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Posts posted by GM1955

  1. I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

    would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

    No chance, the Elite Thai Chinese are gonna be toiling away for 170 Baht per day, show those Isaan boys how real men do the job. :)

  2. I just can't understand you people here.

    You are slagging each other off claiming victories and defeats for people who have nothing at all to do with you, I know you have no say in Thailand and are of no importance whatsoever in the grand scheme of things, but please, can't you guys stop the hatred ?

    How many of you warriors went to the front lines ?

    How many of you warriors would actually face the people you mock in real life ?

    How many of you warriors laid down your lives ?

    Just give a rest, this forum is supposed to have a Zero tolerance to hate posts, I see no evidence of that at all, only a lack of red shirt posters, most now seem pro government are are spouting hatred at every opportunity.

    You do yourselves no favours whatsoever.

    Try to calm down, you old boys will be having heart attacks.

    Our wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, friends and work collegues are very important to us. Most of us like to support them, and their country, with whatever our opinions are.

    I think you know exactly what I was suggesting, an end to hate posts.

    I also have Family in Thailand, but the hate posting on this site is really bad, considering there is supposed to be zero tolerance.

    Your opinions are of course valid, but read through some of the posts, you think they are productive?

    Anyway, good luck to you and your family.

    I would still like to know how many would actually face the people they mock with the same attitude they show here.

    I would guess, NONE !!

    Stop fighting each other please, it's tedious and rather ridiculous.

  3. I just can't understand you people here.

    You are slagging each other off claiming victories and defeats for people who have nothing at all to do with you, I know you have no say in Thailand and are of no importance whatsoever in the grand scheme of things, but please, can't you guys stop the hatred ?

    How many of you warriors went to the front lines ?

    How many of you warriors would actually face the people you mock in real life ?

    How many of you warriors laid down your lives ?

    Just give a rest, this forum is supposed to have a Zero tolerance to hate posts, I see no evidence of that at all, only a lack of red shirt posters, most now seem pro government and are spouting hatred at every opportunity.

    You do yourselves no favours whatsoever.

    Try to calm down, you old boys will be having heart attacks.

  4. The property here in Thailand is all in my Thai wife's name and if our relationship were ever to fail, I can walk away and never miss any meals. There will NOT be any law suits.

    Gary has it right,

    He has a choice, now if some guys came to Thailand and sunk every dime they had into a land and house deal with a woman young enough to be their grand daughter, then maybe it's different matter for them.

    I know many people who are comfortable in the fact that they can afford to walk away for whatever reason, and still not be destitute. If it's the total opposite then that's just bad planning on the Farangs part.

    I have a house in the NE of Thailand, if I was to part with my wife, she is totally welcome to it, in fact I would have it no other way, I refuse to hold a woman to ransom financially and have made sure my wife is financially independent from me in every way.

    I knew a guy that lived with a very young woman, he was in his 60's, she in her teens, he virtually held her as a prisoner by financial constraints and threats, totally wrong in my opinion, but he thought he could control her that way.

    She ended up leaving him with nothing in her pocket, she met another guy and is now very happy.

  5. Thai television has to edit everything before they put it on television so you must wait for them to finish the editing process.

    Exactly right.

    TV is controlled by the Government and you will only see what they want you to see.

  6. When I first came to Thailand it was 25 to a Dollar and 41 - 42 for a Pound.

    Later the pound was in the 36 - 37 Baht range whilst the dollar was still 25 being the baht was pegged to the USD currency at that time.

    That was nearly 20 years ago, so many people have retired to Thailand more recently, when the GBP was 70's and USD was mid 40's and based their income on those rates and are now struggling, it's a hard pill to swallow, but some will not have the amount of pension required to remain in Thailand on a retirement visa, if they rely on Pension alone.

    Good luck to all.

  7. To those farangs who for the last two months have been calling for the use of lethal force I say be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it and you may not like the outcome.

