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Posts posted by jcbangkok

  1. Pic of one of the escaped crocodiles being recaptured in Korat today.


    Although the picture caption says Crocodile, I think that might be an alligator. However, I am certainly no expert on the matter.

    Can anyone confirm if this is an alligator or crocodile?

    mmhh. It says "จระเข้" Now guess what would be the Thai word for alligator?

    Anyway, few posts above someone came up with the information what kind of crocodiles they keep on the Thai "alligator 'faams'"

    Edit: and as I stated the caption says Crocodile or จระเข้ (pronounced chorakhe in Thai) but this word can be used to describe crocs or gators ... one would assume the caption would try not to be ambiguous but this is Thailand reporting.

    Once again meaningless drivel from somebody full of himself and hel_l bent on replying to my posts to scream out his insecurities and unhappiness with himself. See: curmudgeon

    Again, my question still stands. Can anybody verify from this picture if this is a gator or croc ... or hybrid of some sort?

  2. Not sure of "red suicide bombers" becoming a reality. But then again I do remember a number of reds stating they wanted to die during the takeover of BKK .... this included some old women who didn't want to go to the temple when the authorities moved in.

    However, I could see Red leaders giving some of their followers a backpack to deliver to somebody which, unknowingly to the follower, contains a bomb.

    CRES & DSI would really want to contact you for these sensitives info you hav egot. Can you still recall the face of their followers that deliver backpacks?

    Hehehe, this is a perfect example of "lost in translation".

    chantorn, "see" in the context of the phrase "I could see" used here by jcbangkok really means "imagine" or "envision".

    I can understand the misinterpretation though, because jcbangkok's first paragraph is about something he actually witnessed in real life, so some people might assume that his next sentence is also something that he witnessed.

    There's a bit more to it than that I feel. It's really obfuscation, not only do some people assume that jcbangkoks' second sentence refers to something he witnessed, it was a deliberate ploy for that to happen i.e paint the picture that "Red leaders" are so evil that they would plant a bomb on one of their followers. I am fairly sure that Chantorn had picked up on that and was basically calling jcbangkoks' bluff. Am I right?

    Wow! Thank you for thinking I would put so much planning into a post in order to manipulate those reading it. But you are clearly wrong. I simply stated an opinion in the last sentence. Had I thought about the number of non-native English speakers here, I might not have used the term " I could see" even though there are very few people fluent in English who would take this wrong. And referring to what I said in the first paragraph (you call a sentence) makes little sense since a new paragraph in itself is defined as NEW idea or thought.

  3. Not sure of "red suicide bombers" becoming a reality. But then again I do remember a number of reds stating they wanted to die during the takeover of BKK .... this included some old women who didn't want to go to the temple when the authorities moved in.

    However, I could see Red leaders giving some of their followers a backpack to deliver to somebody which, unknowingly to the follower, contains a bomb.

    CRES & DSI would really want to contact you for these sensitives info you hav egot. Can you still recall the face of their followers that deliver backpacks?

    I can imagine how difficult it must be, even with your level of understanding of English, to be aware of all the ways native English speakers, from all over, use words in non-standard context. The word "see" in this context is to "see in ones mind" or imagine something.

    But to be clear, what I was trying to say in the last sentence is this ...

    Yes, we know it. "I could see ..." means it is all just the little voices in your own head and in your imagination.

    Thanks for sharing your dreams. It is sooooo interesting. NOT.

    Regardless of how old you are ... it is not too late to enjoy life and truly like yourself. Please let me know if I can recommend some reading material to help you be more content with yourself and life.

    So many of your posts cry out curmudgeon and scream out your unhappiness with yourself as you show your contempt for others while constantly putting up a false front of feeling superior.

    PS. If my non-threatening posts bore and upset you so much that you feel a need to reply ignorantly ... maybe you should stop reading and replying to them. Again, the word curmudgeon comes to mind ... but being so is certainly not a healthy way to live life.

  4. Not sure of "red suicide bombers" becoming a reality. But then again I do remember a number of reds stating they wanted to die during the takeover of BKK .... this included some old women who didn't want to go to the temple when the authorities moved in.

    However, I could see Red leaders giving some of their followers a backpack to deliver to somebody which, unknowingly to the follower, contains a bomb.

    CRES & DSI would really want to contact you for these sensitives info you hav egot. Can you still recall the face of their followers that deliver backpacks?

