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Posts posted by millionair

  1. hello friends

    i was in need of some cash,it was not urgent but i knew next month have some payments to make.

    so i applied central personal loan for 500k,they told me they will sms me within 1 hour,but nothing came,so called to check and they told me its under process and this will take 1 week time.to approve or not.

    after 3 days i got sms saying my loan is passed for 150k (which was less,but its ok any amount is welcome)and next day money was in my saving account.

    they passed me 150k for 12 months.

    monthly installments is 14000 baht 14000 X 12=168000

    which i think is reasonable

    if anyone needs any more information about central personal loan please feel free to PM me.

    best regards


  2. HSBC update

    i feel like laughing.

    ok so far i din't heard anything from HSBC so i called them and asked for my status,and they told me that they don't have my application yet.which i was shocked to know because i had applied 10 days before.

    so i went HSBC to check whats going on,after waiting half hour the credit card officer came and told me that my company registration is not complete,according to him on the second page of registration there were 22 points,and he was saying that there should be more points,which i have no clue at all.i showed him orignal registration also but still he was not convinced,so i had to chop and sigh on a paper that my registration is complete.i don't know for what.

    Then my current account copy was not clear according to him,which is not my fault they made copy.not me.so then i have to submit my true statement.

    after lot of copying and signing,he told me now they will send my application for consideration ,and this will take another 2-3 weeks.

    has anyone experienced same?

  3. I don't know if credit card applications are recorded with the Credit Bureau in Thailand, they certainly would be in the UK and I suspect many other countries, but if so, the banks to which you are applying will note the number of previous applications and may well suspect it's an act of desperation on your part.

    They do, and each rejection is registered.

    well in that case i have applied in all the banks before,and they rejected me.now i am applying again with healthy bank figures they are approving be,ok my strike rate is not 100% but i managed to get 4 cards in 3 months time.

  4. i din't wanted to reply this stupid post,but cant stop my self.

    GM its enough now.please stop have some mercy on TV members,

    why don't you open your own blog or find some other forum to post your remaining 35 bull shit thoughts.

    just another question,what do you do for surviving?do you work?if not then from where the money is coming for your smoke?

  5. About 2 months ago my little Honda showroom the deal was 70,000 with 1 yr tax + 1 year 1st class Insurance + numberplates.

    can you give me the address?

    Can give details, but is 50km north west of BKK is that to far?

    yaa thats far.thanks anyways i will try finding it near my area so its easy to visit them in case of any problems.

  6. hello bikers.

    I had never owned any bike or car yet,looking forward to buy my first vehicle,I am thinking/or i have decided to buy Honda pcx i 125.

    I live in bangkok silom area.

    is there any instalments deals,or 0%,or I can pay cash on table.if I can save something.

    I checked some place they told me

    72k cash).which i think if i pay cash i can pull it down till 70k,(just my thinking)

    is there any better advice for me.please help.

    can anyone recommend reasonable deal.

    Thank you

    members and bikers


  7. just got a sms from SCB that i am rejected.

    then i called the call center to ask the reason,and they told me "for self employed minimum monthly transaction should be more than 2.5 million baht.

    Well maybe they should include that gem in their information packs, I can just imagine all those self-employed somtam sellers with a yearly turnover of 30 million Baht, I suspect they plucked that answer out of the air.

    they told me either 100,000 baht monthly salary or 2.5 mill monthly transection for foreigners,of course they will through card to thais even if they are making only 10k per month.

  8. I don't know if credit card applications are recorded with the Credit Bureau in Thailand, they certainly would be in the UK and I suspect many other countries, but if so, the banks to which you are applying will note the number of previous applications and may well suspect it's an act of desperation on your part.

    But in that case,

    before i have applied in AMEX,Aeon and KTC,amex and aeon rejected me,and ktc approved me,as per my experience all banks in thailand have their own way to do.its more like bank policy thing rather than credit bureau.

    lets see applied in 3 more banks today.

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