    There seems to be a deep seated hatred of The Red Shirts by many on the Forum, I wonder where they get all their news from on this site.

    The Nation is so biased that it's absurd to think anybody would fall for their stories.

    The Government propaganda machine has been working overtime, and many Farangs have jumped onto the bandwagon, whilst fiercely slamming the Redshirt propaganda machine

    The hatred being spouted out by many Farangs here is quite astonishing.

    I wonder how many Farangs will have been casualties of the Redshirt protests by way of heart attacks and burst blood vessels as they hammer away at their keyboards slagging each other off, solving all of Thailands problems as only Farangs know how to, with some good old keyboard advice safely tucked away in their condos or houses. :)

    I think some you old timers should relax a little. :D

  8. Just another example of the high quality of tourist that Thailand attracts.

    I wouldn't exactly class them as tourists, they are organized criminals.

    Anyway, what would you know about anything going on in Thailand, with over 3,330 posts on an internet form since September, do you ever leave your room ? :)

  9. Who's kidding who? This country averages 35 deaths per day on the roads (UN,WHO, Thia) that's 12,775 deaths per year or road kill. 2 years that's over 25,000 people. :)

    And the 42,000 deaths per year or road kill in USA, or the 60,000 plus per year in India, or the 100'000 that are killed in China,.......you get the point.

    This is about a heatstroke risk, the government is warning people, yet even this seems to provoke members of ThaiVisa into making insane posts that in no way have anything to do with the main topic.

    As long as it knocks Thailand or Thai people, it's fair game on this site.

    GotLost, Getreal.

  10. Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

    Tom, I think you'll find that The Army will attack the redshirt camp, on the orders of the Government after a compromise deal was turned down.

    I can't for the life of me understand why the PM would turn down any possible peaceful end to the problems.

    Violence seems inevitable, the PM knows this, yet refuses point blank any compromise deal.

    I don't think it's him that makes the decisions though, he's just the pretty face doing what hes told to do.

    This could have catastrophic results, I hope that there is still time left for peace talks.

    I have stayed out of this debate up until now, but I am quite amazed at some of the posters here who appear to be risking heart failure by getting so worked up.

    This is not our ( Farangs ) problem, to spout such hatred towards either group could have severe repercussions.

    Certain posters have been calling for a bloodbath, I pity you, and I know that none of you have ever been in such a situation yourselves, else you would keep your thoughts to yourself.

    Calling the Redshirts Terrorists is a dangerous game.

    How can the Redshirts cause maximum disruption to this government ? By acts of real terrorism, bombs in Tourist areas for example, kill a few hundred Farangs, destroy the tourist industry stone dead.

    For all the Farangs here that are so brainwashed by either side in this conflict, I actually pity you, but I also pity any innocent Farangs who may be caught up in any backlash against the haters on this and other forums.

    If I was a Redshirt and I read some of the hate posts by certain individuals here, I'd think very lowly of Farangs in Thailand.

    So please stop the hate posts and think of possible repercussions in the future.

    Yes, I know you're anonymous here, thank god, but the hate posts are way over the top and do nothing but antagonize.


  11. I'm not sure about civil war, but there could certainly be a backlash against certain groups of Thais who seem to hold the majority of the wealth.

    1998 in Indonesia saw riots leading to attacks on Indonesian/Chinese business properties, rapes of Indo/chinese women and girls etc etc, these things do happen.

    I'm somewhat amazed that so many Farangs on this website have called for the Army to shoot the redshirts, it would appear that The Nation Newspaper and their totally one sided view has flowed to ThaiVisa and the guys here read it and take it as factual.

    It's ridiculous.

    Terrorists eh ? Let me see, if I was a Redshirt terrorist and I wanted to do some real harm to this country, what would or could I do ?

    Bomb in Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Samui, Phuket all timed to coincide with each other, kill 200 farangs and completely stop the tourist industry, the only thing that could top that would be the closure of beer bars and gogo's, the Farangs would certainly stay away then.

