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Posts posted by deadsnoopy

  1. Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

    Stupid "vision"! Get real.

    Get real? Mmmm...let's see, where to start? :)

    - Almost starting a war with Camobodia over a stupid temple?

    - Dumping refugees out in the ocean to torture and then die?

    - Introducing computer crimes act?

    - Southern problems increased drastically?

    - Drug problems increased drastically?

    - Working together with the criminal Sondhi?

    - According to CRES has taken illegal donations?

    - Not allowing the Dalai Lama into Thailand?

    - Deportation of Hmong refugees back to Communist Laos ?

    - Rejecting human rights commisions?

    - Need to go on?

    You forgot ...

    - Forming a coalition government with Newin, who's banned from politics. :D

  2. Hats off to Abisit. This forum is full of self professed experts who can tell exactly what is wrong with almost any topic, person and Abisit as well. I do not recall Abisit advocating that he is infallible. What I do see is that he has done a great job as seeking a political solution against a Para-military action that used innocent peasents as pawns. He has kept a cool head, and he has never given up hope for a peaceful settlement and continues to seek a solution and justice that is good for all Thais, (even if it means his loss of the next election). The man shows vision and foresight and a glimmer of hope for the Thai people. I have seen very little sincere concern for the people from any other politician in Thailand in the last 15 years of self-serving PMs. Sure critics can find fault with Abisit, but he is the best PM by far. He has tabled a proposal that allows the Red's to save face. Yes there are "IFs" and conditions attached to the proposal, as there should be. If the Reds do not play nice, then the deal is off. It looks to me that Abisit is a great leader and the best hope for a nation seeking to mature it's democratic model. Who cares if he is yellow, green or red, a puppet or a visionary... he is what Thailand need most at this time, a catalyst to a new level of maturity for Thailand. I hope that the Thai people see this and support him in future elections. I hope the Red activist seize the chance to promote their cause in the next elections. I pray that the Thai people see their way to a more stable, and humane society reaching a harmony that is right for the people, their values and morals, and to live in happiness and mutual respect.

    I'd take my hat off to Abhisit any day ...as soon as he explains on national television as to why he took a 259 million Baht illegal donation during the last election, and approved it as the chairman of the Democrats. Sure, you can try and smear the opposition party as corrupt, but at least you've got to acknowledge you're just as corrupt. Hands caught in the cookie jar :)

  3. Electoral fraud is rigging an election. The Election Commission recommend the dissolution of the ruling Democrat Party for receiving an illegal 258 million baht donation and the alleged misuse of a 29 million baht political development fund provided by the EC.

    So if I get an illegal donation and then use it to pay for my election, that isn't election fraud? Either way, it's fraud. So basically, we have a fraudulent government and a fraudulent Prime Minister telling the whole country that there might be elections held if everything goes according to them. Great. But thanks for enlightening me. :)

  4. Reply to deadsnoopy.

    Thailand has had democracy for many years, the basis being 'one man one vote'. Just because some people choose to sell their right to democracy to the highest bidder is not the fault of democracy. It is the fault of the seller of their right of a democratic vote.

    Cheers, Rick

    I think the ignore feature will provide better results.

    If you can't counter an argument, just ignore it. It will probably go away. But not really, as we've seen with the PM ignoring the issues of the rural poor. Ignoring works on ThaiVisa, but not in real life. :)

  5. Reply to deadsnoopy.

    Thailand has had democracy for many years, the basis being 'one man one vote'. Just because some people choose to sell their right to democracy to the highest bidder is not the fault of democracy. It is the fault of the seller of their right of a democratic vote.

    Cheers, Rick

    I keep reading about the "vote buying". How sure are you anyways that people will vote for this or that candidate after receiving the money? Nobody in Thailand follows you to the ballot box when you cast your vote. On the contrary, you're required to go alone. So I could take 500 Baht from the chicken party and tell them I'll vote for them, then vote for the peanuts party and nobody would know.

    Sounds plausible?

