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Posts posted by Boo

  1. elfe Posted on Tue 2003-12-02, 12:25:06

      hi Nat, must admit it doesn't look cute to blow your nose in public...

    but what advice do you have when sitting in a restaurant and eating very hot food and the nose is running constantly? 

    I always feel like I want to stuff tissue in both my nostrils  

    Elfie, I think this problem can be sorted by politely raising the tissue to your nose whilst covering most of it with your hand (similar to the way thais use a tooth pick after a meal) & having a good wipe. Don't blow, not if there are others eating in the same place as you. :D

    Nat, people blowing their nose really loudly in public is one of my pet hates too, but whats even worse is when they then examine the contents of their tissue or hankie afterwards! Urgh :o

    btw, mrrentoul, where you been lately, the BKK post keeping you too busy these days?

  2. It is a known fact that young girls will use their male family members as a sounding board, if you like, for their budding sexuality. That means that they will overtly flirt with their fathers & see how far they can manipulate their male family with coy looks & flirty gestures. (This actually happens as early as 5-6 years old, but is just veiwed as cute by "normal" members of society) This is because these young girls know that they are safe to do this without the normal ramifications of doing it to a male stranger or boys her own age.

    That is not an open invitation for the men to abuse or molest them but in most "normal" men, will be an amusing embarasment, that they fully understand & deal with in a corect manner. Thomas, as a woman, I fnd your original post insulting. To suggest that young girls, who are just discovering their sexuality, are "asking for it" is the ramblings of a sick mind.

    Is my 5 year old neice "asking for it", when she blatently uses her power over her father & grandfather, to get her own way, or is she just being a normal 5 year old girl who knows that the 2 men in her life are wrapped around her little finger & with the right kind of cute look can get them to take her to the park, or buy her something?

    Peodophillia is wrong, pure & simple. Yes, thes people may be sick & need counselling or whatever other treatments, the quacks & shrinks can think up, but ultimatly they are a danger to other children & should be locked away. Maybe for ever. That is up to the courts to decide. They have ultimatly broke the law, & in thailand, the law looks very strongly on this kind of crime committed by foreigners, so the English pervs sentance was just, in the eyes of Thai Law. England has a softer approach when it comes to these kind of people, but you know, I'm glad that when I have children, they will be raised in LOS & not in my home country where they happily release these "mentally sick" people after a few years without thought to the victims past & future.

    Thailand may have it's faults but on this subject, they got it right.

  3. God, I remeber that story, hadn't their mum just died as well or something like that, it was supposed to be a new start family holiday, so tragic B) I really can't beleive that the Elephant is still used for shows though, what a danger to other tourists! I hope they get some compensation, not necessarily financial, but some kind of apology & better safety guildlines at the zoo. :o:D

  4. T0MY Posted on Tue 2003-12-02, 14:02:14

      OMG you guy are killing me, aren't they suppose to be history by now, they problably been around when i wasn't even born yet. do they still have teeth to sing,  . the only thing i listen too is Linkin Park, Snoop Doggy Dogg, or eminem 

    Which probably explains a lot about you Tomy! :o

    Keep it going fellas, lifelong Floyd fan here (literally, I'm 28 & was raised on those sounds)

    "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year" :D

  5. Hi All, I don't want to get into your debate about the rights & wrongs of the immigration policies of LOS but there may be ways, for Morphic & others, to get a non imm O visa.

    A female friend of mine applied at the Thai Consulate in Hull, UK, for a Non O, she is 26, she does not have a lot of money, no job in LOS as yet but had her father guarantee her, she printed the letter on their web site that basically states that he will support her financially if she come into problems and posted it with the fee & passport & a stamped addressed envelope & received it back with the Non O visa 5 working days later.

    There must be other freindly consulates around the world that these guys who meet none of the other requirements, such as working, business owner, retired etc could visit & get the visa on proof of their financial status in their own countries, anyone know of any? I think that for these guys, spending the money to visit a consulate either in their home contry or another could ultimatly save them a lot of hassle in the future.

  6. Gotta say, that the attitude to backpackers is so low, I'm really surprised. Not all are druggies or loons, some are normal students, on a year out, so the perfect age for grisers daughter, if she was craving western conversation with people her own age I think that KS would be perfect for her. It all depends on her personality whether she would like it or not, but 19 is not a child, so she should be aware of all the options. I'm assuming that she has a degree of common sense & can keep herself away from the druggy side of KS, which is very behind the scenes anyway (she would literally have to ask around to find anything), we have always stayed in Khao San (near the temple) every time we have had to go to BKK & have met so many nice young people who were just hanging around, drinking soft drinks & watching movies or playing pool. Yeah, it's not a place she should be hanging around everynight but for every once in a while she would probably enjoy it. It also is the place where all young girls, travelling or on a gap year stay & they are mostly travelling in pairs or alone so lots of female company for her.

