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Posts posted by TiredTeacher

  1. Umm... for me:

    Passport - original to show and copies of photo page and all pages that have a Thai stamp (visa, entry etc) on them.

    Work Permit - original and copies of photo page and the typed/stamped pages.

    Tax forms - copy of last financial years tax assessment from the tax office.

    Teaching license - copies of card and papers etc... those on a temporary teaching "licence" i.e. the 2 year extension just copy the extension paper. Also take originals just in case.

    Contract - copies of Thai and English.

    Letter from school - original letter that states the school will employ you that is addressed to the immigration office.

    If you are not a teacher ignore teaching license and letter. If you are not working ignore work permit and tax documents and contract.

    If your non-imm is marriage or retirement... wait for another poster to add other details.

    Also take your old passport and have copies (same copies as above) just in case - a copy costs 0.5 Baht per page.

    As for 90 days - you should have a little paper in your passport stating when to go for the next one! If not, 90 days since you came to Thailand (I think you count the entry day as 1) - good news you have a window of +/- 7 days on each side. If you have been into immigration and done something to your passport(s) within the last 90 days, also wait for someone to give more details as I have heard this can cause confusion and fines etc.

  2. But we are hijacking this thread, which is NOT about severance. If you care to keep posting on this topic, I recommend the thread on it within the first page or two of topics. You should be aware that I do not tolerate the use of this subforum to spread mis-information discouraging teachers from seeking their rights.

    But I do agree with Tired Teacher's last post citing the futility of fighting it (the school's reassignment of you) per se. You can do it badly until they decide it's a bad idea and give you back your old job, or you can seek other work, or you can wait until they fire you and collect severance. But if you quit on your own, you get nothing.

    Never have given mis-information nor have I discouraged any teacher from seeking their rights. I personally believe there are rights as an employee - just very hard to get if one is up against a snake like employer (or your words "futile"). In this case one does not know the type of employer, but it is always good to advise worst case scenarios - just in case a person gets motivated and decides to become cowboy to get rights and later crashes and burns!

    One point where I do disagree with you is: "You can do it badly until they decide it's a bad idea". Worst case, teacher gets fired for not doing a good job and gets a bad reputation. Also students suffer for a term or so!

  3. Where are you going to go to get your rights? Court? Labour department services?

    Yes to the above choices.

    Some may think I am hard with the OP, but honestly I have sympathy with him/her... I have had many times of frustration and have gone a certain legal distance with employers.

    I will repeat myself... the above choices are not for the weak. Start only if you can be sure of a visa to stay the distance as well as funds and the mental strength.

    Now back to my original post and the one before this. These posts sum up the xyz of this topic. Often solutions are in either changing jobs or friendly/civil negotiations with native employers. Other options are only worth it if the possible victory outweighs the journey. in my opinion in this case any (and I repeat any) settlement is not worth the journey.

    Also may I remind all that labour law is not criminal law. The legal grounds under which you are considered a legal entity is different. If the OP starts a tribunal case under a tourist visa (due to lack of job, dirty tactics etc) he has very (if any) limited legal rights to actually pursue this avenue.

  4. Hmmm...

    Your post made me laugh. The OP has got rights and can go to see the labor department for further advice, I just don't get guys like you writing texts like your very unfriendly statement.

    Yes he does! But you and he/she needs to wake up! What is he/she at present going to go to the labour office for? A paranoia of loss of job/change? At this point they cannot do anything for him... and this is full stop! At most if his contract specifies his exact job description he may have a small case (assuming he is fired... because his next contract will have something different i.e. next/this month!).

    Now back to my "unfriendly" statement... LOL! There was nothing unfriendly about it. Just reality; contracts for most teachers are for 1 year at a time i.e. maximum severance = 1 month average salary around 30,000 (before you jump up and down stating it is for the number of years of past work... you may want to see the reality of those that actually stick around for a case, costs etc and final judgments).

    Now after all this anger, frustration, costs, time etc... this person gets 30,000 Baht (assuming lucky) and in the mean time will find it hard to get another job. Chances are an angry boss will ensure it is hard to get another job, no reference, dirty tactics etc etc!

    So, back to original post. He has no rights unless he wants to fight it at probably a situation where he will need to do tourist visa runs for the next x+++ months, pay a lot of money, deal with many legal people that will also try to persuade him/her not to go the distance as they also do not see it as profitable etc!

    But as those who say fight it are experts (yawn!) please feel free to tell the OP to do the exact opposite of my advice, and maybe you will tell us of your past wins in Thai law! LOL!

