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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. Do you have the list? What about places with adult venues like Nana Plaza?

    :o Yeah right, mate; let's also PUBLISH such a list, so that these terrorist chaps know where NOT to go . . . . . .

    In my opinion, the least is "published" about security arrangements put into place, the more "secure" these places will be.

    I would also like to hear that increased security disciplines are put into force at ALL places of entry into this Kingdom, because, let's face it: this is where they're likely to enter this Kingdom ! :D

  2. Now there's a surprise eh ?  :D

    What worries me, is that these are the people who are running an entire country . . . . . . . I would like them to (in small teams of say 4 people) try and "run" a 7/11 store, for a month AND make a profit, of course ! ! I firmly believe they couldn't do it - therefor it really worries me, that people like these are running an entire country ! ! ! :o

  3. "Thai Thaksin Says Emergency Act Needed to End Southern Unrest"


    Reminds me: You can fool some of the People some of the time, but you can not fool ALL of the People ALL of the time . . . . . .

    Perhaps this is a GOOD development, because if the general populace of Thailand (Isan & all the rest of the country-side dwellers inclu.) still can not figure out that thier P.M. is the BIGGEST threat to this otherwise wonderful country, then they deserve what they're about to receive . . . . . . .

    Mao-Tse-Thaksin, hey ? ? ? Somehow's this has got the ring of truth to it, I reckon !

    'C'mon people, WAKE UP and smell the roses ! ! !

    When you see evil, have the guts to call it by it's real name: EVIL :o

  4. Therefore, if you don't want to get caught with your cock in your hand, vote democrat or communist, but for Heaven's sake, let's get rid of these authors of Chicken-Sh-t ! ! !  :o

    There is no Communist Party in Thailand...no legal one anyway.



    :D Gee; really Mr. JemJem, well thanks for pointing-out the obvious; don't take things so litterally - "smell the roses, while you have a change" (please don't take this seriously either !) :D

  5. National ban on cockfighting??

    As Thais are always law-abiding, I'm sure they'll stop cockfighting.  I'm sure they'll put what's best for the country ahead of what's fun/profitable for them...  :o

    Yeah; right; this is what we get for having a "cock & bull" government, where all these "suits" are running around like "headless chickens", whilst holding-up the traffic for long periods of time, hence hampering the many of us, who are trying to actually "help" the economy of Thailand . . . . .

    Believe you me: the sickest chickens are members of this government and perhaps we should refer to it as the "mad-chicken-desease".

    Therefore, if you don't want to get caught with your cock in your hand, vote democrat or communist, but for Heaven's sake, let's get rid of these authors of Chicken-Sh-t ! ! ! :D


  6. BANGKOK: -- Mobile operators are warning customers that phone hackers may be trying to hijack their signals through SMS messages asking them to test their phones with a three-digit dialling code.


    I truly appreciate the warning and realize again the usefulness of this medium named Thai Visa Expat Forum !


  7. NZ tourist found dead

    PHUKET: -- A New Zealand tourist was found dead in his Phuket hotel room yesterday with a note asking for a cremation in Thailand.

    "Please dispose of my body by fire in Thailand," said a hand-written note left beside the bed where the body of Terrance Hicks, 45, was found in the Phuket Merlin Hotel.

    Police also found 10 empty medicine packets for antihistamine and tranquilliser drugs near the note. Each packet had contained eight pills.

    An empty plastic medicine bag with no prescription details, except advice that the drugs should be taken one or two at a time, was also found on the <a  style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=dressing%20table" onmouseover="window.status='dressing table'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">dressing table</a> along with two empty <a  style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=water%20bottles" onmouseover="window.status='water bottles'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">water bottles</a>.

    Hicks had paid for his room on Saturday and told front desk staff he would check out yesterday.

    He didn't answer a call at check-out time, so a maid was sent to check the room. After knocking for some time, she attempted to open the door, but found it chained from the inside. When the door's lock was removed, Hicks was found dead on his bed.

    Lieutenant Thiwakorn Khong-phet of Muang district police station said Hicks checked into the hotel at noon on Friday. He was seen leaving and returning to the hotel on Saturday, when he paid his bills before returning to his room.

