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Posts posted by BKjohn

  1. I see that the reds are unarmed as their leaders continually state.



    I too wonder why CNN and BBC refuse to show this side as well.

    These pistols are for shooting rats on the farm wont be accurate after 20 mtrs. I have been waiting 4 days for somebody to show me a link to reds with M16s.

    It's a gun all the same and more than enough to provoke a response from the army. Which is what they are trying to do.

    Sorry Mr. Policeman the shotgun I carried into the bank is for shooting clay pigeons and its only accurate up to 20 meters .....

    A gun is a gun and if fired is deadly - accuracy is not a subject - that leads to another point and makes one wonder how many of the reds killed were killed by such inaccurate handguns aimed at soldiers but killed a red instead ?

    Inaccurate guns and no skill (just remember the chap who missed a massive temple with an RPG) are a dangerous combination

  2. I am so very baffled that the below showed up in the Thai Visa news thread today ...

    Today, 2010-05-17 08:59:45 Post #30

    Group: Admin

    Posts: 11,416

    Joined: 2003-02-11

    Member No.: 327

    Thaivisa Member:

    Yesterday afternoon and evening my wife and me spent quite some time in our neighborhood (Rajprasong) and we talked to at least a hundred different people down there. We don't see even the slightest hint that anyone might be forced to stay here. We heard the leaders calling several times onto the protesters first that women and children can go to the temple compounds nearby and anyone willing to leave can do so. However we met not even one person ready to leave. All we met were determined to go through it whatever happens. It is certainly not only the comradeship that keeps them here it is the absolute 100% firm conviction that they are fighting for the right cause.

    Look at the pictures I took yesterday late afternoon:

    Do these people look like they are forced to stay against their own will? I don't think so.

    How in the world can this be considered news or from any kind of credible news source? It also is completely unnamed source ... not even a Twitter ID.

    Plus lets use some common sense ... Do you really believe he spoke to over 100 people?

    Have you ever heard a mall need to announce people are free to leave?

    He shows a picture of a beggar as representative of the folks in the red shirt mob but this contradicts ever news source (international and otherwise) who have shown us live video and also contradicts the eyes of the people who have been there.

    I am just amazed they Thai Visa has decided to call something a news thread that is CLEARLY no longer a news thread and really stopped being one when they started posting blurbs from Twitter accounts of unvetted sources.

    But I do have to add that Thai Visa has been great (previously) in providing updates and this was such a valuable service they offered until they post things like this (insanely biased) which may actually encourage people to visit the area and get killed. But the point is, I do appreciate ThaiVisa but putting this in the news thread not only defies logic but is reckless and causes the news thread to lose all credibility in terms of believing they are even trying to report facts.

    Seconded !


    AGREE !! its red supporting drivel

  3. Isaan has a population of over 20mn and when including the migrant population it gets very close to representing a "majority" of the people of Thailand by origin. Whilst support for the reds is reportedly wavering among some in Isaan, when push comes to shove I believe they will resoundingly vote for a "red" candidate.

    If all the Isaan born people returned from Bangkok and the Eastern Seaboard, as they tend to at Songkran, Bangkok would be blessed with quiet roads, it is just that there would be no one to clean those roads.


    <snipped demographics>

    Anyone pro-yellow should probably thank their lucky stars that Isaan doesn't have more MP's. As you can see, the Dems don't have much pull up there.

    20 million is less than a third of the population, so that gives them less than a third of the MPs.

    So even if every electorate in Isaan voted red, that would not give them anywhere near a majority.

    The question that remains to be seen until elections are held in Dec 2011, is whether these protests will hinder or help the reds in other areas.

    And don't forget, of those 20 million is a higher percentage of children than anywhere else in Thailand who can not vote .... unless the vote is rigged .... but the reds wouldn't do that .. would they now??? :)

  4. The good news this morning, the killer, Sae Deng has died

    maybe the red will declare 100 days of mourning and go back to Isaan to do it

    I am getting a little sick and tired of the good people of Issan being blamed for the troubles in Bangkok. Yes, there are good and bad in all races, however putting a blanket over all the protestors being from Issan is just wrong.