  5. Hmmm...

    As for rights? That question makes me laugh!

    Where are you going to go to get your rights? Court? Labour department services? Education department?

    The real question you should be asking yourself is whether you want this job! You will waste your time and money trying the above and get 0! And any conflict with your employer will find you without a job and an angry boss trying to get you deported - you might even find your job is quietly canceled and after 24 hours immigration is notified to deport you!

    If you want rights, try a different part of the world.

    I would take it as a positive sign that your employer is offering you a change... they could just have told you "sorry no job for next academic year"! At least they are trying to fit you in.

  6. Well we are in a bloodbath I am sad to say.

    The dawn of a new light looks to be in the mist somewhere.

    Civil war is only a few bullets away.

    Thailand mimicking Columbia is a few speeches away.

    All this could have been solved years ago, as Thailand took the best of the West and implemented it for the benefit of those who are Thais. You could go into a million shades of this and who benefited....

    The problem in my view is Thailand copied a UK system (which based on the way of the country) was a valid choice. And they blended it with a US system and added for flavor a local ingredient to make the perfect taco recipe! The problem is not all Thais like tacos. :)

    In the UK if you do not like tacos you moan and then grudgingly eat a taco. In America if you do not like a taco you sue them and ensure the company is bankrupt. In Thailand you cannot have a voice (unless in a group)... a system that is used when you need to get an ID card, passport, job i.e. almost anything. Even as a farang, if you do not have somebody accompanying you or signing even the simplest thing you will not get anywhere. Even for a Thai the simplest thing to get needs a house book registration document i.e. if you do not have standing or someone that supports you it is game over!

    So, now Thailand is at a cross road to consider whether to continue selling tacos to people that do not want to eat them. Change the recipe to suit the people who have nothing and have all to gain or just add another topping to the taco and hope people buy it!

  7. This is starting to become a planned and targeted guerrilla war in the capital.

    Today we see the kidnapping of the CEO of CAT. Before we had a few soldiers kidnapped etc... now it is at an escalated level. If this carries on: kidnapping and ransom of top power people... moving to street by street conquests e.g. top shopping centers, regional government and army head quarters, rich business people etc. It is the end of any stability for many years!

    Before it escalates to a high blood price, where even the leaders of this will not be able to stop it i.e. local "rebel" commanders and govt have no control of the foot soldiers of all sides, something needs to be done.

    We haven't got to that point yet.... But at that point your paper money is worthless, your lands and assets can be taken to pay for the "war". Farang/Thai it will not make a difference at that point!

  8. How one possible kidnap an adult on the back of a motosai? Was he chained to handlebar?

    Have you ever sat on the back of a motorcycle taxi? Try it, it beats sex, rock n roll, deportation and terrorism in 1 day :) Once you have survived a bike taxi tour of Bangkok, you have enough guts to take on the entire reds/yellows/rainbows/army by yourself. :D

    Or to answer your post in a serious way... hundreds of motorcycles and people surrounding you. Do you dare get off the bike and die in a road accident or just let the situation proceed to the conclusion (probably better).

  9. no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will be correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

    This is a new method for fixing your TV at home instead to wait several days for repairing...

    This is the funniest thing I heard all day! :) I am still laughing whist typing :D

    I have been having problems regarding TOT broadband and how I cannot get 4MB even though I am paying the price of 4 but getting 3 (old contract). Who do I need to contact in the reds to organize my customer problem?

    On a serious note, I am surprised and it is shocking to see this. Anarchy? Beirut 1980s?

  10. An oblective viewpoint

    In its 2010 report, Human Rights Watch praised Abhisit's rhetoric but dismissed his record, noting, "The government continually undermined respect for human rights and due process of law in Thailand."

    His record on censorship is not too hot either.

    Think the reds have a point!

    Great another human rights activist/lawyer!!! :D

    Thailand signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1966 = 44 years ago! Foreigners still have no legal standing and as such no legal rights (although they should have by the letter of that international law document). Human rights are granted to those who can buy it (not just here but in the West too)!

    If you feel your rights have been violated please feel free to lodge a 'communication' i.e. a complaint then write to:

    Human Rights Committee,

    c/o Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,

    Palais Wilson,

    52 Rue des Pacquis,

    1211 Geneva, Switzerland

    But... oops Thailand never signed the first optional protocol allowing you the right to use the UN as a court :)

    Time to bang head on wall and beg just to not be deported/tortured/murdered etc. irrespective of your nationality.

