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Posts posted by highlander

  1. I smoked for 18 years , when I gave up last September I was smoking 50 a day.To say the least I was in a bad way.

    I found the number of an English Hypnotist in Pattaya ,the best 2500 baht I ever spent.

    Never smoked or stressed about it since and I've even stopped coughing up fried eggs in the morning

    If anyone wants his number , pm me and I will gladly pass it on. :o

  2. A man finally gets the test results from his doctor.

    "Well it's positive I'm afraid ,you do have A.I.D.S"

    Horrified the man says "My God is there anything I can do?"

    The doctor replies "Well there is one thing..."

    "What ,what can I do?" He asks

    The Doctor sits down and starts to write out a prescription.

    "OK I want you to eat 15 cans of beans ,20 pounds of jalapeno peppers, 18 bananas ,10 boxes of saltines , a plate of nachos and wash it down with a gallon of prune juice"

    The man asks "Will that cure me?"

    The doctor hands the prescription to the man and says"No ,but it will teach you what your ass is for!" :o

  3. When I first moved to Yensabai Condo last year I made an arrangment with security that I could bring a dog in as long as I left her I.D card at the front desk :o:D

    Sorry about that. :D

    Up2u is right, I've nerver heard of condos allowing pets in.

    At the end of the day dogs need gardens for crapping etc . Most people are against other peoples pets crapping in their garden, whether they clean it up or not :D

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