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ChrisY1 last won the day on February 20 2013

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  1. Thai builders and electricity really don't go well together!
  2. Rear enders in to stationary trucks are insane..cars, notorcycles, school trucks....it's an everyday occurrence...stupid people do stupid things!
  3. Undertaking......driving like this is good for business!
  4. Mmmmm....looks genuine:)) Another person in need of spectacles!
  5. There's been plenty of these incidents reported....but no-one learns! "Not necessary in Thailand"....or the old one "we don't do like that here"
  6. So....the motorcyclist was undertaking....not overtaking. Passing trucks on the drivers blind side is really not just understanding basic road safety. We see it every day! One day the education department might just be persuaded to introduce road safety into the curriculum......which would be so good! However.....without doubt, the teachers would not have a clue!
  7. Hilarious.....a hooker protesting infidelity.....!
  8. Oh my....another PR stunt for the next week or so.....illegal parking:))
  9. They get the small fries as usual....they very likely know the main actors, but avoid them at all costs. Catching the scammers is a scam!
  10. Xenophobia is tiresome here.....!
  11. It's never a competition....!
  12. Yep.....sure was travelling! Pretty hard not to see these toll booths....but this guy obviously didn't see it!
  13. We would probably be surprised just how many used the "under the table" visa. In fact..it's openly promoted by the Immigration police.
  14. "any police officers found to be negligent or complicit in covering up the crime will face disciplinary and criminal action." Ok...so a familiar path....!

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