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ChrisY1 last won the day on February 20 2013

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  1. They never crack down!
  2. I love this....the greatest wet T shirt show in the world:)))
  3. I'm happy with Thailand' alignment with China. Europe is becoming a pile....poor leadership in several countries...unelected "leader" and obvious war monger of the EU...Britain a basket case led by what is showing to be a war monger...Poland appears to have fallen....France...well, Macron! China can offer so much for Thailand...just technology there is so advanced....there's no evidence of them being war mongers..they advanced their country, unlike much of Europe and the US, wasting trillions on never ending wars!
  4. Yep...they are just so impatient...don't even slow down, just veer into traffic to avoid a motocy!
  5. "highlighted ongoing safety concerns in the popular tourist destination, ".......As long as there are motocy taxi guys, chicks with dicks and bouncers, next week there'll be more issues! Arguments in these areas in the early hours when tourists are tanked is usual!
  6. They don't need to "wake up"....it's their system that's been installed for decades and these elections have so often been through the court system so many times..it's a farce and t ain't gonna change at all!
  7. Holy cow! Some seriously unhinged men here....this nutter is right up there!
  8. I guess the level and costs of the corruption involved in this debacle, is far more important than finding a solution! 10 years on.....eventually it will remain as it stand and...the same as the unfinished structure, Sathorn Unique, in BKK is the same...and I think that's 20 years...no-one gives a fig!
  9. Is that the bull in the pic? Bones in a leather bag!
  10. Another rear ender....! No-one ever learns....or get taught!
  11. Great idea....however, these will sit on the floor somewhere, or hang on a wall....gather dust, never be checked, forgotten and of course, no training in the use of will never happen!
  12. Hookers, booze and trans people....always a recipe for trouble....
  13. Thought it may have been Chiang Mai or even Pattaya....but then..there's bo prostitution in those places....
  14. Being on the inside of a turning semi trailer is always a very bad idea. Education could fix this absence of knowledge.....but it's doubtful
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