    I can imagine how difficult it must be, even with your level of understanding of English, to be aware of all the ways native English speakers, from all over, use words in non-standard context. The word "see" in this context is to "see in ones mind" or imagine something.

    But to be clear, what I was trying to say in the last sentence is this ...

    I would not be surprised to learn that that Red leaders might give some of their followers a backpack to deliver to somebody, which unknowing to the follower, contained a bomb. To police it might appear to be a suicide bomber but in reality the bomber would simply be another victim to the bombing ... IF such a bombing were to occur.

  5. Alligators? Or Crocodiles?

    I'd like to know if that original story is correct? Alligators are native to the USA and China (though very rare in nature in China; more are held in captivity.)

    If they are really alligators that got loose, there must be a story on why they brought them to Thailand. Anyway, not much difference between them and crocs . . . though crocs are supposedly more aggressive.

    They have enough to worry about in Korat without having to also worry about alligators (or crocodiles) swimming around too!

    Probably alligators since they are much more docile than crocodiles. Plus I believe crocodiles prefer salt water ... which would make keeping them in a natural habitat more difficult..

  6. Not sure of "red suicide bombers" becoming a reality. But then again I do remember a number of reds stating they wanted to die during the takeover of BKK .... this included some old women who didn't want to go to the temple when the authorities moved in.

    However, I could see Red leaders giving some of their followers a backpack to deliver to somebody which, unknowingly to the follower, contains a bomb.

  7. I have to keep asking were is the child porn. I have been visiting Suk for years yes have seen regular porn but never child porn and many other have post a similar response. Was this just a over the top news story cooking up trouble or was it valid.

    I have to say I have never seen it openly displayed either, in years of buying pirated stuff from these guys on Suk, but have always heard it is available if one asks. Lots of Adult porn but never seen the kid stuff. I thought maybe it was a new thing since I have not been there in months but then checked and see the BKK Post has run with this story in the past. However, on another thread, there were a number of people saying it is not only openly displayed but shoved in the faces of passing tourists, by the vendors, including when they are with their family.

    Bottom line, the more they drive this underground the better ... the whole supply and demand thing. Less availability means higher prices, less sales and less need for new material and the abuse of more children.

  8. I don't even want to read the story .. the headline was enough.

    Maybe avoiding the truth here but I would much prefer to believe this story is BS and a continued campaign to show the Reds as terrorists ... not like there is anything I could do or prepare for in the event this story was true.

    With the training in Cambodia story, this headline and others ... it seems somebody is taking news stories related to the Taliban and just changing names and location. If true, I hope it works to curb further violence by the Reds but I worry it could also backfire.

  9. Here we go again. Why the denial???!??? It is truly bizarre.

    Jing you really either have a tendency to see and believe whatever you want to see and believe OR you need to get your eyes checked OR brush up on your reading comprehension. Unless you wish to take things out of complete context ... I am missing anywhere that is denial. Yet, I do see questions being asked about what we know to be a largely corrupt police department as well as what we know to be a source of bad reporting. Please stop with either the baiting or just bad comprehension ... it is getting old.

  10. I had the pleasure (not) of waiting in Lumpini police station to fill in the details of a traffic accident a few years ago.

    Whilst waiting to have my statement taken I was surprised by the youngish (maybe 25) desk clerk, who had more gold rings with rubies, Rolex, amulets and chains than Don king could contemplate, was ordering a new Mercedes Benz over the phone.

    Must be paid well at Lumpini station. :blink:

    Not all policemen come from poor families.

    There is probably a "fast track" for the able and/or well connected

    as in many western countries.

    Yes, I don't believe Thaksin was ever out directing traffic as a policeman. wink.gif

  11. I wish there was a valid source of English news in Thailand. The Bangkok Post seems to be the only one on this story and each article and the source reporter appear a bit odd. The good thing though, regardless of their motives, is this story is getting out there.

    "One" of the things I find odd is that the story states these people were arrested for selling child porn but when you go to the story and view the picture and the captions below it ... it shows Adult Porn covers spread out on the table and says they were arrested for selling illegal porn which to my understanding is ALL porn in Thailand.

    I also find it interesting you can have 30 officers, including many in plainclothes, only raid 3 stalls when porn is sold openly by MANY vendors and it seems to be widely known you simply need to ask vendors for the child porn (not kept at the stall) and most will sell it. I have nothing against Adult porn but it is illegal to sell in Thailand and I doubt very much the vast majority openly breaking the law selling it would not stoop to selling the child porn.

    And I am curious ... who are the The Metropolitan Police Division 5? Anybody know?

