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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. I'll tell you what REALLY cheese-me-off: that U-Turn in front of the South-Pattaya Makro: many drivers use this U-turn to visit Makro. They wait and wait and wait and wait until ALL traffic North-Bound has passed, so they can cut right across the Sukhumvit to enter the Makro-Lot. However; by doing so, they cause delays for people who want to do an actual U-Turn by turning into the most far right-hand North-Bound lane. There are very clear SOLID LINES to lead people through that U-Turn: solid lines one may NOT cross . . . .  but yet: everytime I use that U-Turn - I'm stuck there for no good reason. Does anyone else share this experience ? ? ?

  2. Many years ago, when this Bali High Marina was first conceived, the idea was to create a "State-of-the-Art" International Marina to enable foreign yachts to visit Pattaya. Today this Marina looks like it has been around for 50 years, without maintenance and it appears that only many plywood-built tourist boats are moored here. Personally I find this a real shame and it saddens me everytime I drive by there.

  3. 14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Another money making exercise,how many cars in Thailand have rear

    seat belts fitted, and of cause the Police know this,will the fine be

    per passenger. 

    regards Worgeordie

    I understand the Law to read "where seat-belts are available in any vehicle, they MUST be worn". 

    Actually; I personally am all for this law reinforcement; seat-belts DO save lives !


  4. 6 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    Ohh, that's all right then as he said sorry !! And charged with committing a dangerous assault !!?? What's that about ..The charge should be attempted murder no less !!! Low life scum ..sad reflection on many young Thai males . As I said before in another thread the sooner they deal with this loss of face issue the better . 

    In My country, this would be adjudicated as "Attempted Murder" ! - I am amazed to learn that this victim has no brain-damage as a result of this vicious & very procrastinated attack; must have a really thick skull ! ! ! The coward (who first went to fetch 2 mates to help him) who stomped on the victims head continuously, should get AT EAST 10 years in jail ! ! !

  5. 46 minutes ago, Elfin said:

    "Israel's suppose cruelty and ' apartheid ' practices against the Palestinians population, " Quote from Ezra.

    Supposed??? You are SO out of touch Ezra with your head in the sand.

    Not only do I support BDS , I actively participate in it. It is a legitimate way of non-violent actions and protest , unlike the Israeli actions against the native Palestinians.

    It worked against the Apartheid policies of South Africa didn't it Ezra?


    Sir: If I were to agree with you, we would BOTH be wrong . . . . .

  6. The reason why these parents started to cross the road is because the vehicle in the closest of the 2 lanes actually stopped for them; the parent's BIG mistake was to assume that ALL traffic would do the same; which was at their peril !  -  This is also the reason why I NEVER try to be 'gallant' in traffic and stop to let people cross, because I realize that my fellow motorists will NOT stop . . . . . . extremely dangerous scenario: every time !

  7. 1 hour ago, zaphod reborn said:

    The defect is in the Ford Focus and Eurosport and involved a dual-clutch transmission.  The automatic transmission was supposed to get the advantages of a manual transmission in terms of fuel economy.  However, there were software problems and adjustment problems with the double-clutch transmission which resulted in jerky acceleration, acceleration lags, and poor gear meshing.  The Thai owners wanted Ford to buy back the vehicles, but Ford has only offered extending the warranty.  Instead of going to the PM, the Ford owners should have filed a class action lawsuit, but they may still do that.

    In Thai law, here is NO such thing as a "Class-Action" !

  8. My sincere condolences to his Parents, Family, Girl-Friend & Friends. 

    May Khun Kosaphong Rest In Peace.

    I can related to what his parents are now going through, since I lost my beautiful 29 year young daughter

    in a very similar accident 3 weeks ago, when she fell over the balcony railing of a Melbourne apartment and 

    fell 10 meters onto a concrete car-park floor.




  9. Has anyone even considered the 'overall' strategy by the Muslim-World ? ? ?


    1. On the one hand; ISIS; Hezbollah; Hamas, Boko Harem et al are committing the most indescribable horrors, by Beheadings, Rape, Torture, Burning Alive, Gays thrown off Roofs etc.  Conclusion: The World's Attention is very much focused on that arena . . . . .


    2. While # 1 is happening all over the place; HUGE hordes of "Refugees" (don't make me laugh !) are 'fleeing' their homelands in order to sneak into Western Europe, Canada & the USA. 


    The Master-Plan is obvious; by populating all of these western countries the Muslims, WITH THEIR FAR SUPERIOR BIRTH-RATE, will -over time - become the MAJORITIES in all of these Western countries and hence be LEGALLY in a position to CONTROL them, without a shot being fired we will have been conquered & beaten ! ! !  The End-Game for ALL Muslims is to create a Global Caliphate under Sharia Law.  THAT is precisely what their Que-ran instructs them to do.


    We MUST pull our collective heads out of the sand NOW; lest it will be too late ! ! !

  10. We live very near these 'abandoned & barred' U-Turns (there are actually 2 of these: one in each direction) and it is causing hundreds of residents in our area to drive many extra miles to get to the Sukhumvit Sois giving access to our residential areas. - What I DID notice yesterday, the "always inventive" motorbike drivers, have now "created" a very narrow track through this barred-up U-Turn, which is, of course, making for extremely dangerous situations, when all of a sudden motorbikes appear, as if out of nowhere, and join the traffic flow . . . A very dangerous situation, to say the least !


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