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Posts posted by Figglymiggly

  1. It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

    Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

    British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

    French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

    Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

    Just what we think.

    Best regards,

    And Irish???

  2. With financial help from yours truly, my thai wife bought a Nissan Almera in June 2012 and registered for the rebate of 69k in Aug 2012 or thereabouts, haven't received any rebate yet and according to my wife, whenever she calls to check on payment, the stock answer is another month or so, budget run out, or change of government, or awaiting new budget etc etc. Its extremely frustrating listening to all the explanations/excuses. To be honest at various stages ive even entertained the notion that she may have been paid and said nothing to me, but knowing her, i find that very hard to believe. Whats the best course of action at this stage, bearing in mind i dont speak Thai, so im dependant on my wife to pass on the results of her efforts. Any ideas???

  3. Hi all, im an Irish citizen, over 50 yrs old (OAP) and currently on my 5th "O" visa issued in the Uk. Each year i apply, im told that technically speaking, visa's issued by Uk Consulates are strictly for Uk residents, however its been granted to date. If i can list a couple of questions and hopefully some of you guys who seem to be expert on visa issues, may help.

    Firstly, for as long as im issued with Non "O" visas, should i even contemplate changing to a retirement visa and tie up funds un-necessarily? My big fear and its probably the main reason im thinking of a retirement visa, is that the "strictly Uk resident" rule may be enforced.

    Secondly, i have an annual pension amounting to approx 500k baht, (taking a pessimistic stab at exchange rates) which means i'd have to make up the balance of 300k deposited in a Thai bank.

    I have a rented property in Ireland yielding more than the balance of 300k equivalent. Question and obviously i can produce statements proving pension income, however is rental income an acceptable form of making up the balance? I can show the Irish bank account into which the income is paid, plus a copy of a tenants lease?

    I'd appreciate any help on the above.

    I hope I don't tread on the expert's toes here, but I was very disappointed when The Non-Imm O's multiples became harder to get from Hull in the UK.

    The disadvantages with that Visa over retirement Ext ...1) every 90 days you need to leave Thailand, the time and expense is to be considered. (I used to take my TGF on trips to nearby countries and quite enjoyed it). 2) At the end of the Visa you will need to do a UK trip, although you can get 15 months by planning.

    Visa benefits. Not having to go to Immigration each year, dancing through hoops, nor put 800k on deposit was something I liked.

    I used to do at least 1 UK trip annually anyhow.

    Thanks Jacko45k, you're opinion and advice is much appreciated, as i've said in another reply, were it not for guys like you, the site would be a dull, uninteresting place....

    • Like 1
  4. You get your income letter for Thai immigration from the embassy or consulate of your country in Thailand. So your question is really will the Consulate of Ireland in Thailand accept the rental stream as income (and your method of proof of it) to be included in the letter. Different embassies/consulates have different rules of proof of income and some require no proof at all, just a statement.

    Thai immigration will accept the income stated in the letter, if Ireland will! In other words, yes, many people do legitimately use such streams as qualifying income for this purpose.

    So any Irish people with info on the income letter process at your consulate?


    Thanks Jingthing, appreciate the quick reply. I can certainly check with the Consulate here in Bkk, i just wasn't sure if this type of income stream would be acceptable to Thai Immigration, but you confirm it is.

    Thank you again, its guys like you who make this site interesting and great source of info.

  5. Hi all, im an Irish citizen, over 50 yrs old (OAP) and currently on my 5th "O" visa issued in the Uk. Each year i apply, im told that technically speaking, visa's issued by Uk Consulates are strictly for Uk residents, however its been granted to date. If i can list a couple of questions and hopefully some of you guys who seem to be expert on visa issues, may help.

    Firstly, for as long as im issued with Non "O" visas, should i even contemplate changing to a retirement visa and tie up funds un-necessarily? My big fear and its probably the main reason im thinking of a retirement visa, is that the "strictly Uk resident" rule may be enforced.

