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Posts posted by Rustapha

  1. Kerryd, on 23 Jun 2014 - 13:57, said:

    Wow - why am I not even slightly surprised by this ? I mean after all, this isn't the kind of action that peace-loving and tolerant people would do, is it ?

    This sounds more like the actions of poorly educated, poorly trained, armed criminals that have no (effective) leadership and no fear of any consequences of any kind (because they all can claim their actions are justified by their interpretation of their religious edicts).

    Kind of like the Christian Crusades all over again, just with deadlier weapons and mass media coverage.

    I did give a condescending snort when I read about the various Gulf Coast Countries being in a bit of a quandary now, as the (Sunni) rebels they had been funding to overthrow Assad have branched out and are attacking Shias in Iraq. They are concerned about what all those now well-armed (and funded) rebels may do when they run out of targets and possibly set their sights on establishing fundamentalist theocracies back in their home countries (like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE).

    Certain of those countries even had to pass laws recently forbidding their citizens from going off to fight with the rebels, after having earlier encouraged many to do so ! Some have had to have their "state clerics" stop their fund-raising drives as too much of that cash was going to the rebels that they couldn't control.

    (Think about that for a minute. State affiliated religious leaders openly fund-raising to send money to rebel fighters trying to overthrow governments in foreign countries. Now think about charitable organizations that do not have to declare their income, pay no taxes (of any kind) and can use those undeclared, unknown sums of money to do whatever they want, with no scrutiny of any kind. Scary. Think about that the next time you go past a church, mosque or temple.)

    The world would be a far better place, if religion, (all religions) were not taken seriously,! Any person who picks up a gun and wants to blow your head off because you don't think the way he or she does, Well, were are we at as a global community. ??

  2. ppmacready, on 24 May 2014 - 21:39, said:
    Franco governed for 36 years in Spain.
    Ending when he died in 1975

    Meanwhile the opposing team became educated.
    It wont matter what this General does.
    It doesn't matter how long it takes.
    History shows us, that one day in the future the ''people '' always win!

    '' Power concedes nothing without a demand.

    It never did and it never will.''
    ''Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.''

    Yeah, tell it to the Russians. !!!

    • Like 1
  3. brewsterbudgen, on 24 May 2014 - 20:58, said:
    uty6543, on 24 May 2014 - 20:51, said:
    brewsterbudgen, on 24 May 2014 - 20:46, said:

    Hmmm. Not many on here defending the coup now are there?

    I don't understand why the general has taken over the senate but I trust he is doing what has to be done for the good of the country and the people.

    I salute your faith, but I fear your trust is misplaced.

    Maybe you should salute his trust, but you fear his faith is misplaced.

  4. "We have the potential to become a gateway to hundreds of islands in southern Myanmar,"

    Wot? No hub? Is gateway going to be the new 'in' word and hub relegated to the dictionary?

    I'd like to see the Myanmar Government make the 'gateway' a revolving door and large No Entry signs erected - in Thai. Time for a bit of payback for the misery that Thailand has heaped on desperate Myanmar people for so long.

    The Thai's / Siamese, have long memories, They don't forget the raping & pillaging & occupation of Autthaya hundreds of years ago.

  5. We have seen killers in Thailand who have come from America, UK, Norway, Sweden, and Australia. Maybe we should get tough on visas with people from those countries, too.

    My feelings about Russians is mixed but not at all prejudicial; it is based on personal interaction. I've met really great Russians I would happily invite home for dinner and real <deleted>. Same for Americans, Brits, Frenchmen, Aussies, Danes, and Swiss.

    Hey, Are they really on the menu,????

  6. First the Night Bazarre and now the stadium; eventually they will realize that the lost the charm of Bangkok - and it's just a high rise mecca of empty condos. My hometown of New Orleans had a bayou that went from the Mississippi to the Lake with bars and brothels - now it's an interstate highway. That would be a huge draw today (of course the brothels are now hidden there) - only thinking of the dollar now and not the many in the future.

    It is interesting than when farang feel they're losing face about something, it's a highly principled stance (and never the money ha,ha), but when Thais feel they're not being treated fairly, their reaction is regarded as primitive 3rd world face-saving.

    It would be more interesting if you could explain that you are referring to like for like scenarios When westerners feel aggrieved about something its over principal (this is not the same as losing face), yet when Thai s do it, its rarely ever over principal, but because they refuse to admit their own failings in one form or another and therefore feel they have lost face because they have been embarrassed. Quite different things wouldn't you say. All to do with the difference about feeling guilt or shame. Most westerners feel guilty if they do something bad, while many from the east feel shame because it makes them look bad and have failed publicly and they couldn't care less about feeling any guilt towards the other party.

    Quite different things and the obvious reason for the difference in attitudes between people from the West or the East.

    Sateeb, You have hit the nail right on the head. But thats the way it is over here. But even when there is no face to save, everthing still same, same!
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