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Posts posted by Gerryasia

  1. What an odd juxtaposition. From a personal argument that ends violently to mob mentality. Never mind no mob was involved.

    I've known quite a few people murdered over the years and if its not business, its personal-- argument, cheating with spouse, whatever. The comparison to the kid who blows away half the school is only valid in that once ignited most Thais blow completely. But random violence of the kind found in the US (and now Europe and the UK) rarely occurs in Thailand. It is almost always the result of an individual problem.

    Hmmm....if you've known "quite a few people that have been murdered over the years"...I hope you were in law enforcement. Otherwise, I would say you were hangin with a "less than desirable" crowd.

    I am 56, from America, and don't know ANYONE (personally)who has been murdered.

    Living in Thailand for the last 5 years has PROVEN to me that what sbk says is true.

    Check the stats...and check the "beatings" headlines.

    Otherwise, they CAN be a very peaceful culture...compared to MANY others.

    1 man's opinion.

  2. Hmmmmm...not so sure about that Mr Thai Eye.

    Had a VERY, Hairy, Scary ride on a ferry to Phi Phi in June a couple of years ago, from Phuket town.

    We all had vests on and the boat was overloaded and listing 20 degrees, for sure, from the wind and swells during a major squall.

    Me and a couple of other farangs were talking about what to do if it pitched.

    1 hour of hel_l.

    Brother Ger

  3. This woman committed a criminal offense.

    I do not understand why posters are making jokes about the Thai immigration department for apprehending her and charging her for it. This has nothing to do with red shirts, yellow shirts or whatever shirts are worn, or indeed, any corruption allegations against Thai officials.

    There is simply a criminal British National who has broken the law and should be punished according to the law. I hope to the full.

    There seems to be some element around here who haven't quite caught on to the idea that there are laws in Thailand and if you break them it is a criminal offense and not some sort of joke. Try forging a UK immigrant visa and see how you are dealt with in the UK. Although thinking about it there would probably some plea for political asylum and under the current Labour government they would doubtless bend over backwards to provide a large house and support for all the brats; and make the tax payers bend over forwards to take it up the arse paying for the benefits.

    There are laws in Thailand and if you break them it is a criminal offense and not some sort of joke?

    Tell that to the red shirt leadership.

    The "joke" is on all of us.

  4. I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

    Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

    The "one night" in BKK COULD cost you dearly...given today's events unfolding.

    Seriously, I would avoid BKK at all costs. Just go from Soyawannaboomboome directly to Pattaya.

    Just sayin......

  5. Im sorry F1 but I completely disagree with you here. You say scaring them is enough... enough for what? To stop them from killing the next child that walks along when you are not there? Not sure how scaring them away one time is the answer to stopping them from maiming and killing? I don't get what you are saying at all. If a dog shows that kind of intent and visciousness, it needs to be put down asap. There is no reforming a dog.... It will attack again and again until it finally goes too far, then a Thai will put it down... too late.

    Karatekas answer is to learn dogs and teach owners of dogs. First of all, there is no teaching going on in Thailand. None at all. And the dogs we are generally talking about have no owners. And why do I have to learn how to evade getting mauled by packs of roving dogs? The dogs should not be allowed to roam free in the city, period.

    Because as I've said before, soi dogs rarely cause problems - let alone maim or kill children!

    How many children have been killed by soi dogs? I suspect the number is close to zero.

    The dogs that cause problems have owners! I'm one of them. One of my dogs attacked a small dog where I live. She is no longer allowed out without a muzzle. Unfortunately the Thais aren't as responsible, they do nothing when their dog causes a nuisance.

    The dog that bit me was after one of my dogs on a lead. I didn't have pepper spray at the time, so put myself in between the Lab/Retriever to protect my dogs - not thinking for a minute it would attack me! When it did (and it had a Thai owner), I was more suprised than angry!

    Anyway, I bought a pepper spray and the next time we met the dog and he went for mine, I sprayed in front of him (not in his face - he needed to realise he couldn't get away with it - not be hurt). It worked, he avoids us now!