    Secondly, i have an annual pension amounting to approx 500k baht, (taking a pessimistic stab at exchange rates) which means i'd have to make up the balance of 300k deposited in a Thai bank.

    I have a rented property in Ireland yielding more than the balance of 300k equivalent. Question and obviously i can produce statements proving pension income, however is rental income an acceptable form of making up the balance? I can show the Irish bank account into which the income is paid, plus a copy of a tenants lease?

    I'd appreciate any help on the above.

  6. "In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

    "Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

    A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

    Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

    And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

    BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

    Excellent assessment.......

    • Like 2
  7. Was there any doubt? The election was a failure. The protestors did their job and stopped the election while the police did nothing at all. Government will blame the EC for this but the fact is the police failed miserably in their jobs to protect the polling stations.

    My understanding of the legalities is that the police could not/ can not intervene in the election process, albeit for security reasons. The strange situation that obtains is that they must be "invited" to ensure security on the day, which of course everyone knows wasn't going to happen, as the EC themselves were determined to disrupt the election, The EC did not call on the services of security forces.

    • Like 2
  8. time for the people

    to rise up against these thugsnis justice enough. The self anointed and their army hangers on ponce about, seemingly untouchable.

    They don't pursue justice for all. They are just mafia.

    They seek confrontation just so the army will roll the tanks.

    The old maxim "Be careful what you seek"

    Agree! I thought the most revealing part of the report states that the PDRC guards and soldiers opened fire, i thought all the PDRC guards were unarmed and likewise the soldiers? This incident proves beyond doubt, and is now accepted by most as fact, that PDRC guards ARE armed and also that armed soldiers have been given orders to embed with the PDRC.

    Given the above report, how can Thai Courts still maintain that the movement is unarmed and peaceful?

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  9. There is a gov't website that your gf can go to to access all the details of her rebate - it basically will show at what stage in the process it is at. The details are in the paperwork she got when she made the application. Sorry, the missus is not around so can't give you more detail right now.

    Im grateful for the reply Upnotover and i would appreciate any further light the wife could throw on this. Really what im concerned about is the possibility that the g/f has received the rebate and said nothing, though i'd be gobsmacked if so, but stranger things have happened i guess! Have you heard of such a delay with anyone else?

    Thanks again for taking the trouble

    She's back! The website is here, https://firstcar.excise.go.th/

    Your gf needs to enter various references and eventually will get to a page which shows which stages of the process have been passed and which are still to come. In my wife's case it took 13 months to get rejected, she'd had an old car registered in her name before!

    Much obliged, pity she didnt qualify....

  10. There is a gov't website that your gf can go to to access all the details of her rebate - it basically will show at what stage in the process it is at. The details are in the paperwork she got when she made the application. Sorry, the missus is not around so can't give you more detail right now.

    Im grateful for the reply Upnotover and i would appreciate any further light the wife could throw on this. Really what im concerned about is the possibility that the g/f has received the rebate and said nothing, though i'd be gobsmacked if so, but stranger things have happened i guess! Have you heard of such a delay with anyone else?

    Thanks again for taking the trouble

  11. This subject has probably been flogged to death and i realize the scheme ended last year. I need to know if there is anyone else out there in the same situation as myself. In June 2012 i advanced almost 100K as a deposit on a new Almera car the g/f was buying. Apparently the documents were registered in July some time, or so im told and was assured a tax rebate of 69K would be paid to my g/f in Sept 2013. According to my g/f she hasn't received the rebate to date, almost 18mths after registration. She tells me she has been top the tax office and told that due to the ongoing problems of Government dissolution etc, there is no money there and she will have to wait. She tells me the guy in the tax office text her to update. Question, anyone else waiting as long as this for the rebate, is it normal for the tax office to text people and finally, should i be concerned the g/f got the rebate but pocketed the money. I'd hate to think so because she' very honest in most things financial. At this stage i really dont know what to think.

    Thanks for any help on this.