  11. These Thai citizens are fighting for the future of their children and families and how else

    do you expect them to get the message across ?

    Whatever they think they are fighting for, everybody knows the goals of the red movement. They revolve around one man.

    As for how they get their message across - however they do it, sharpened bamboo is never the answer.

    And neither is clinging onto power the answer either when all Abisit had to do was call an election :)

    "Whatever they think they are fighting for, everybody knows the goals of the red movement. They revolve around one man." Quoted from above...

    I doubt everybody knows the goals of the red movement, I doubt even the reds know the full goals of the movement! This is Thailand!!! Things change by the minute.

    If I was one who was injured yesterday, now having paid a blood price, I would want my goals to be added to the list of all changing goals! Come on... think smart!

    "And neither is clinging onto power the answer either when all Abisit had to do was call an election" Quoted from above... (wish some would work out a selective quote system :D )

    Yah, another super no-brainer! And then the election get's disputed and we are back to square one!

    What Thailand needs... no it is not another pub :D Is a period of stability, can only be achieved by granting all political voices an equal arena in parliament with a non-aligned head! A referendum to the people to choose what they see the manifesto of government should be. Like a big checklist that has all points e.g. better healthcare, education etc... and this government should have to report every 3 months to the people as to how many boxes have been achieved! The West badly needs such a system too!

  12. IMHO, The RED should capture the airports so that no want will get hurt, because the Thai court allows anyone (at least the PAD) to shut it down.

    Come on... I need to go home next week, for a holiday! No!!!! They cannot close the airport now! If they must, wait till I am back in May! :)

  13. To the moderator or the powers that be!!!

    Sorry, for posting this here, but your system does not allow me to start a new topic and news is not by the minute....

    Where are the reds right now? Where are the govt troops/hot spots right now? I need to travel out of Bangkok tomorrow (to go to another city) and I don't know what is happening (as things are changing by the minute)? Forgive me, but the Bangkok post and The Nation do not have a nice interactive live map on the front page... ding... might be a good idea!

    I have heard on Channel 3 Annu Sawari (Victory Monument) mentioned many times... is this now closed?

  14. I fully support a coup that is followed by free and fair elections.

    That's how we got to this point in the first place.

    History does keep repeating itself in Thai politics :)

    It may sound weird but I am personally impressed with Thai politics! Before you shoot from the hip...

    1. Thai politics is not red shirts, yellow shirts, rainbow shirts etc... it is a system of each person who is frustrated having a say. You could think this is nonsense and you may say the reds and yellows (of the past political movement) are paid to attend etc. Stop for a minute, people do not endure tear gas and bullets for a few baht i.e. the protesters are not motivated 100% by employment. I wish we had this level of expression and government consideration in the West. I would not have had to pay close to 50% tax there and have to wait 6 months for medical treatment nor would I have seen the last Middle East war, privatization of hospitals, schools etc. Thailand protests are emulating a France style system and the Thai government is emulating a UK style system (give or take a few +/-).

    2. Before things got messy within the last few days, the Thai govt gave massive debt relief to the poor here. When was the last time we got debt relief in the West? The UK government did not forgive student loans, pensioners got a £2 a month increase... give a government free reign and they tend to move into ivory towers!

    3. Thailand even has a NHS style service, that for the classification of a developing nation, is better than we have in the UK and the US is a system of: no money = no stitchy (play on no money = no funny; stitchy = doctor stitching you up in a medical sense).

    With each cycle of small revolutions, Thailand learns a lot and government develops... call it teething pains of entry into the 21st century.

    So, as a foreigner, there are pros and cons of all actions. I am saddened to see blood shed. And once the dust settles I hope, as a foreigner that has worked legally for the benefit of Thais and who has a Thai wife and Thai son, that one day Thailand will grant legal rights to Westerners in Thailand. Maybe this will stop the numerous farang suicides - these people are the same as rainbow shirt people without even having 0.001% voice; their only hope is to jump from the tallest building!

  15. My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

    The key word is guest! Many of the commentators have condemned foreigners for speaking. This is due to the fact that people are scared of being kicked out; even though many have been here for 10+ years.

    The end result is men are turned to mice, degraded and have lost all rights.

    A lack of reciprocating the basic human rights that are given to foreigners in the West is a system that keeps you (even if married and have children to a native) constantly under a Damocles sword.


    Article 10 – Freedom of expression

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

    Article 11 - Association

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    You don't get it do you?