    OH please! Stop making excuses. At very least, just try pretend to deny that votes were bought rather then making stupid excuses.

    Didn't find a more constructive answer to counter my argument, huh?

  6. Reply to deadsnoopy.

    Thailand has had democracy for many years, the basis being 'one man one vote'. Just because some people choose to sell their right to democracy to the highest bidder is not the fault of democracy. It is the fault of the seller of their right of a democratic vote.

    Cheers, Rick

    I keep reading about the "vote buying". How sure are you anyways that people will vote for this or that candidate after receiving the money? Nobody in Thailand follows you to the ballot box when you cast your vote. On the contrary, you're required to go alone. So I could take 500 Baht from the chicken party and tell them I'll vote for them, then vote for the peanuts party and nobody would know.

    Sounds plausible?

  7. a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera.

    I think you missed the part about there will be no more negotiating with red shirts ... they lost that option after showing their true color.

    Says who? You? Abhisit clearly is negotiating. You understand nothing about how politics work, my friend. Behind the scenes they're drinking coffee and having dinner together while discussing things. It's just a "show" for the "little people".

  8. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    The dissolution move by the electoral commission has nothing to do with election fraud. Read the news before you spout off your ill-informed opinion.

    It's for not reporting a major campaign contribution. Not the same thing at all.

    I did read the issue, and it is electoral fraud. In the last election, the Democrats received 259 million Baht in illegal donations, that they then used in the election. Abhisit was the chairman of the Democrats at the time the donations were received, so he knew everything about it. That's why the Democrats face dissolution and Abhisit faces a 5 year ban from politics. There are the facts, just for you :)

  9. BANGKOK: --Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced Monday night on TV that he will hold the next election on November 14 IF if his roadmap to solve the political problems is not interrupted.

    He said the road map has five elements as following:

    That basically means, any interruption to any of the following points will result in NO ELECTIONS.

    1) All parties concerned must join forces to uphold the monarchy.

    I think all parties agree to this. But what if one party accuses the other of being anti-monarchy, as they have done in the past? This might already result in no elections.

    2) The government will carry out national reform to do away with injustice in the economic and olitical structures.

    As part of the process, the government will provide good social welfare, education, health etc, as well as other things to people suffering from other plights.

    3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

    4) The government will set up an independent committee to investigate the deaths and injuries in clashes between troops, police and protesters on April 10, at Silom and on Vibhavadi Road.

    What if the reforms don't get done in time? Thailand isn't the leader in getting things done on time, especially in politics. So ...meaning no elections?

    No mention of opposition TV and radio stations and websites being unblocked? Okay, let's skip this one.

    How long will the committee take to investigate? The committee on the yellow shirt demonstrations hasn't completed yet, and that's going on for 2 years now. So clearly, if the committee doesn't complete their investigations, there won't be an election?

    5) The government will take actions to study the public feelings of injustice regarding to political system, especially after what happened over last few years, and try to solve the problems.

    Okay, so the government will do a "study" that costs a few hundred million Baht and will tell everyone what everyone already knows. Thailand's political situation is worse than a Banana Circus.

    There are some pretty big IF's in this roadmap. There's no date set for an election, guys. A lot of smoke, no solution, and a lot of people falling for it.

  10. veen_NT

    Weng on PM's proposal: It gives good signal but we have to listen to #redshirts across the country. via @adisaklive

    Doesn't Weng mean "listen to #redshirts OUTSIDE OF the country". We all know there's only ONE redshirt's opinion that will count.

    Guess he's "just getting on a plane" again and they can't get his answer yet. :)

    The PM has taken over a month to come up with this "roadmap" full of "IFs". Why are the red shirts supposed to answer immediately?

    Maybe because they said "all we want is democracy".

    Now they've got it.

    What's to think about?

    Nobody has Democracy. The PM hasn't set a date for an election. He said elections can be held ...IF

    There are some big issues on the "roadmap" and if they don't get fulfilled, some of which the Democrats and the Army are responsible to get them done, there won't be any election. Stupid people that don't understand the statement will believe that an election be held for sure. More educated people understand the true meaning of the statement. It gives the PM a perfect way out in November, saying there won't be elections because this hasn't yet been done or that hasn't yet been done.

