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Posts posted by goldmonky

  1. Bill will love Thailand. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" was an obfuscation based on his personal view of what "sexual relations" included.

    OTOH, woman is a pretty well defined word, in the US at least. In Thailand........................:ermm:

    I think he forgot what the word "is" was all about as well. "a president who once argued it depends on what the definition of 'is' is" -- a reference to Clinton's semantic defense of himself during an August 17, 1998,deposition relating to the Lewinsky affair..."

    But all in all a fairly harmless president. Just fixated on all things Presidential, like the Oval orifice. Is this off topic?

    Since when has the pursuit of sex ever been off topic on this board? It is why 90% of the posters are here.

    Wow !!!! how nice it feels to be one of the minority.:whistling:

  2. Anyone know the reason why they suddenly left Thailand all those years ago?

    I heard rumours ranging from a 7-11 lockout to a blatant shove-out from Chang but that was all unsubstantiated pub talk....I'd love to know the "real" reason.

    a friend of mine a danish stock broker told me it had something to do with a very greedy high level boss at the thai brewery creaming off a large sum of money . he didn´t go into full details caus of professional reasons but it seems they all got togeather to cover up, and to help save face agreed the proper thing to do was to pull out of thailand till thngs cooled down . at the time the market for foreign beers wasn´t so good , so they just left and concentrated on othe asian areas .

  3. I love the word 'collided'. So neutral. What the article should read is....

    "A tow-truck speeding way past the unknown speed limit yesterday rocketed into a bus, also speeding beyond its capacity, carrying underpaid airport staff at Suvarnabhumi Airport, which everyone knows has drag-strip-racing-inviting roads leading into and out of the main airport. Unluckily or luckily one needless death was the result as of this reporting and another 10 injured. As we are fortunate to report so as not to be bombarded by angry posts by expats,no foreign tourists were involved. They may only be blamed for not supplying better vehicles imported to supply our country."

    LIKE LIKE LIKE:whistling:

  4. These insurance companies are a fraud for not helping a war hero in his hour of need. I hope the Insurance company loses a lot of business over this as other tourists may be worried about what they do cover under the terms of the policy. The Danish newspare should be congraulated for stepping in to help

    but should you have to be a hero for them to pay out?? I mean what do we pay insurance for ?? and they aren´t cheap.we don`p have accidents on purpose. :and good on ya danish reporter(respects)
  5. It all sounds pretty weird. An expat with a house in Phuket Town is wanted for murder with a 50000 Baht reward on his head and no one knows anything? With all of the nosy people in Thailand and the fact that not many Foreigners wear full beards I'm surprised there's not a run on the local police station with information on any bearded suspect at all. Even if there was only one 35 year old Western guy in Phuket with a full beard he would surely come under suspicion not matter how reclusive he tried to be. Makes me wonder - if he is the murderer, could it have been a premeditated act by a guy wearing a fake beard? Or have I been watching too many re-runs of Columbo? Anyway, if a bearded guy did suddenly shave off his beard, I doubt if any of the workers in the local 7/11 or noodle shop would notice, they'd probably think it was just a different Farang. Oh well...I hope the police can solve this case. My guess is that she met the wrong person on her way home after she left the Farang.

    met somebody who was also carrying around a large suitcase? The body was obviously transported from the perps place of residence.

    It has to be someone who has or rented a car, or who lived within walking distance.

    Hopefully there will be enough evidence with fingerprints and DNA to draw a line to the killer.

    lokks more like someone from iran or pakistan or maybe malaya

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