    --The Nation 2005-06-20

    "Suicide is a long-term solution to an, often, short term problem"

    Sorry to see a K1W1 go like this; could it be that he'ld been watching the recent spate of Rugby defeats (excepting the NZ-Maori !) by the British Lions ? ? ?

    I wonder.

    May God have mercy on his soul.


  8. Diveboat sinks: One believed dead

    PHUKET: -- It is believed that at least one person died when a diveboat capsized and sank 40 kilometers off the coast of Phuket in a storm this morning.

    Details are still sketchy but the Gazette understands that the 20-meter boat, from Khao Lak-based dive business Bubble Blue, was travelling from Phuket to the Similan Islands when it was hit by a four-meter wave at around 8 am.

    At least one person on board, a woman tourist named as Sukonthapan Weerawan, is said to have died.

    It is thought that there were 13 passengers and five crew on board at the time.

    A police boat and a navy boat were sent to the scene after the alert was raised – at 12.50 pm – and Capt Kiatkul Suwan, Commander Officer of Naval Air Section Third Area Command, told the Gazette that a helicopter was also sent to the scene.

    Capt Kiatkul said the helicopter had been kept on standby until 5.30 pm, but did not pick anyone up , and it then had to be sent to Cape Panwa, where another boat had sunk.

    He added that the Royal Thai Navy vessel Kamronsin was put on standby during the day between Koh Similan and Koh Surin, but returned to Phuket just after 6 pm.

    --Phuket Gazette 2005-06-07

    :o Amazing Thailand: in other words, it took almost five (5) hours for the first rescue asset from the Thai Gov. to get to the "scene" . . . . . it's a miracle that only 1 person perished here, since this 20 meter boat apparently sank after being hit by a four (4) meter wave ? ? ? ?

    And the commercial industry in that region is wondering why many tourists are avoiding the place . . . . well: there's one answer, hey ?!

    Nothing really surprises me anymore (14 year Thailand "veteran") - but this does really &n truly suck ! :D

  9. Good news, a step in the right direction. I heard a rumour that they were going to issue 5 year non-imm visas, maybe this is what I heard about.

    I think that they are getting understaffed at immigration and a way they could solve this and make more money is to issue longer non-imm visas to those who have extended their non-imm visas for a few years, ie retirees and those married to Thais.

    :o Yeah; right-on: "They're making more money ? ? ? ?" 1 year = Bt. 5K; 3 years = Bt. 10.K I am no economist, but I figure they're making less money; in fact they're making "roughly" Bt. 5K less money. You could apply for Finance Minister at that new European Union Government any time pal . . . . . . . .


  10. Shocking reminder not to lose your cool in a country like this.

    I agree it is bad form to lose ones temper anywhere but it does not call for a sentance of death for a first offence.


    First offense was a cold blooded murder of 2 people. Are you suggesting that as it is the first 2 foreign people he has shot plus run over in the womans case, that he get a lighter sentance?

    I think the death sentence would be extreme, however, it may be the only sentence that would be 'served'.

    25 years would likely translate to 4-5 years, until the international attention had died down.

    I fear the latter may be the eventual outcome here. :o

    Court-Case ? ? ? Don't hold your breath, because the likely scenario will be a judge simply stating that IF these foreigners would have stayed in their own country, this double murder would have never taken place . . . . . hence the fault lies with the murdered Brits and certainly NOT with the hardworking & conscientious "Royal Thai Policeman" . . . . . . .

    T.I.T. and L.O.L. : bah:

  11. Two foreign men discovered dead by hotel cleaning staff in two Pattaya hotels.

    It was a busy Wednesday morning for Police Major Chayaporn from Pattaya Police Station as he was called to two separate cases of deceased foreign men. He began the day at a hotel on Pattaya Second Road. In room no.201, hotel staff discovered the body of Mr. Samuel Jon Borofsky, from Ohio in the U.S.A. Mr. Borofsky, who is half American and half Korean was found in an unusual position on his bed. There were no signs of a struggle suggesting no foul play was involved. Near the body was a box containing one wedge of uneaten pizza inside. Near the bed were a variety of medications relating to abdominal disease and on closer inspection of the body, a major scar was present across his stomach area. Police believe that death may have been caused by the young man eating the Pizza:o A post mortem exam is now underway and the American Embassy in Bangkok has been informed.

