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Posts posted by Neonben

  1. The advert on the english news channel sell it as "welcome to relaxing Thailand", i'm convinced there is some confusion here and it's interpreted as "welcome to exciting Thailand".

    There is one van driver for the On Nut lotus tesco visa run that has terrified even on board Phillipinos. Lateral g-forces from changing lanes as well as de-celleration prevents passengers from sleeping. High speed tailgating yet another part of the adventure.

  2. What is it about some people who think because foreigners live in their country they cant criticize that country. The ex pat's who live here travel more than the locals defending their country so know how other countries are, therefore better able to criticize.

    And yes we bitch about our home countries to, but the weather is better here, the women more beautiful and food cheaper, doesn't make it perfect though.

    Please enlighten us about your wonderful homeland.

    Why always defending Thais/Thailand whatever the facts ? Are you maipenrayed too ? emoa.gif

    Have a nice day, I go enjoy the rest of the day with a smile and enough of those TV discussions for today (and maybe for the rest of the week too)

    God bless you.

    Please enlighten us about your wonderful homeland.

  3. Just to clear up thats what i meant, Asian's drive their vehicles like kids who have just passed their test, regardless of where they come from.

    unfortunately right across Asia people drive their vehicles like kids who have just passed their test, showing off and having something to prove.

    ...and kids in non-Asian countries don't drive crazy? Kids in all countries drive like maniacs. It's hard work to keep them under control anywhere they drive.

  4. ACCIDENTS AT SPEED KILL, Germany has relatively low accident rates on Autobahn's, unfortunately right across Asia people drive their vehicles like kids who have just passed their test, showing off and having something to prove.

    The problem is with people thinking driving fast, showing off or dangerously is cool.

    Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

    Yes of course, "Sympathy to the families" and to the survivors for the lifelong burden of horror they must endure.

    "In God we trust" .. this is about burry your head in the sand, and relieve yourself of responsibility.

    With great trepedation I have used those vans between Nakhon Sawan and Bkk. I am horrified by the speeds they fly at, and knew that I would see an accicident soon. An so it has come to pass.


    When will the $hit-for-brains 'authorities' do something about it, and the shit-for-brains drivers take heed?

    When I am asked how far North of Bkk my village is, I say "Approx 3 hours drive" .. or ... " 2 hours 'pod racing' in the vans". So what price do we pay for saving that hour? Today's news is the answer. But for as long as there is vested interest in speeding, with only the risk of death when something goes horribly wrong, the hazzard will remain. You need to hit Thais where it hurts most in this land of superficial Buddhism, > the wallet. And for the foreigner who speeds > the wallet and the Visa, with expulsion for serious offences and repeated minor offenses. And I mean expulsion with no chance of return.

    "In God we trust"? .. no thanks. I'd rather see something real, like tightly controlled speed limits.

  5. I totally agree with the moron theory, very sad for the passengers but based on the theory that if you gave millions monkeys typewriters and enough time you'll have the works of Shakespere, if you gave millions of monkeys vehicles in a relatively short amount of time they'll start driving like this and killing one another.

    A truly grim story.


    here are some pictures of the accident, only look if you are not easily upset, especially at the poor guy hanging from the bridge


    judging by how those van drivers act on a daily basis the assumption that he has some blame for the accident would not surprise me, every day when I drive to work, and on my return journey, I run the gauntlet of these morons.

  6. " I understood immediately that it was a jellyfish attack " he says.

    Haha i thought jellyfish were pretty much at the mercy of the current and people just swam into them, according to this they're predatory creatures.

    P.S. i got stung 28 years ago in Penang, Malaysia and it bloody hurt, followed by a night night of urinating every 5mins and hallucinating, an experience i shalln't forget in a hurry.

  7. True some people at Guantanamo are being held for violent activities, others however are being held for being a wanted persons driver or cook, also bear in mind U.S. was an invading force, if someone invaded my country i'd do the right thing and pick up a gun.

    Wonder if the yanks still have a plane waiting for him?

    The transit visas of the crew must have just about run out by now.

    Cant help thinking he may not get much of a fair go in the good old US of A after all how many have they still got banged up in Git-mo and other more secret places for waterboarding and other arobic excercises.