  12. Who the hell is this guy?

    He is Suthep Thaugsuban's step-son. He studied at St. Gabriel's School in Bangkok, spent some time studying in Australia, and later studied at Oxford University. He has been directly involved with the democrats since about 2009.

    Wow, well in that case guess who'll be getting a big job with plenty of "opportunity" in Khun Suthep's people's council....whatever that is.

    • Like 2
  13. My Thai g/f bought her new car in June/July 2012 and had it registered for the tax rebate i think in Aug, a Nissan Almera. She was told she should get the rebate of 69k in Sept this year 2013, however we are now heading into Dec and nothing yet. I can understand some delays, but does anybody have any idea why its delayed so long, anyone out there in a similar situation?

  14. RT @tulsathit: Criminal court has approved warrant for Suthep arrest. via @jin_nation

    Well, we can now wait for the moment when the BIB try to put handcuffs on the guy. Should get interesting to say the least.

    The question should be, who dare to walk into the crowd and drag him out. I'm certain that wouldn't be a nice affairs don't you think?

    Would be nice to think that there existed within the Thai military a crack unit who could "deal" with him just as Seal 6 did with Bin Laden.

    They done it with Sah Daeng....maybe they'll repeat the performance?

  15. "Meanwhile, the anti-government STR group has moved closer toward the Government House and is now occupying the Nang Lerng intersection, which is just a few minutes by foot from the prime minister's office. They were told by a senior police officer that they were violating the Internal Security Act and could face a year in prison and/or a fine of Bt20,000. The officer, who was booed away by the crowds, later returned to present a letter of warning to the protest leader."

    Is it me or is Thailand starting to sound like a Monty Python skit?

    Police: Your violating the Internal security Act

    Red Mob: Oh no were not

    Police: You will have to move

    Red Mob: Oh no we don't

    Police: I wont tell you again

    Red Mobe: Booo Boo booo

    Police: Well we will be off then

    The ANTI-government SRT group is "Red Mob"....?????

    • Like 1
  16. Now im worried! I normally renew my Non O in late Dec on the basis of visiting friends in Thailand, i do this through the Hull Consulate. Im 68yrs old and have an old age pension of approx 45K Baht, proof of which i forward to the Consulate with my annual application. Hearing various things about rule changes etc, i phoned the consulate in Hull about 1 week ago and was told theres been a change in the rules so this year my application has to be approved and issued by the Embassy in London, no mention was made of any increased amount being required, ie 70k. Im now wondering if this new change happened since i spoke with them last week, or does the fact that im 68yrs get me over that requirement. Would be very grateful for any help on this.


  17. Bangkok Bank will let a tourist open an account.

    They'll also give you an FCD account to move your US or UK money over and leave it in that currency to be exchanged when you need it. No charge.

    Thanks for the reply Malthus101, just to clarify and forgive the ignorance, on my return to Bkk will they accept the funds by way of cheque which i would be carrying with me, as distinct from transferring the funds electronically, and approx how long would clearance take? Also, would a cheque (not cash) for the amount of 110K sterling, need to be declared at customs on my return?

  18. Hi all, an urgent question on banking for all you more knowledgeable people out there. Im an Irish national live in Thailand on a Non O visa, i'll be travelling to Turkey in a couple of days to conclude a deal for my house there and i've asked that the proceeds are paid to me in British Pounds. Now im sure i could open a Stg account in Turkey and deposit it there, but living in Thailand thats of little use in terms of access etc, i'd prefer not to get involved in transferring occasional amounts from a Stg acc in a Turkish bank to an acc here in Bangkok bank, given the fee's both ways, exchange rates etc. I'd probably lose too much that way. So finally heres the question, if i take a cheque from a Turkish bank back to Bkk with me (around 110K sterling), can i lodge that in a british pound acc which i would open at that stage. Will Bangkok bank accept the cheque, how long would it take to clear and what kind of fee's would they charge? If sometime in the future i wanted to repatriate that same amount back home in Stg, can i do so again and what fee's apply. Sorry for the long-winded post, im not that familiar with banking procedure here. Thanks for any help you can give.

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