    I have walked through the troubled areas in BKK more than once and can tell you from my observations that the people come from the South,North,North East and Central.

    In my observations of the protestors as posted before, you find most a just village thugs (village mafia) who are on the whole drunk or drugged. It will not be a lose if theres people are exterminated.

    Squigy, you are correct, this is a congregation of Thailands thugs who are drawn to this like moths to light. Only there is a majority of them from Issan but I always said that even most of people from Issan are fat up with this &lt;deleted&gt; and want to see the government put an end to it.

    Their leaders are also to blaime for this since they always talk about this being a peaceful demonstration by the poor Issan farmers etc.....

    Well, hopefully it will be over by tomorrow

  5. There is only 1 leader


    and he wants Chaos

    he wants thousands of innocents people to die

    he want war in the streets

    Then and only then he can return as a hero

    and save all the people

    then rape the country financially

    Its called Revenge

    Very succinct and oh so true!

    Have to agree, this has been Thaksin's revenge all along.

    He harness and artificially whipped up fervor agains the government,

    using some legitimate issues, but more ginned up BS of hate.

    The government and army know he can't be allowed to prevail,

    or it will be a true failed state and shooting gallery for

    all who opposed him.

    Animatic has got it straight. He knows if he can keep this alive, the light won't flicker out on his cause, or hopes of having charges dropped and possible re-entry. He doesn't have Ghandi or Mandela balls, so he has to operate by other means. He can't even do radio or TV by satellite now, or the nations outside will all deny him further entry. I think if they dissolve the rally, some will make a possible attempt to re-gather at Victory. Just a guess when you look back at history.

    Considering the circumstances my 2 cents are, there will be a crackdown today and it will be serious this time. Whoever is left after 3pm will be a target and rightfully so.

    Considering Sea Dengs stockpile of weapons of which a good part is most likely within the red compound, serious fighting will take place with a lot of casualties on both sides. No daubed that the army will be victorious however. This will be followed by some minor squabbles in Bangkok and up country over the next few days which should be put down quickly.

    The reds will cry foul for sure and call the government murderers even though they were given the opportunity to leave and return home. I also expect that the red leaders will not be found by the time the crackdown is over because they will have escaped the moment the army makes its move, as usual leaving the dumb and brainwashed to suffer the consequences.

    The Thai majority is 100% behind the government moving against the mob and freeing Bangkok of this bunch of Thaksin paid criminals. One will see some of the leaders eventually sit next to their leader in Dubai or elsewhere saying they had to save their own lives to carry on the fight which translated means "are you nuts, I don't want to die or end up in prison"

  6. Too bad about the fighting.

    It is so sad the deaths and injuries.

    I never post but I thought I might add to the place here with a post that is less childish.

    I mean all we read is mostly anti red rants here and an occasional rant against the current Thai ruling class, that is quickly removed.

    Thaivisa seems to be similar to Fox news.

    if it is not rightwing, it is a lie says this site.

    My two cents.

    I predict the fight could go on for years. Perhaps one side or the other will win for a time but then the fight will break out again. We all can see the hate the two groups have for one another. The Anti Reds call the reds animals and worse.

    No matter the nonsense we read here in this strictly controlled and right leaning site, we all know that if an election were held tomorrow, the reds would become the ruling party. This is precisely why it is that the Ruling regime has used coups and fake elections in the past 4 years. if they could defeat the Reds in a real election, they would simply invite in the UN and hold a very open election and win.

    So the minority group, Now in power) with most of the power will not give it up without a fight.

    Thus Bangkok could be destroyed over the next few years and Thailand could be turned into a wrecked third world nation. The fight could go on and on and on.

    Most of you rich Thais will leave. Most all foreigners will leave.

    But the fight will go on and on and on until the ruling class gives up.

    My prediction.

    Good luck all and stay safe.

    Remember a rock in the head can kill you just like a bullet can.

    Best wishes to all my friends there.

