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Posts posted by Dellboy218

  1. Chaing Dao is nice as is the Fern in MHS or it was the the last time I was there. If you are only looking at a couple of days and you do not want to go too far from town. Somewhere a bit different...I know they dont have separate bungalows as such but there is Dream catchers in Seraphi

    http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g2237298-d779618-Reviews-Dreamcatchers_B_B-Saraphi.html which would be about 30 mins from the airport.

    or perhaps Belle Villa out on the Samoeng Road,

    http://www.bellevillaresort.com/chiangmai/accommodation_detail.php?room=10 Which would be about 45 minutes.

    Both places are secluded.

    Congratulations and enjoy

  2. Big C or Home Pro sell 3M soft silicone plugs for 90 Baht something. I wear ear protection all day long at work and have found these pretty good. Never could get on with the foam type. Use a dab of cream to ease them in at first if you are not used to them.

  3. I read sometime ago that his is because Lumphun residents have problems getting to the airport. Unfortunately so do most people these days. It would seem odd to have a new 6 lane highway when the SUPERhighway only has four and as we all know is blighted with traffic lights stopping numerous vehicles for the sake of one or two. Not quite as bad as the Hangdong Road these days but it certainly adds to the frustration and pollution. The obvious answer would be to uprate Route 11 or move the airport. The airport was supposed to have been relocated years ago but as the land was owned by a famous fugitive the plan was shelved. As it is, common sense may prevail. It may not come to pass and as the other side of my wall is BWT village I certainly hope not.

  4. How many days has it been and they have yet to identify the pills? How can that be when it only takes size shape color or even what's written on the pill to identify it online.

    The RTP are basing their natural death theory only because no break in or theft occurred. How does a pretty y good young woman die naturally. The picture here states it was taken a few days prior to her death and she doesn't look deathly ill.

    A British newspaper said she had phoned home complaining that she was unwell and had just spent 60 quid on penicillin. That is or would have been a serious amount of penicillin.

  5. These Junta clowns are repeating their 2006 failure. They have silenced all opposition voices with their guns and oppression and now idiotically believe that the dearth of criticism of their ridiculously biased actions is proof of their correctness and vast public support - idiots one and all. This right wing extremist joke is hurtling inevitably towards its deserved demise

    "Examples need to be set that those who commit wrong will be punished, so no future leaders dare repeat these actions. This will create sustainable reconciliation," the NACC member said.

    - Does this line of thinking apply to the Army leaders and the coups they continually inflict upon the nation? Selective justice is no justice at all!

    Reconciliation cannot be forced by one side onto the other at the barrel of a gun.

    Your post seems to be in contradiction with your name! Except for the last line which is very true, it also includes intimidation and burning down buildings of those opposed to your ideology.

  6. Well it is good if they pursue legal actions as well as impeaching her. She needs to be held accountable for such huge losses to the country and from what I understand in this article they have enough proof that she contributed and benefitted from those losses as well.

    They should immediately revoke her passport or she is going to follow her brother and do a runner.

    I would imagine they might prefer it if she did!

  7. That's the price the rubber farmers got to pay for following blindly the call from a master manipulator. They abandon their plantations and spent 7 months in poor conditions and bet that Sutherp will bring them a better live. Now when it's all over, the PDRC leaders are back in their comfortable positions and the farmers are in a worsen situation. Don't blame the junta, blame Sutherp. Doubt the next time he ask for their support, they will come. This will cause the Dem some election fallout.

    The wholesale complete and utter lack of a plan is the problem. Allowing the market to just ebb and flow with absolutely no plan at all is ridiculous. How did it come to pass that they planted this enormous new area in isaan while the supply in the south is still online?

    Rice is the same. Sugar is the same. Thailand is at the top in terms of volume and yet many of its farmers still live in abject poverty.

    Think Issan started growing rubber trees 7-8 years ago when the rubber price was high. Most are small enterprises and acted really on impulse and not really have that mentality to think future. Perhaps there are lack of information and advise from the Commerce Ministry. I doubt any government can predict future price of hard and soft commodities whether it's iron ore, oil, wheat or jute. While hard commodities are usually owned by large corporations that can fend for themselves, soft commodities are usually small and family businesses and will always need help from the government even in rich nations like Japan. We can't abscond from subsidizing farm products as like you said most are in abject poverty. It's a social contract that the affordable population should help their fellow poorer countrymen. Here it's exploited by politics whether as large populist policies or indiffences by the richer tax payers....
    It was many years before that. At least 15 and probably closer to 20 years. They planted rubber as they were advised to by the Government farmers advisors as an alternative way to make money rather than rice. This then led to rubber tree plants available as part of a Government grant. Unfortunately this then led to arguments that those plants supplied under that grant were of poor quality or in fact, dead. Liquid latex is currently going for about 19B per Kg, it isnt worth the time and effort processing the liquid. You are right, there appears to be no overall plan, only personal agendas.
  8. Right next to the petrol station , I bet they carried on pumping.

    Theres also LPG and they were at the front of their forecourt with their phones recording it as I coughed my way past on the bike this morning.

  9. There used to be an outfit called Hangdong Rattan, not sure if they are still around but there is a rattan shop on the 108 just north of The Samoeng junction on the northbound side. Our rattan is still good after many years.

  10. If they didn't have front ones as well then perhaps they are new and have yet to receive their plates, it normally take a coupe of weeks or so. Others wait until they get a special number plate they have paid for but that may not be legal any more. Other new cars waiting for their permanent plate display a Red plate registered to the car showroom from where it was purchased if they wish to travel out of their area. Otherwise it might just have been repaired and the plate not yet put back on which I imagine is not strictly legal but it does not seem worry some people.

  11. For a wet refillable battery then Global House (on the far wall by the tool section), Probably Home Pro, Amorn possibly. Jump cables most supermarkets.

    I guess I should have specified I have a dry battery. As for cables. I specified heavy duty cables. Those are the kind with thick wires. The ones available at supermarkets and similar outlets are very light weight. Good if the battery has enough charge left in it but not if the battery is far gone.


    The small CTEK smart battery optimisers/maintainers are available, I have not seen any others suitable for gel type batteries. How heavy cables do you need? I have seen 300A leads and 800A leads if memory serves correct.

  12. There's no mention of sustainable energy sources. In some European countries solar and wind energy are big business now. Windmillparks in the sea and more and more homes pushing electricity from solar panels on the roofs of homes into the net and even make some money with it while having a zero electricity bill. Thailand sure has much sun to exploit.

    A lot of windmills in the UK earn most of their money switched off under EU subsidies. None (?) of them earn their money actually producing electricity. Take away the subsidies and see how many are left. Solar cells are still not economically viable as costs stand in this country although as they improve and electricity prices increase that gap is slowly closing. If they were really serious of course they would reduce or remove all taxes for such items. Solar power station technology is improving all the time and is something perhaps they could look at. In the mean time what they can do is improve efficiency. Thai houses are not going to suddenly change to being energy efficient regarding retaining heat although modern paints can go a long way to help. Banning the old fashioned fluorescent light wire wound ballast and reducing the costs/taxes of energy efficient lighting to encourage people to change would help to more than halve the lighting bill for the whole country.

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