  7. HI Griser, Welcome to the farang girls section, I'm sure that when your daughter starts at the international college that she will make a lot of new freinds, both thai & foreign, she could also join one of the local sports centres (if she is into that sort of thing) & maybe speak to Kurt on the expat communty section for more ideas of western meeting points. I think the problem your daughter is going to come across is that most of the expats here will be considerably older than her (myself by 10 years) so it is probably better that she makes her own way around & the college will most likely be the place for her to get a network of friends. She could also hang around western haunts but as most of these are bars & clubs, I'm not sure how you will like that idea! :o But Gullivers on Khoa San Road has a lot of people her own age hanging around, the only problem is that they are backpackers so not around for very long!

    Any other of the girls or guys got any ideas?

  8. Judge, that was absolutely brilliant, love the special add ons about the cigarettes & chang too. It''s nice to see so many guys taking an interest in the kitchen & most men can handle a pasta dish so it was a great first post. As for the pumpkin soup, I'm glad you liked it, I got it off an Aussie friend of mine in Sydney, so spot on with the guess! :D

    Not much good on thai food but will speak with hubby tomorrow about some easy to handle recipes for all us farang. :o

  9. Nat, carry some mild wet wipes around with you & cleanse your face several times a day, when you get home wash your face with a mild cleansing wash (nothing with gritty bits in it) & try to drink lots of water to hydrate! Theres not a lot you can do about your face coming into contact with the dirt & grime in Bangkok but a good moisturiser (I use vasalene intensive care with aloe vera) will keep the most of it off you skin & on the moisturiser instead.

  10. Hi sbk, glad kitty worked out, I hope your new do wasn;t ruined on the boat trip back!. As for the gyny, I only yesterday went to a very great doctor in Nathon for an internal check & smear test, she works at Nathon hospital but holds private practice in Nathon High Street, 7am-8.30, 12pm - 1pm & 5pm-7m. I was asking around the thai & farang ladies here & it seems she is the best that samui has to offer, very competent, spoke excellent english & made me feel very relaxed. Her name is Dr Seamsri, it's a 1st come 1st served basis (no appointments) but as it was my 1st visit I got seen straight away, saw another farang woman in their with a baby who told me she was very happy with this doctor as she had been her pre natal doctor all through her pregnancy & sorted everyone out at the hospital when she went into labour. Dr's number is 077420033. She is located on the main high road, past the big Thai Farmer Bank about 100metres on the other side of the road, near the paper police man & opposite the DTAC phone shop. Hope this helps.

    P.s. she arrived at 12, I was seen after a 5min wait & was back on the street by 12.30. very efficient!

  11. erco Posted on Thu 2003-11-27, 15:20:21


    Who wants a farang woman? My god, wake up, attitude and cellulite. They cannot dance and look like beeched whales in ill fitting bikini's.

    I have lived in Thailand for 4 years now and have had the same beautifull 25 year old Thai girl for 18 months.

    WAKE UP. 

    Yawnnnnn but wow, 25 for 18 months, is that some kind of miracle or maybe she's taking part in some kind of scientific experiment! :o

  12. I thought the UK was one of the few countries that actually upheld the thai judicial sentance, meaning, if he got transferred to UK after 10 years he would still be expected to serve the remaining 32 years, or at least a majority of them? Any thoughts on this?

    IT, this is the best I can come up with, let me know how it turns out! :o

    500 grams / 1 lb of pumpkin chopped

    30 grams / 1 oz of butter

    1 medium onion finely chopped

    1 clove of garlic crushed

    3 cups of boiling water

    2 teaspoons of chicken stock powder

    1 tablespoon of tomato paste

    1 tablespoon of grated parmesan cheese

    Chop the pumpkin into large cubes discarding the skin and seeds. Sweat the onion and garlic in butter in a large saucepan until the onion is clear. Add the pumpkin and garlic and fry for a minute. Add three cups of boiling water, the chicken stock powder and tomato paste, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender. Rinse a blender in boiling water to warm and blend the soup mixture. Serve sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese

  13. IT, I'll see if I can come up with a recipe for you, not much of a cook myself but I'll see what I can find, new wife & all that, still a bit green around the kitchen, ###### them thai men for being such good cooks! :D