    Good morning Mr. T. Are you still in Dubai?

    why didn't I think of that :) great response

  7. CONCISE AND INFORMED. From Today's Independent:

    Background to the current Thai protest

    [info] earlywarm wrote:

    The Independent (London) Saturday, 15 May 2010 at 12:41 am (UTC)

    I suspect that much of the confusion in the reports on the situation in

    Thailand is coming from commentators who cannot speak or understand the

    Thai language. So much of their analysis is simply a list of cliches

    copied from others. <snip>

    Thanks for posting that.

    It looks like the writer got his info from the ANU discussion about 10 days ago........ nothing wrong with that, as few people would have heard it.

    I wish I could find the link to the ANU podcast.


    One problem about red sided reporting is surely caused by the reporters having been with the reds and been led by them to see what the reds want them to see.

    Have not heard of any reporters being with the army and seeing things from their side when they are being targeted with M79 grenades, AK47’s, RPG’s, Molotov cocktails, professional slingshots (are illegal in most western countries and considered a weapon that can cause severe injury and/or death)

  8. I see that the reds are unarmed as their leaders continually state.



    I too wonder why CNN and BBC refuse to show this side as well.

    These pistols are for shooting rats on the farm wont be accurate after 20 mtrs. I have been waiting 4 days for somebody to show me a link to reds with M16s.

    Just because these pistols are not accurate, doesn't make them not lethal.

    Did you miss the video of the black shirt with the M16 yesterday. Went around the corner, a few shots heard, runs back and the video catches the gun.

    Gun’s ? of course the reds have guns as is proven without a daubed and they have M79 grenades and launchers and one thing, a Molotov cocktail is a very dangerous weapon. I never understand when the media claims “they only had rocks, slingshots and Molotov cocktails ……. Ask some of the soldiers (not only here but in general) that have been set alight by Molotov cocktails …. Not very amusing

    Home made bombs … sounds harmless eh ? this is exactly what Al Queda uses in their roadside bombing campaigns – ask some of the soldiers who came home in body bags about the dangers of “home made bombs”

    By the way, as I know from a recent case, possession of a “home made bomb” carries a sentence of 10 to life in Thailand using it ups the ante somewhat

  9. I have heard that the highway between the Airport and Pattaya has now been blocked by Red Shirts using 300 trucks, there is also report that the port of Rayong has been taken over as well.

    Other reports are of uprisings in the NE, with many 1,000's descending on Bangkok in large convoys of pickups. Plus reports that they are blocking more and more roads to Bangkok.

    Can anyone corroborate any of these reports.

    This is getting really serious.

    You're source please? Or is this just more hyperbol?

    Never trust anyone spreading wild rumors who has only posted once. :D

    And the Martians have landed and established a roadblock on behalf of the reds on Sukhumvit near Soi Cowboy ……… they are reported to have pointed bamboo sticks and some strange red glob as weapons ..... turned out the red glob was bullshit collected from the reds over the past weeks ...... careful if contact is made with the red glob, you will suffer an immediate lobotomy

    Keep it coming :)

  10. Thai protesters call for UN-mediated talks with government

    BANGKOK, May 16, 2010 (AFP) - Thai anti-government protesters called Sunday for UN-mediated talks with the government after several days of violent clashes with troops left 25 people dead and more than 200 wounded.

    "We call for the government to stop firing and to withdraw soldiers who are blocking the area around the protest site," said a protest leader, Kokaew Pikulthong. "We call for talks with the UN as mediator."

    Previous talks between the two sides failed to reach an agreement.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-16

    Published with written approval from AFP.


    Finally, someone is more concerned about saving lives than saving face. The Redshirts have realized that it is difficult to develop a mutually agreed upon solution when you are part of the problem. My fingers are crossed in hopes the Thai government will accept this problem solving strategy.

    You must also believe in the tooth fairy ?

    This is nothing but an attempt at PR so when its over he can say "but I tried for a peaceful end and even asked for the UN ..." nothing but red bullshit. He knows very well the the UN will and can not get involved in a local squabble. They have better and more important things to do in countries where genocide is a daily occurrence.

    The reds are going to get their asses whopped today and that is hopefully the end of this anarchy. Whoever is left after 3pm deserves 100% of what they are about to receive.