    The government calling the Redshirts terrorists could really backfire on them.

    I doubt a full blown civil war will take place, well I hope not, but there could certainly be some backlash against the richer Thai people if there is a massacre of the redshirts in Bkk.

    And for all the Farangs that have been calling for the reds to be shot, calling them animals, calling them stupid etc etc etc, just be careful, I know you're anonymous on here, but think about all the other Farangs in Thailand, just stay out of it and cease with the hatred and hopes for a violent end.

    If I was a Thai Redshirt and I read some of the threads on ThaiVisa, I'd be well pizzed of with Farangs.

    I know it's not all Farangs, but all Farangs could be tarred with the same brush, in the same way that all Thai people are catagorized and departmentalized by Farangs on Forums, Thai people could put all Farangs in the same basket, really, there should be a lot less hate posting on this forum.

    Just a thought.

    Peace to all.

  12. I bet with you many going to make more money in my 33 years than the average WWE entertainer in there 6 years.

    I didn't say the average WWE entertainer, I said the Top guys.

    A top guy like Triple H , Steve Austin, Undertaker etc, can probably make a lot of money, this post was not directed at you personally, also it was not directed at a Teacher earning 30,000 Baht per month, it was an example of the potential some of the top guys have for making big money.

    And the very Top Dog, Vincent McMahon, CEO and the major shareholder, a Billionaire according to Forbes Magazine.

    The top guys do very well, as I'm sure you do too.

  13. Yes, the outcomes are known for 99% of the time.

    The other 1% may be for the broken bones or career ending injuries which these guys risk when they get in the ring.

    To the OP, have a good time, it's pure entertainment and a good show.

    To the detractors, what you see is reality, the moves are real, and these guys do not earn the type of money they earn because they have no skills.

    The skills are used in a controlled way, kinda like the stuntmen on the movies that are also not real, but entertaining nevertheless, or do you also not like movies ?

    If a guy of nearly 7 Feet Tall and 350 Lbs used these skills against an untrained member of joe public, they would do some serious serious damage, that is why they have to use these skills against other very skilled men and these skills have to be used in a controlled manner otherwise there would be deaths at every event, that would lead to a ban on the events and prevent the top WWE guys earning in 6 months what most of you guys will never earn in a lifetime.

  14. I believe that many Farangs in Thailand cannot leave for one reason or another.

    Look at the constant complaining on Thai related Forums, most topics are about how bad it is for Farangs in Thailand.

    Yet, the same posters are in Thailand year after year, suffering untold horrors and still can't take the plunge to leave.

    So yes, there is certainly something about Thailand that magnetises people, quite what that is is open to debate.

    My personal opinion is the availability of women in Thailand, I know many forum members will deny this, but in my limited experience, it's the main draw for many, otherwise why would they stay when so unhappy about so many things in Thailand, except the women ?

    They took the GIANT step of leaving their home countries, yet seem powerless to leave Thailand, a country where they have no vote, no rights , and in many cases are totally at a loss when it comes to Language, Food, Culture and serious relationships.

    Yet they still stay there.

    It has to be the women, or the men of Thailand that influences the mind of many long termers in Thailand.

    I expect a few posts saying I don't know anything and the Thai Chinese wife with degrees coming out of her a@@ from the rich family is the sole reason for being in a 3rd world country, yet for the majority this is simply not the case.

    I know many western people who live in Thailand, and most live with ex BG's.

    There again, the women is usually 15 - 30 years younger. :)

  15. I would think if your after 'farang' vinyl you would have a better chance advertising to buy individuals record collections. I know at least 2 aging 'DJ's over here, still holding onto vast collections.

    Thanks for the tip Dave.

    Yes, sounds like those are 2 guys I would certainly like to get in touch with, any idea if they are interested in selling ?

    If so you could always PM me and I'll leave a contact number with you,

    Thanks Dave The Dude from Salf London.

    Norf Londoner ere mate.

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