    My apologies if you & others thought I was poking a finger at you, it wasn't intended, this is just a subject that I feel very strongly about & tried to express. I have always beleived that children should be protected, sometimes from themselves as well as others. Personally I think he got what he deserved. I was raised by parents who would have done anything to protect me & thats the way all kids should feel, it doesn't always work that way but it makes me feel better to know this guy is'nt around anymore. :o

  14. Any kind of "improper" sexual act towards a child or minor, is wrong, touching, looking, having sex with, it is all the same to me, peverted. I am a woman & would never allow anyone who did this kind of thing to a child of mine to walk away, they would die & a 24 year old MAN, not boy, should know the difference. Whether these CHILDREN, came freely or not, is beside the point, as an adult, he should have known the difference between right & wrong & also, what the law is. Is it any better than a person luring a small child into a car with the promise of a puppy or some sweets & the raping them, if they lure young street kids into their hotel room with the promise of money & molest them & film them? I personally don't think so. You can call me harsh or jugmental if you like, I really don't care, this guy did wrong in the worse possible way & now, happily for me, he is paying a price that I don't think is high enough. I really don't think that the courts would bother to prosecute him if they didn't have evidence, so what is printed in the papers makes no diference, they state that he molested minors & it has been proven by the courts with video evidence. This is enough to convince me that he wasn't inviting them for a tea party & that wrongdoing was done to MINORS.

    I'm just happy that when I have children here in LOS, there is one less sicko on the loose for me to worry about.

    Dave, as for Micheal Jackson, let the courts decide, as they have in this case & then we can pass our own judgment, it doesn't look good for him, what with his past history & if they find him guilty, then I hope justice will prevail. But until then, innocent until proven guilty.

  15. Let him rot for 42 years, I hope he enjoys his stay in a thai jail, he deserves nothing less, in fact I think he got off light.

    To say that he is mislead, is just silly in my book, at 24 he should know the difference between wrong & right & be accountable for his actions. Molesting children is sick, child abuse is sick & anyone found doing it deserves the death penalty. :o

  16. mm right Tomy, I'm sure you are a great catch for any woman with that attitude! B)

    Eastender, you have to understand that your girl is probably feeling insecure, what with you being a farang man in LOS. Unfortunatly, the few who treat thai women as objects that can be dismissed when their needs have been met, give a bad rep to the others, like yourself who want a proper relationship & her jelousy & constant checking up are just her way of making sure your not hanging around with bar girls in Nana! Be patient, explain to her that your to be trusted & explain to her that her jealousy will cause a lot of problems in the future. I'm sure that once she gets to know you (& when you continue to prove to her that your a decent guy) she will calm down & if, in the worse case senario, not, then you have to decide if you can continue to be with her. :o

    Thai men can also be jealous, even so much as talking to another man used to send my hubby off on a rant but I put my foot down in the very beginning & everytime his insecurities manifested themself I explained to him that it was pointless & stupid, as I am a monogamous kind of girl, & now he knows that just becauase a guy approaches me doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything about it. B)

    Good luck with it all & be patient. (we girls are emotional creatues that can sometimes (!) make us irrational :D )

  17. The VIP buses I refer to are the ones that leave from Khao San Road, & pack the tousists on like sardine, they are uncomfortable & can be painful to travel as I am 6ft. The buses from the southern terminal I have taken have always dropped us off at the peir at Donsak & we only have to buy our own ticket for the ferry, maybe I have had good luck with these buses but I know others who tavel this way too & have never had the problems described.

    The bus we take leaves later, arrives earlier, becuase it doesn't stop & I have never been on a VIP bus from Khao San that has working toilets on it! :o

    I agree, the train is the best way to go but if Seville cannot get a ticket or a sleeper & doesn't want to hang around in BKK. then the southern bus terminal is the best option for her, in my opinion!

    Seville, PM me when your coming, it'll be fun to catch up!

  18. I have to agree about why you would be supporting a grown man who has a job, whilst you were back home, if he isn't pulling his weight financially, then this will cause big problems for you in the future. If your lifestyle in Thailand is costing more than he can afford then by all means be the one who pays for the major expenses, this is what most farang have to do, male & female, but make it clear that you expect him to contribute to the daily costs of living. Before my husband & I married, I went home every year for about 3 months to work, the rent on our house was paid, by me, because it was 12k baht per month (I know very few thais who could afford or would pay this kind of money for a house anyway) but he has always paid the utilities, electric, telephone etc as well as all the grocery costs & takes care of our dogs when I am away, this expense he has is about half the rent on the house per month, so for me it is a good balance, I don't feel like I am bearing the brunt of all costs & he doesn't feel like he's paying too much for a too big house.

