would have serious implications for the US dollar, should it gain traction.  


    The US will do everything in its power to prevent the Saudis from destroying the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. Be prepared for some very dirty tricks in the months ahead.


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  6. 22 hours ago, khunjeff said:

     I honestly can't see how an agent or lawyer could be of much assistance, since you are just sending in your own personal financial and insurance documents, and only you know what you do or don't have. 

    That's true, but in my case the calculation of income is open to interpretation. So a well-connected agent could ensure that it's interpreted in the "right" way.

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