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Everything posted by NK012

  1. they at least need to put those huge planks of steel over it or something. Anything.
  2. someone should have put a tree branch in there
  3. The price would have been nice to post in the article. I'm sure it'll be like 3-3500 baht or so anyway. Just wanted to know, though. Will just call.
  4. I get that but if its some emergency or whatever , yea it could be eaten. Lot of the fake patties taste fine or even better than chicken to me. At least the ones I've tried.
  5. Being vegetarian for ethical reasons and then eating fake chicken doesn't seem hypocritical to me. I think they're just splitting hairs and trying to be difficult now. In the end, its not chicken. End of story. If it looks like chicken, so what. They shaped vegetable matter into a chicken like appearance / texture or whatever only. But hey, guess what? Its still not dead chicken meat. So because it looks like chicken meat they're being hypocritical? They didn't kill a chicken, though, so I call bs. And guess what? Vegetarians don't care how b***hurt meat eaters seem to be about it.
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