    I really think that you need to evaluate how important this guy is to you & whether you can forge a long lasting relationship with him, there are very few things that I will tolorate when it comes to my relationship with my husband & he with me, I would not accept a bunch of thai or farang "friends" coming to my house when I was away, the same he wouldn't accept me being in the house with farang or thai men when he wasn't around. We are together & having various female "friends" around while i wasn't here would be disrespectful to me as it would be to him of it was the other way around. I also have a lot of male friends from my time here before him but they also understand the bounderies & now visit when we are here together as they have become his friends too. Be careful Regal, sometimes it's hard to be tough, especially if he is unwilling to talk with you, but isn't your self-respect something worth standing firm on? This is a difficult situation to deal with but something that, if you don't sort it out now, could cause you a lot of pain & heartache in the future. Good Luck.

  19. George you are so right, keep your own fridge Wilson, padlock it if you have to, it's the only way to have a happy home.

    Brand wise, I've always gone for the more popular eurpoean brands, they cost a bit more but tend to have a longer warranty than thai brands, some of the thai ones only have a 1 week warranty, not a good sign! :o

  20. wow sbk, that is soo spooky, my sister in law is the youngest child & only daughter, much wanted. the mother in law had 2 sons & was told she couldn't have anymore children (health problems, she is diabetic) so she adopted the daughter from a very poor family living on the streets, my husband tells me that his sister was given much more than him & his brother & was spoiled rotten, a real princess. :o

    Bronco, sounds like you wife is a great women with 2 children to be proud of, it's also good that her ex is reasonable about your wish to take the youngest overseas, I wish you all the best for the future.

  21. Hi Seville, I wouldn't worry about getting a ticket, should be ok, depends on what time of the month it is, if it's near full moon then you might have a problem but otherwise should be ok. I wouldn't try booking it from home, the cost will be ridiculous, just arrive & head on to the train station & get it from there, if you are going to miss it though as you have a doctors appointment, why don't you spend a night in Bkk first & book the ticket for the next day from one of the agents on Khoa San Rd, or else take the Thai bus from the Southern Bus Terminal, leaves at about 8pm & is better & faster than the tourist VIP bus, bit more expensive but soo worth it, only 24 seats, full recliners, they feed you & don't have to stop as they have working toilets on board, personally I will never take the VIP bus again, what a con!

  22. Hi Bronco, I think a lot of it depends on how important the child is viewed in the mothers eyes (sorry don't flame me for this but read on)

    My husbands sister had a child with a bit of a bad boy (thai) 10 years ago, she basically dumped the baby with her mum & thats where she's been for the past 10 years, the mother just got on with her life & left & moved to another province, she sends no money to support her child & visits about once every 3 years (3 times in this poor little girls life) she recently remarried with a wealthy thai man & he doesn't even know she has a child, when they went to visit the family home she made everyone swear not to reveal that the child was hers, her mother agreed only on the agreement that she would now provide for her daughters education & upbringing but that she would have no further contact with the child because she got upset & aggitated after her mother visited. The daughter agreed & everyone (inc the child) kept quiet, well, 6 month later, not a single baht has come for the support of her child & her mother (my mum in law) has now basically removed her from the family. My husband calles his sister a bitch (in thai) & refuses even to acknowledge that she exists anymore, he says that she is a "fake mother" who only had her because she was stupid enough to get pregnant. This poor girl now knows that her own mother doesn't want her & my husband & I have taken over the educational support for her. His mum is 62 y/o & lives with her sister who is 70, they take care of this little girl & her 5 y/o old cousin, money is not flowing in this house, so we help out where we can but, if I ever meet his sister, I don't know if I will be able to keep my mouth shut! :o

    I have a couple of older thai friends also who's mothers moved abroad with farang husbands & left their children with reletives & promises to send for them when they could but the call never came, so good on your wife for being a good mother & making you realise that her son is an important part of her life & yours & good on you for happily accepting this, I know a lot of guys that dont! :D

  23. Doc, she pm'd me today, good for her, I hope it all works out, with the teaching & the other, if not I've got another for Christmas dinner this year B)

    Tesco Lotus have got their decorations up already this year, blimey, it's only 15th November, it's as bad as at home! :D

    Sorry, hikacked the thread.

    Crim, Drugs, bad, bad. :o

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