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Everything posted by himmel

  1. Yes she did, and that it was on the thyroid.
  2. Quick update, went to Lamplaimat Hospital yesterday, after waiting 3.5 hours to see the Doctor she could not diagnose with a blood test, but we would have to wait 2-3 hours for the result, we have a appointment for the 3rd July for the result of the test.
  3. Sheryl ,Thanks for your quick response, after reading it to my wife she feels more assured, and we will be going to Lamplaimat hospital next week. Thanks
  4. Hi, my wife has had a slight swelling on the side of her neck for over a year, I've googled this and have come to the conclusion it could a Goiter on the thyroid gland, she is reluctant to see a Doctor, any suggestions would be grateful, ie Government hospital, we are Lamplaimat, Burriram area. Thanks.
  5. So its been several months now since i posted, my problem resolved its self over a couple of months, during this time I was still doing exercises while lying on the sofa, with a 3k kettle bell, straight arm lifts, arm curls, also doing as much as I could with my legs and feet, I couldn't use my treadmill, I'm telling you this because off my other ailments, I suffer from, Emphysema, Pulmonary Artery Disease, {,taking one Aspirin a day} and worst of all Apathy, at times I have to force myself to keeping up with my exercises. Use it or Lose it.
  6. Here we go again, yes she can!! no she cant!! bs!! yes she can, no she cant, bs.
  7. Hi, Well I went back to the DR on Saturday, because my back was still sore, so he change the tablets, now I have minimal pain to nil pain, but I will be very causes, no lifting things for the next week or so.
  8. Thanks for the prompt reply's, I will go the Anti inflammatory route,with heat pad, I already got some Tiger Balm Medicated Plasters, 6"by 8" to stick to my back, I will get the rest tomorrow. Sheryl regarding tablets advice taken, will keep you all updated. Thanks.
  9. I'm, 79 three weeks ago I crocked my back doing light exercise, I was taking Paracetamol but it didn't help, so after a week went to see Dr was given an injection and tablets the injection and tablets did nothing for the pain, so my Wife got some tablets on the black market, these have done nothing except upset my stomach, Its very sore when I get up in the morning, I would apricate any surjections. I'm in Lamplaimat, Buriram . Thanks in advance.
  10. Topt, if you read Kannikap post you will see he's referring to his UK will so its obvious that I'm taking about a UK will, don't know how to quote, what's confusing, perhaps you would like to elaborate or answer some of the questions yourself,
  11. Not much help if your not going to answer questions.
  12. Thanks for your reply Kannikap, Solicitor, so your Solicitor will Execute your will, did you give him details of your Utilities, Bank, ect, will he except copy's of your will from your Siblings, or want Notarized ones, did you already have a solicitor or choose one at random, is your will Notarized, what about death Certs, how many would one need for Utilities, 2, 4, would your wife have to get these Notarized in Thailand, or send one to UK Solicitor that was Notarized, and the Solicitor would send copy's to the revertant Utilities. Have you given your Solicitor Power of Attorney to divide your estate to your siblings, Sorry to ask so much but my Wife cant read or write English so there would be no point in anyone asking her for information. Thanks
  13. Ok, after making your UK will here in Thailand what's the next move,, register it with a UK solicitor, baring in mind that UK courts only except originals, would you keep a copy for yourself, and send the original to a solicitor in the UK if you could find one, ( i had difficulty finding one when i sold my UK flat in Nov last year because i lived in Thailand) same appleys to Death Cert, how many, Bank, Gov Pension, Privat Pension, Tax Man, Accountant , Can a UK solicitor Execute my will, as it is a daunting task for a member of the family if they don't live in the UK, I'm just putting out feelers as I'm 78 years young
  14. /
  15. Hi I've been emailing Prime with a problem, for a week,TV Guide won't work channels come up,click on channel N/A shows, reverts back to sign in again, they just don't answer, anyone else experience these problems.
  16. Well ill throw my eggs in the basket, mine took 6 days Funded June 01, Paid out June 06
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