  11. Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

    Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

    they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

    I hope they have enough cells ready for all the fresh meat.

    they'll just have to "spoon" tighter - instead of 12 in a cell they can put 24 :)

  12. Looks like it is going to be a long night in Bangkok

    Fires, shooting, looting ...

    IMO this will be the last night for the reds.

    After tomorrows 3pm deadline, you can be sure

    that once that is passed the gov't/army are going

    to lower to boom on the whatever red shirts are left.

    I believe they wil send in the full force of all their

    military and clear central Bangkok the "peaceful protestors"

    Say good night Alice ... party is almost over

    This is what it looks like and ( I really mean this in a good way) I would urge the red's on this forum who have any relatives out there who are not part of the terrorists to convince them to get out - they will come home but likely in a box

    If they could do it so easily, they would have done it 8 weeks ago.

    Last time they charged the area at the WTC, 250 army shot with rubber bullits and their leader killed with real ones.

    I know you might not be aware of it but the thai group of Reds is on internet TV 24 hours a day speaking from the shopping area.

    The snipers are not near them now because the fight is spreading into other areas.

    Maybe your area soon.

    Burn baby burn

    In an earlier post I said that they are mentally like children or actually mad .. this post is a perfect example see "burn baby burn" clearly a paranoid delusional person who responds with threads - probably caused by excess jaa baa (an amphetamine) use causing amphetamine induced psychosis

  13. Looks like it is going to be a long night in Bangkok

    Fires, shooting, looting ...

    IMO this will be the last night for the reds.

    After tomorrows 3pm deadline, you can be sure

    that once that is passed the gov't/army are going

    to lower to boom on the whatever red shirts are left.

    I believe they wil send in the full force of all their

    military and clear central Bangkok the "peaceful protestors"

    Say good night Alice ... party is almost over

    This is what it looks like and ( I really mean this in a good way) I would urge the red's on this forum who have any relatives out there who are not part of the terrorists to convince them to get out - they will come home but likely in a box

  14. According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

    There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

    Get out, go home or ..........

    actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

    I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly

    that seems to be a good reason. yet why the CRES need to announce it 24 hours ahead ? this sort of 'offer' could be made for 6-hour notice, and be sharp.

    what this 24 hours advance, allows reds to vote who go who stay ?

    The reason is simple, Abhisit does not want women and children dead and in general as little collateral damage as possible - he is a decent chap, may be too decent for his own good - if this was the other way round and Thaksin was in government, this whole thing would have been over a long time because he wouldn't give a &lt;deleted&gt;

  15. Abhisit, a very weak leader indeed.

    So who would you like to see in charge?

    I would like to see KaengK doing a better job.

    Abhisit is playing the long term game now, and he has time. The red shirts are now showing their desperation, and the camera footage is running.

    Useless to say "oh he is so weak" yet imagine being in his shoes? and all the opposition. let alone that one could themselves, do a better job.

    according what has been said and the fact that the government has asked the Thai red cross to go in tomorrow and persuade as many as possible to leave it is pretty obvious that tomorrow evening those who choose to remain are in for a rather bad time - looks like it is going to be over by Tuesday

    they should look out for red shirt leaders trying to sneak out in woman's clothing though

  16. Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

    shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

    facts to back up the statement!!

    Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn't.

    I would like to ask, who are you calling civilians??? those former red shirt now plain shirt terrorists who use M79 grenades, AK47's, handguns etc... to kill anyone who is against them ?

  17. Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

    Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

    they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

  18. According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

    There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

    Get out, go home or ..........

    actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

    I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly

  19. According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

    There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

    Get out, go home or ..........

    Interesting film coverage of reds looting shops and banks - the only thing where they get it wrong is that some woman reporter pointed at rocks and molotov cocktails and saying those are the mobs weapons .... there are so many pictures of them with guns and of course their favorite M79 grenades that this comes down to bad reporting.

    anyone who want's to leave - does it include Natthawut, Jatruporn . . . :D

    Sure, straight to the Klong Prem nick :) aka the Bangkok Hilton

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