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Everything posted by AgentSmith

  1. By financial audit you mean a screenshot of your online banking statement that is easily edited in any browser? ????
  2. Not to cause any alarm but recent reports say vaccination doesn't protect much against long covid. Vaccinated people don't get sick from covid but can still get long covid symptoms. But don't take my word for it. I'm sure you can find some info about it yourself. Will be interesting to know what long covid really is. They tend to call it post covid now. Research is probably gonna take years though. I wouldn't count on new treatments anytime soon.
  3. You can mock the man but you'd be surprised how many western politicians don't get this simple fact. Trying to combat drugs is futile. Countries would be a lot wiser to just go with the flow and legalize and control the market as they've been doing with alcohol and tobacco since forever. Accept that many people buy and use the stuff.
  4. Thailand is trying to be a nanny state here. It should be a pregnant woman's own responsibility and not that of the person selling the weed. There's absolutely no reason for such a law. We need to protect minors and minors only. All the other categories are adults and need to decide on their own whether or not to smoke. Regular smoking is also wholeheartedly discouraged for pregnant women but we don't see laws prohibiting selling tobacco to pregnant women do we? And how would you enforce such a law anyway? Many women don't show their pregnancy until they're half way. Sometimes even later. Sometimes they don't know themselves they're pregnant well into their pregnancy. Putting the responsibility over the health of a woman on the seller is just plain ridiculous. Typical Thai reverse logic. Oh and it's sexist too. Men can also have a number of medical reasons not to smoke but they won't take that into consideration.
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