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Everything posted by lavezzi

  1. so people with good morals, common sense and discipline don't use drugs? Not even suffer of depresion and never use benzodiazepines?
  2. Hello Bill, I'm 50 and i had a c4-c5 surgery. My pain was much more than yours. Before surgery I had many medicines especially 4 months of 4mg cortisone. After the surgery I had many cases of muscles pain in all my back, witch's stroke too. The best thing that worked for me to avoid medicines was simple relax and stretching exercises Wish you the best!
  3. Often those girls were working in famous bars, paying for such contents to see a girl you met already is a sort of perversion.
  4. this new law reminds me the crackdown on chinese tour company where they lost millions of turists for a while and then stepped back. Im exited to see what will happend to real estate market
  5. meanwhile in italy to get a turist visa you need go to Rome personally or do it via agency and spend 130 euro while in my city there is a consulate within 1 km from my home.
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