    Having a police unit that can so openly and without leaks go into another jurisdiction seems to be a little too good of a policy and idea for Bangkok given its corruption in the ranks.

    But again, Bravo for the crack down and awareness about Child Porn being sold, even if the motives and reliability of the Post is in doubt and police may still be selectively targeting certain vendors.

  12. I try so hard to defend Thailand and its people when others ridicule but how do you defend such lunacy???

    The only thing I can say is you have to respect the Thai people as there would likely be pure chaos in the streets of other major city if they had such a ticket holiday. But am sure nothing changed on the streets of BKK today .. and it remained organized chaos and there was not a significant increase to the number of mo-cyes riding the sidewalks.

  13. A urin test in public? jeeeeezzzzzz, you think you have heard it all before and then some and then this happens! are they actually sent out from there station to do that? :blink:

    It was a quiet soi, so there wasn't anyone else around. They couldn't find anything for me to pee in at first, so they searched around through a pile of old bottles and eventually asked me to pee into the waterproof packaging the tester and the liquid dropper came in. They told me to go into the corner of the small car park in front of my apartment block to do it. Yes, they are obviously sent out from their station to do that.

    Sounds very fishy to me. You need to pee in a sterile cup for the test to be valid ... looking around for something for you to pee in doesn't sound right. Doesn't sound like they have ever done this before either because it makes no sense to carry a partial urine test kit if your intention is to test somebody. Sounds like you were coming out of a known drug building or they have got their eye on you. I have never heard of such a thing given the circumstances you described but I guess anything is possible.

  14. Do you all realize what would happen if the average Thai were able to read and speak English?

    The INTERNET would be available to the average Thai and not just the Thai boy girl sites.

    News would be available.

    History would be available.

    The genie would be out of the lamp never to return.

    China is just figuring this out. Hence banning Google.

    Can you imagine a well informed Thai person!

    Folks, if everyone was able to read just a little English things would change drastically.

    It is not about jobs. It is about freedom of speech. It is about the old elite being tossed on the trash heap never to recover.

    Our small discussions about teaching technique are not the issue. It is an issue of class warfare. Do people have the right to vote or do they need a father figure to lead them to the promised land?

    Luckily the old elites don't speak English or if they do it is only to read advertisements for Gucci bags.

    They are so wound up in petty grievances that they won't even realize what is happening until it happens and then they will have to hire English consultants to tell them why it happened.

    The first coup after the majority of the population reads English will end in revolution and no one will know why.

    The top is so isolated from the bottom that neither understands the other.

    English could be the straw that breaks the camels back.

    I really love this comment.

    For more info.

    Free education program by Gov start at 3Y til M6.

    Normally, Thais study English 12 years.

    The result is what you already know.

    Talking to Thai teacher for year is NOT going to help any.

    Talking to REAL Englishman is the only way out.

    Otherwise we can expect Thais who can read but cant speak.

    Thank you for verifying that school starts at 3 years old in Thailand. I have been to over 50 Thai grade schools and have always seen children attending kindergarten at 3 years old. I have even taught a few classes. If that's what you can call it.

    The kids are easy to spot they wear two sided bibs.

    Since Anuban/Kindergarten exists in every grade school I wonder at how a poster could claim to know anything about Thai education and not know that simple fact.

    It is easy to teach Anuban vocabulary. And nothing short of amazing that they don't have trouble with the "R" sound. Or the "Th" sound.

    Rice is rice and not lice. It is almost worth putting up with the negatives of teaching kindergarten just to hear rice pronounced correctly and without effort.

    And they speak Thai so clearly and without accent it is easy to understand them.

    If anyone really wanted Thailand to speak English the framework is ready and waiting.

    I would think long and hard about the decision though.

    I really don't think the country is ready.

    I will probably live another 10 years or so. Do me a favor and wait a bit. I really like things the way they are now even with all the problems. I realize this is a selfish wish, but I'm an old guy and I don't want to move anymore.

    You are twisting things a bit. Although kids may attend school at 3-years old in most places, it is not mandatory. Mandatory education starts at 6-years old. So, the truth is schooling starts at 6 years old but pre-school/ kindergarten classes are also offered to parents in many areas for kids as young as 3-years old. Public schooling in Thailand is only compulsory for kids 6 to 15 years old. However, there are government schooling options outside these ages.