    Can't compare this with Gitmo. Most of those in Gitmo were involved in violent activities during the Afgan war. I don't agree with what happened there, but if you shoot at somebody, you have to deal with the consequences. Now they are crying their rights are being abused...what about the rights of the people who were shot or bombed by them? Two sides to every story...

    As far as Viktor getting a good trial...for sure. He'll have the best lawyer money can buy, as he is a rich guy. The US legal system is fairly good...if you have the cash. And he sure does. It will be a trail for the ages. Maybe as good as OJ Simpson's!

  8. Yeah but in India and Thailand they tend to believe more in reincarnation than road safety, in the west we have bad driving but we know it's not worth risking your life, in developing nations they just think oh maybe thats what god wanted. IDIOTS.

    It is sad but how often it happens throughout Thailand that it doesn't get reported?<BR><BR>I think most of you miss the point except for the part that eight people lost their life! Why shouldn't they speed? Why shouldn't they drink and drive? Do some research on how Thai's get their driver license! As a Thai, what is a flashing red light? what is a flashing yellow light? What is a soiid white line? What is a solid yellow line? Ever see a four way stop at a intersection? What is the speed limit? Should you tailgate? Should you slow down when it rains? The driver is at fault but if you want to blame someone start at the top and that is the government of Thailand transportation Department. Why follow the rules if there is no enforcement?<BR><BR>The system killed these people and will kill again? I read something like out of 1,000 deaths 800 comes from motorbikes? Thai's can't drive! bottom line, take can smile and go straight but anything else they don't have a clue? Now that is Thai bashing!

    Thai drivers aren't that bad despite very little training. Try Morocco and India as driving here is pretty stress free even in Bangkok. Driving in Paris is much worse as I lived there for 8 years and at times wondered why I even bothered having a car as it had a dent in every panel usually as a result of parking it on the street at night and it getting hit by careless drivers.

  9. This is an original idea, it's in Bangkok and called the "Bangkok eye".

    I'm looking forward to the t-shirts, London eye photoshopped to BKK cityscape.

    How about using the 30 billion to improve Bangkok infrastructure before spending money like this on a stupid idea like this....

    Totally agree - complete lack of infrastructure - bloody floods eveytime it rains, so build a ferris wheel, at least you'll be dry if you're on top of it. But at least this ferris wheel builds on the great Thai tradition of - to lazy to think of our own idea, so we'll copy someone elses.

  10. Yeah but the Chinese don't pretend to be upstanding members of intelnational community, by "fighting terrorism and spreading democracy" which in itself is an act of terrorism, the U.S. seem to think they set the perfect example of how a country should behave.

    I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .

    LOLO!!! You mean to tell us that the US is the only country that sells military hardware??? I guess all those French Mirage jets that are part of variuous other countries' arsenals are just US jets in disguise. Then of course there are the Chinese providing all sorts of military hardware to all kinds of questionable states, such as Burma. Military weaponry is a fact of life, unfortunately, and your incessant US bashing just shows an unquestionable anti-US bigotry on your part. How enlightened.

  11. I think it's more a case of not giving a F&%K.

    "The passenger, aged around 20, fired four bullets at the bus driver. He was accompanied by a few friends, and they fled to cross a flyover and took a taxi to escape along Vibhavadi Road."

    And how does that happen? Taxi driver didn't notice a bunch of young guys running away from a probably hectic scene at the bus and think "What is wrong here?"

    They did have a gun....

  12. Although you cant believe Government or Business leaders, what he's saying wouldn't surprise me, everytime i've been there each shop is empty there only seem to be people shopping in the department store bit and lots of people just looking around, people only go there to be seen in a "fancy" location, It's the same in Paragon.

    absolutely--what a crock!! How can anyone believe big government or big business "leaders"??

    The closure of CentralWorld since April has not affected the company's revenues, said Mr Kobchai,

    You have to laugh!

  13. What good leg, by the sound of it he only ever had one leg and lost that in Afghanistan.

    "Benjamin Kragsskjold was severely wounded in Afghanistan two years ago costing him his one leg".

    the bright side, his good leg wasn't crushed in the accident.


    The Insurance policy may have a specific clause excluding 'artificial aids' as does BUPA Travel


    but he was also in lots of pain and he needed to come back anyway.

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