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Everything posted by rasmus5150

  1. We will all stop watching the English after their game on the 10th December. Because that will be their last match in Qatar.......
  2. 8$ extra??..??.. Seems like he has copied Elon Musk's price strategy from Twitter. Unfortunately Thailands normal strategy to cope with loss/less customers, is raise the prices, and hope that nobody will notice.
  3. The Duck Face must be kept away from bright light, never made wet and never, ever be fed after midnight. When an accident occurs involving Duck Face and water, the next evolution stage appears, and it isn't nice at all.
  4. And what about all the people living out in the "sticks", and people who are not officially registered? These statistics are only scratching the surface - the problem is waaaay deeper, and it will take many years (if ever) before being back to "normal".
  5. Considering his right-hand man called foreigners "dirty", then this is a.: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
  6. I just pray that "they" don't interfere too much, and direct all the water East and West to avoid flooding in central Bangkok. Thonburi has not forgotten 2011.......
  7. Thai males have been jealous since the dawn of time, has nothing to do with Covid.
  8. I guess I'll be the first to "rant". Do you truly believe that a higher salary will stamp out corruption? Human kind will always try to accumulate more wealth, no matter how rich they are. No matter if you're a postman or a CEO, it's never enough. And clever people will always be experts in hiding their cash trail through relatives, proxies or foreign banks with dodgy systems. I would love for your vision to happen. But as you wrote yourself "TIT"
  9. I can only imagine what would have happened if the Thai Govt. did not accept all the vaccine it could get their hands on. Then the comments would have been.: "General doesn't care about his people", "too slow to get vaccine" etc etc etc..... A single jab might save a life - so the more vaccine the merrier - doesn't matter where it comes from.
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