    The reason we live in Thailand is because we like the way Thailand is the rules are flexible Taksin was trying to make it like Singapore bring

    out new rules like adverts, display and selling hours on cigs, booze, petrol stations,supermarkets etc

    If you want the European Convention on human rights go and live in Europe

    If you want American style democracy go and live in the States

    If you want to join the Red shirts at least become a Thai first you can do it after 8 years in the country.

    I would not like to see a lot of Muslim non citizens protesting in my old country.

    I find it hard to take anyone serious that has a name such as Harry Potter :) I find it even harder to consider a person who does not know about Thai law and international law (Thailand signed the UN's version of this in 1966!)... 8 years? Where did you get that from... the back of a bottle?

  16. Are Thais happy to treat foreigners like this and are foreigners happy to support this?

    It would appear that they are quite happy with this. Personally I don't care as I would never settle here permanently anyway. Having said that I do believe that Thai's should be treated the same when they move to other countries in a retaliatory fashion. The EU does this all the time in 'trade wars', retaliatory measures regarding import duties with countries which break the rules and apply unfair practice, mostly the US. I live in hope that one day they will apply the same counter measures against countries which treat Europeans differently to their own citizens, they have the power to do it.

    "Having said that I do believe that Thai's should be treated the same when they move to other countries in a retaliatory fashion." Quoted from above...

    Revenge leads to more revenge. I personally do not think this is the best way forward. It is time for thinking and morals to move into the present time. I just wish both the foreigners that seem to support xenophobic policies and also their Thai counter parts could actually see the light of a coexisting future. The individual foreigner is not the representative of a foreign colonial government from 100 years ago! Nor is the average Thai on the street the representative of a policy that does not welcome foreigners except as tourists. :)

  17. Hmmm... what to say?

    It seems to have become a xenophobic forum topic.

    Many say foreigners should not put their nose into anything related to Thailand.

    Well, I ask only 1 question to those Thais that hate us and those foreigners that have forgotten about international human rights law that Thailand also has signed up to:

    Is the foreigner living in Thailand (for many years, possibly married to a Thai, has Thai children and also working for the benefit of Thais in a Thai government job) to never have even the most basic human right i.e. freedom of thought and speech? Such people already live under the constant fear of 24 hours deportation, can never own property and have less stability than a refugee in the West. Are Thais happy to treat foreigners like this and are foreigners happy to support this?

  18. 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    is a rally calling for violence called peaceful assembly?

    If the police have a problem with anything anyone has said at the many rallies around town, they have a right to interview that person. But, it is fascistic to shut down the protests of hundreds of thousands and censor the internet and TV. Same on this website; it is fine for moderators to ban pro-Red posters who violate forum rules, but to ban all pro-Red posts would be wrong.

    I must qualify my previous post. elcent is correct violence is not included in the right nor is it valid in a state of emergency. However, I am talking about it at macro level.

    I also forgot to say the the European Convention on Human Rights is an echo of the UN's - which Thailand has Accession status from 29-10-1966 for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

  19. My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

    The key word is guest! Many of the commentators have condemned foreigners for speaking. This is due to the fact that people are scared of being kicked out; even though many have been here for 10+ years.

    The end result is men are turned to mice, degraded and have lost all rights.

    A lack of reciprocating the basic human rights that are given to foreigners in the West is a system that keeps you (even if married and have children to a native) constantly under a Damocles sword.


    Article 10 – Freedom of expression

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

    Article 11 - Association

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

  20. I don’t want to burst your bubble but “I know you can go to people like DHL etc” indicates that you really are not aware of the business world you are in!

    Although DHL will also happily do big consignments, this is not what anybody who wants to import/export anything bigger than a small box will consider; and only if it is something like gold etc (due to their insurance) and even then for something like that you would probably want to be next to the package. DHL is not a cost effective container shipper.

    Take my advice, go back to square one and reassess your happy love business. I have seen too many Westerners lose their shirt in love and due to their circumstances start dreaming about business etc (primarily to provide financial support for the relationship).

    You might have seen things cheap in Thailand compared to the UK! Go back to any Tesco and you will see clothing and footwear sold at prices that beat a street vendor in Thailand. With your costs of shipping, VAT, import regulations etc. You will not beat that sector!

    I could go on analyzing every other kind of product: the key problem here is your lack of knowledge and “The consignemnts may be small at first but grow as things progress.” which indicates you are not a big player.

    I say the above with my best of intentions and do not wish to insult. Your story reminds me of a thousand other stories that end with the wife divorcing, made a lot of money out of the relationship (including a house and monthly payments that the Westerner sends the female). The common factor was a Westerner in love with lots of good intentions.

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