    For the second case, the Police Major was called to the Asia Pattaya Hotel off the Pratamnak Road. In room number 344 on the 3rd Floor, hotel cleaners discovered the body of Mr. Jacob Schwartz aged 48 from Israel. It is though the man passed away during the night. In a suitcase near the bed, many types of medication were found relating to a heart condition. It is thought that a heart attack is the cause of death and hotel staff confirmed that the man was alone during the night. Once again the body was removed and a post mortem examination is underway and the Israeli Embassy has been informed of the man’s passing.

    -Pattaya City News

  12. There's no accounting for all your un-sullied, un-qualified, insensitive remarks either!

    How dare you speculate and make comment on a sudden death, the cause of which is not known! You all seem to get a rush from this Forum and can't wait to open your big traps! Pretty poor show people! Why not just go with the sympathy until the actual facts reveal themselves and realistically speaking that won't be until the Coroner hands down his finding. ROD.

    Amazing: out of some odd 50 commentaries, this chap Rod sticks out like a sore thumb: it's the only intelligent comment about some poor guy, who did not choose to die in this way and all the rest of you chaps produced a lot of verbal diarehaa ! !

    Makes you wonder what we're doing here, hey Rod ?!

  13. A police raid on the house of Mrs. Yupin and Mr. Anderson netted 8,000 valium tablets . . . . . .

    It's just a wild guess; but I reckon they are going to need about that lot (of Valium) to survive in that :o Bangkok Hilton . . . .

    IF it's a true story; these people are not the cleverest, that's for sure !

  14. This is one sicko that needs to be totally eliminated from the human race.  Says he is infected so his thinking is like this-->" Well I have HIV so why not enjoy the remaining time I have here on this planet and bring a few more along with me and they can suffer too.  I got nothing to lose here".

    Then to top it off with his infamous quote  " I had done nothing wrong"

    If I had the chance to do it, his schwiezer would be shoved up inside coming out of his mouth, and then make a little hole right smack in the middle of his forehead saying bye bye dickohead and feed him to the sharks.


  15. This, for once, surprises me, because it tops all the stupid things I have encountered in my 12 years in this Kingdom.

    This is just another "abortion" waiting to happen. Why can't we just have a nice little system of these Daihatsu-type mini vans (capable of taking up to 4 paxes) like they have in Phuket and some parts of Bangkok. Running on some type of LPG gas, no stink; no noise; no big empty vehicle-bodies cluttering the already overfull streets of Pattaya and maintan the 5 Bt / 10 Bt pricing strategy ? !

  16. Aren't you people familiar with the "Karma" phenomenon ? ? Just let him have his little plane; no problem . . . . then just hope one day he'll load-up with a lot of his "Yes-Men" corruptian-cronies and take it for a spin . . . . . Let's face it; it's an Airbus, which means it's French . . . . . how much help do you reckon Karma needs ? ? ? Of course we sincerely hope nothing bad will happen to them . . . . . Daaaaaaaah

    One Billion Baht, you say ? Ought to be deeply ashamed of himself for even thinking the thought !

    PS: Did anyone out there ever saw the correlation between the explosive expansion of the 7-11 chain on the one hand-, and the new "voluntary" large store-closing law ? ? ? I'll bet that new plane-owner could pay for his plane out of the first years "proceeds", what do you chaps think ? ? ? ?

  17. :o June 6 2004

    I have just successfully registered an account with Paypal. This was something I had been attempting for quiet a while.

    My situation: I am a Dutch citizen, living and working in Thailand (12 years) and I have had a Visa Card (Thai Military Bank) for about 7 years.

    Needless to say that I am pleased as punch (finally !)

    Thanks to the thaivisa site; I joined, I read and I succeeded: Keep up the good work !


    Jaap G. Klasema

    Flamingo Hotel***


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