  11. veen_NT

    Weng on PM's proposal: It gives good signal but we have to listen to #redshirts across the country. via @adisaklive

    Doesn't Weng mean "listen to #redshirts OUTSIDE OF the country". We all know there's only ONE redshirt's opinion that will count.

    Guess he's "just getting on a plane" again and they can't get his answer yet. :)

    The PM has taken over a month to come up with this "roadmap" full of "IFs". Why are the red shirts supposed to answer immediately?

    Reds can either accept or get crushed

    Take it or leave it

    I fully support the crush

    What crush? The one they've been talking about for the past 6 weeks? :D

  12. veen_NT

    Weng on PM's proposal: It gives good signal but we have to listen to #redshirts across the country. via @adisaklive

    Doesn't Weng mean "listen to #redshirts OUTSIDE OF the country". We all know there's only ONE redshirt's opinion that will count.

    Guess he's "just getting on a plane" again and they can't get his answer yet. :)

    The PM has taken over a month to come up with this "roadmap" full of "IFs". Why are the red shirts supposed to answer immediately?

  13. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    Well, we will all just have to sit and wait to see what the ruling is, won't we. Nothing wrong with hoping for what one hopes for, eh...

    You're really trying hard, it's a pleasure to watch.

    It's sometime that will happen sooner or later. There are 2 scenarios, if the Democrats are indeed dissolved:

    1. The Democrats are dissolved before the elections. What will happen to the election date? Will the Democrats participate in the elections with a new party?

    2. The Democrats are dissolved after the elections. If they win, we'll be at the same point again. They can't rule if they're dissolved. What then? New elections again?

    I'm just saying, as long as the case against the Democrats isn't resolved, the elections will just create even more problems, either way. So the Constitution Court should really pick up their feet and resolve it before the elections.

  14. Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

    BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

    "If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

    Published with written approval from AFP.


    IF..........the biggest word in the English dictionary

    Indeed the IF word i am sure it will take longer as in 9-12 months and after the Military reshuffle

    He needs to make it definate otherwise just hot air!

    Very well observed. So if the army drags their feet on the reshuffle ...or the investigators don't come up with results of the April 10 clashes, etc ...that will be enough reason for no elections to be held.

  15. 3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

    By banning the opposition TV and radio channels? How can there be fair elections under such circumstances?

    Sometimes I think you are stupid and sometimes I think you just write shit to make other posters upset. Do you really think that it will be an election under this conditions if the reds agree and go home? :)

    Abhisit hasn't made it clear yet if he will allow the red TV and radio stations on air again, unban their websites, etc. if the reds go home and the elections can be held. Maybe if he could clarify that, we would know? Just a thought. Because right now, all red TV, radio stations and websites are banned from Thailand. Hardly a situation under which an election can be held fairly.

  16. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

  17. hmm, wonder how he comes back. Served on a silver tray with a red tomato in his mouth?

    Black and white stripes .. complete with handcuffs and legcuffs?

    Its fair to say your statements are nonsense. If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.


    I would think that there would be quite a few people waiting for Thaksin "if" he ever come back to Thailand. Including some pretty heavily armed people ready to take him into custody.

    I really don't think the government would be so stupid to let him just waltz in and drive off with him chums for a little welcome home party.

    That's realistic.

    Given everything that has happened up to date I really don't think the red shirts would be so stupid??

    Given the government's and military's inability to enforce the arrest warrants on the red shirt leaders and their inability to control the situation at Rajprasong and elsewhere in the country, I highly doubt that those "pretty heavily armed people" would be able to arrest Thaksin. Lots of smoke, but no fire.

  18. hmm, wonder how he comes back. Served on a silver tray with a red tomato in his mouth?

    Black and white stripes .. complete with handcuffs and legcuffs?

    Its fair to say your statements are nonsense. If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.

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