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Everything posted by jaiyen

  1. Do these kind of articles ever get printed in Thai newspapers or only Bangkok Post ? Cos it never makes any difference to road fatalities.
  2. The classic Thai speech .........."They said they are confident that it is likely that shares will be traded again before 2025" That means absolutely nothing !
  3. It's a bit late for that ! The ship sank days ago.
  4. I presume the Tourism Minister owns at least one bar !
  5. Many Thai hotels are showing big discounts through Agoda. We nearly always book our hotels through them as their price is normally the best and they are easy to book with them.
  6. Or sell them to the Vietnamese ! They would soon sort out the vicious dog problem.
  7. Chihuahuas are extremely vicious when they have pups. Glad they are small but they are a hunting dog too if you look it up about them.
  8. Give it to a Vietnames family. You will never see it again !
  9. Prince Philip was regularly driving in his 90's. Then he got done for speeding and then had a crash before hanging up his keys.
  10. In Thai politics being a member of a political party has nothing to do with representing the wishes of the people. It's only about botty licking and making money, normally in a corrupt manner.
  11. The villagers are concerned that they cant do merit making ! Of course they can. Just dont have to give money to the stoned monks. Why is it that monks and money go together ?
  12. Do they have such a thing as an HGV licence in Thailand or can anyone drive buses and trucks ?
  13. Isnt the Thai political system great ? If you dont get what you you want then just form another party with your mates ! Have no agenda or any commitments to the people. Couldn't happen in a real country ! How many parties are there in Thailand ?
  14. Can't wait till a few plane loads of Ukrainians arrive or send down some of the sex trade gangs from Nana. That will be great entertainment !
  15. There is nowhere in Thailand that has a track capable of having F1 cars going around it at speed. The only places flat enough would be a large airport. The Americans used to use airports and air bases for high speed racing. Lots of long straights and nothing to hit and good run off areas. Don Mueang and the big road at the back near the air museum would be perfect !
  16. A few days in these and then straight into a F35 !
  17. They obviously dont know that their are other ways to get into Bangla Rd apart from each end of the manin road !
  18. And Prayut wants to be best friends with Russia and China too ! What a creep.
  19. How pathetic that the government would come out and say such a stupid thing. There is no comparison between the 2 places. Prayut just poking his nose in trying to seem that he cares. Bet there wont even be a large crowd at Khao San Rd
  20. So what if he is a goalie for a football team. That doesnt make him special. He was drunk and killed an innocent person. Throw the book at him.
  21. Another wasted day in the life of a useless PM. A phot op where he can tell the local authorities to stop the flooding next year, and then he thinks all the locals will love him !
  22. A common saying in Thailand by politicians and authorities is "We are confident that .......... " TAT are the best ones !
  23. So have the police got all those stolen guns back yet ?? Didnt think so. Thats great for tourist confidence when police steal guns to sell.
  24. They are still struggling. This week they are stopping the flights from Perth to Bangkok.
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