  15. Every government school I know of in Thailand starts free education at 3 years old. 3 years old is Anuban 1.

    I have only taught a few of them so I am not an expert. But these were poor government schools. I can't imagine the people paying for them. Perhaps some teachers can correct me but as far as I know Anuban 1,2,3 is free and universal in Thailand.

    I am not saying this is the gold standard of info but here is a link to Wikipedia that seems to explain it ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Thailand

    Some quotes ...

    The school structure is divided into four key stages: the first three years in elementary school, Prathom 1 - 3, are for age groups 6 to 8, the second level, Prathom 4 through 6 are for age groups 9 to 11, the third level, Matthayom 1 - 3, is for age groups 12 to 14. The upper secondary level of schooling consists of Matthayom 4 - 6, for age groups 15 to 17 and is divided into academic and vocational streams

    Village and sub-district schools usually provide pre-school kindergarten (anuban) and elementary classes, while in the district towns, schools will serve their areas with comprehensive schools with all the classes from kindergarten to age 14, and separate secondary schools for ages 11 through 17.

    Due to budgetary limitations, rural schools are generally less well equipped than the schools in the cities and the standard of instruction, particularly for the English language, is much lower, and many high school students will commute 60 - 80 kilometres to schools in the nearest city.


    The government has long realised the importance of the English language as a major core subject in schools, and it has been a compulsory subject at varying levels for several decades. Since 2005 schools are being encouraged to establish bilingual departments where the core subjects are taught in English, and to offer intensive English language programmes.

    Notwithstanding the extensive use of, and exposure to English in everyday life in Thailand, the standard of correct English in the schools is now the lowest in Southeast Asia. In 1997 Thailand was still in the forefront, but by 2001 Laos and Vietnam had caught up, and by mid 2006 were clearly ahead.

  16. "Would there still be an intermediary needed if you used the Bangkok Bank branch in Sinapore to transfer funds to Bangkok Bank in Thailand? And wouldn't you not even need to transfer if depositing in a Bangkok Bank account? I am not being sarcastic .. just curious because the OP sent the money to Bangkok Bank and there is a Bangkok Bank branch in Singapore on Raffles Place."

    i suppose the answer is no.

    I am sorry Naam. I am traveling, letlaged and did not read this post properly.

    No. No need for an intermediary if the payment is between our branches and Head Office.

    And no need for us to even use SWIFT. Which is why we can offer a lower price and a shorter time for the kinds of transactions in the US between 3rd party banks and our local branch (ACH to BBL NY then our internal network from BBL NY to BBL in Bangkok), and the UK (BACS to BBL London then internal network from BBL London to BBL in Bangkok).

    Apologies from me again. I was not ignoring. I was just reading in a fog...... in my mind:blink: ... it is 3 am here right now..........

    I will ask our Global Payments people to try to provide some guidance on how to make the payment with the least hops and the least charges. There is a term you can use for those banks who do have a DT/DF (Correspondent) relationship with us to force them to go directly not via intermediaries (if there is no correspondent relationship they have no choice).......

    Truly appreciate the reply --- get some rest and thanks again.

  17. Usually you have to pay two fees.One for the bank who send the money and one for the bank who recieve the money.

    If you send money from europe to thailand then choose to let the recieving bank to pay the fees.It is cheaper.:whistling:

    when i transfer Baht from Singapore i pay three fees. swift that my SIN bank charges, fees that the intermediary Deutsche Bank, BKK charges and the 500 Baht that SCB charges. all three charges are either fixed or capped and negligible if it is not a peanut amount like the one the OP mentioned. when transferring forex i get charged twice.

    Would there still be an intermediary needed if you used the Bangkok Bank branch in Sinapore to transfer funds to Bangkok Bank in Thailand? And wouldn't you not even need to transfer if depositing in a Bangkok Bank account? I am not being sarcastic .. just curious because the OP sent the money to Bangkok Bank and there is a Bangkok Bank branch in Singapore on Raffles Place.

    In fact, I decided to check and there is a BKK Bank branch in New York. I wonder if there is anyway to simply mail a check there (I'm in US but not NY) and have it deposited in a Thailand BKK Bank account???

    I transfer money from the US occasionally and always looking for better ways to do it .. and I am not a big banking or international transfer type person to know all this stuff.

    Edit: Read more and the NY branch says deposit "accounts" are restricted ... not sure if that applies to deposits.

    The New York branch is a US federal chartered branch which functions as a wholesale bank.

    There are many services available including:

    • Trade Finance
    • Corporate Lending
    • Remittance/Funds Transfer
    • Deposit Accounts (restricted)
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