    OMG what beach is that? I will make sure I don't go... and I will tell others!

  6. The core of the whole problem: the RICH red leaders are protestingst against the wealth gap, but they haven't offered any solutions.

    How will an election solve the problem if the reds don't have any idea how to fix it.

    Thaksin and his puppet parties were in power for over 6 years and came up with no LONG TERM solutions to fix the problems of the poor. All they offered were short term vote grabbers, further debt for the poor, and unfunded health policies.

    I'm not at all convinced the red leaders care about the wealth gap because it doesn't personally affect them. I'm sure the rank and file reds care about the wealth gap because it directly affects a lot of them personally.

    If the red leaders did care about it, then as you say they would have offered solutions. I believe they just used the wealth gap as part of their justification for protesting. But the fact that when it came down to it, their ONLY demand is for the government to resign, then it shows that they only care about power and don't really care about the wealth gap at all.

    Please, Please, Please....show me WHERE on this planet that the "wealth gap" does not exist?

    My mind and heart are open.

    If they really did care about the wealth gap, then they would welcome ANY measures that seek to improve it. But let's face it, the LAST thing that Thaksin and the red leaders would want is for the current government to start implementing policies that favor the poor, because that would undermine EVERYTHING they are claiming the current government stands for.

  7. The man carrying a victim looks more like a lion taking away his prey, if you consider the mindset of the guys who put up stickers like that. You save somebody to <deleted> the brains out of them as a reward. How else are they going to get laid?

    There are also stickers of women crouching as if preparing for a pee. Whateve ignites one's imagination.

    A couple of times I've seen hanging testicles, what's up with that?

    American Teabaggers....uh...I mean teapartiers.

  8. And the reason you chose Hua Hin?

    Phuket is MUCH nicer, although the rents in HH CAN be better. I lived there 3years ago for about a year.

    1) Don't know

    2) I used to eat frequently at the big mall food court and some of the smaller Thai/Japanese/Chinese. A/C, good parking and lots of ladies to ogle.

    3) There are one or two municipal golf courses in PKK province with reasonable fees...check the net or the Chamber of Commerce booth under clock tower.

    4) Almost all the hotels have nice bars with farangs to talk to and no pressure from girls. 2-3 Streets pointed toward beach, north of clock tower have a few.

    5) Hin Nam Sai Suay Hotel (nort of town)has a nice Disco/Dance Club/Bar setup that the local HI SO's like. Two venues there.

    6)Hilton Disco...hmm...so so. '~'

    7)Reggae beach bar north of Hilton and "Richard's" north of the reggae one. Others also north of that. Some associated with hotels.

    8)Check the animal shelter east of town near Temple...might find a "keeper" there.

    9) City beach hotel ground floor disco/club has THE pick-up hot spot...forget the name. Hin Nam Sai Suay not bad also.

    10) Internet dating works pretty well in HH...just beware of sharks in "seacow" clothing.

    Good Luck

  9. By the way, in Thailand this month on the 23 is the King Rama 5 day (Chulalongkorn Day). It s a national public holiday. :)

    I am sitting with a Thai teacher and she says you are wrong about dates of Chulalongkorn Day. This year it is 23 October...and Monday 25 will be the Public Holiday.


  10. Friend of mine who spent several years in many parts of Thailand LOVES Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

    It SO depends on what you are looking for, overall.

    Cambodia living requires a look at the movie: "City of Ghosts", with Matt Dillon and James Caan.

    Very good flick!

    Good Luck!

  11. The MAIN difference is...if the folks from the south protest, they will not be PAID and fed and watered by a lunatic megalomaniac to demonstrate daily, for weeks on end, nor would they be blinded by their brainwashed support of him.

    Unless another charlatan (other than a re-incarnated Mohammed;-) showed up in the south, they would not have the resources to mount this kind of protest/conflict. The "brothers" in the middle east have oil, poppies and Osama

    Their issues are similar and many are legitimate, but the ONLY way the reds have been able get this much attention here, and do this much damage to the country is (obviuosly)TOXINS billions.

    1 man's opinion.


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